Tomorrow our church is having a potluck. So I thought I would make homemade ice cream. The husband loves homemade ice cream and I've only made it twice since we've been married. And I hear 'bout it frequently during the summer months. I mentioned to the husband that I was going to make it for church. Of course he made a smart remark about me not even knowing where the maker was. And I knew right where it was, I just never let on to him that I knew. Cause then I would have to hear about it all over again.
So this morning I pulled out my mom's recipe and the maker. After a quick call to the mom for some last minute advice,
since it had been probably 8 years since I've made it, it was off to the store to buy the ingredients.
Late afternoon, the buzz of the maker filled the house. It was actually pretty annoying. Had to turn the tv up real loud to drown out the noise. But it didn't take long and the long awaited ice cream was made. I took a little sample and my, my it was pretty darn good. And that is saying a lot 'cause I have never been a homemade ice cream lover.

But then I felt bad for the husband because I would be takin' it to church so I baked him a pecan pie.

Then I cooked him steaks out on the grill.
He called on his way home to see how my day went. I told him he had homemade ice cream and pecan pie waiting for him. His first response was, "Yeah, right." Then it went to, "So what did you do?" Then, "Did you go shopping today?" And lastly, "Did you buy that horse?" I answered no to all the above. Told him I was just being nice and he still didn't believe me.
He got home and ate supper. Then I made him a bowl of pie with ice cream on top.

You couldn't tell it by the picture, but he liked it a little. But he told me the ice cream and pie were bad and shouldn't be takin' to church. We could stop at Wal-Mart in the morning and pick something up for the potluck. I told him no, the ice cream was going. Then I got a pouty face. Too bad the camera wasn't available for that reaction. It was priceless.