Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Class 2: Shutter and Aperture
This week was shutter, aperture and ISO settings. Click here to view the notes.
If you have any questions, you can ask. Doesn't mean I will have the slightest idea how to answer but you can ask! Or if you don't want me to post the class info, tell me that too.
This week's assignment: Illustrate hot.
The Effects of a Crippled Horse.....

Monday, September 29, 2008
Busy Weekend

A picture of Sally. The husband keeps asking me why I am fascinated with taking eyeball pictures. He doesn't understand it. I told him I was trying to be artistic. You can imagine the look I got after that statement.
Now that I have to take pictures for class, I never find anything to shoot. It is very frustrating. I was cleaning the saddle Saturday and took this picture. I like the pattern of the seat.

And I have a thing for sepia right now. Just like the effect it has on the photo. But what do I know, really. But hopefully, I will be more knowledgeable after this class. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
**Don't forget to sign up for the giveaway if you haven't had the chance. Everyone needs a tiara!**
Friday, September 26, 2008
Not Deserving but Grateful (Giveaway!)

Wear your tiara proud!
Hello, People! I'm Royalty!

A cat of some sort.
And lastly, my baseball cap.
So my first instinct would be that they realize the fact that I am a princess and should be treated as such. And yet, this week I receive this in an email from one of 'em....

Oh the lack of respect for the crown.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Our Favorite Things

Also, my favorite pair of shoes. The soles are cracked so I can't wear them when it rains. And the insides are falling apart but I just love them. The husband has tried to find me replacements, but none are the same.
I love my Dreamer Candle. It smells great and fills the entire house. I'm pretty much a candle nut but this one is my favorite.
Last on my favorite list is......being treated like a princess! Yes, that is my favorite. The husband does a great job spoiling me. Didn't know I was royalty did ya?
I asked the husband to give me his favorites list. Of course after all the "man-like" remarks, which I insisted I could not put on the blog, he came up with these.
Dublin Dr. Pepper. It is made close to our hometown. The difference between Dublin DP and regular DP.....pure cane sugar. So the husband is not allowed to drink them after about 8pm cause he gets a sugar high and drives me nuts!
He also loves snickerdoodles. When we receive cookies at work, I always take a few of the snickerdoodles out and take them home for him.

He loves to get haircuts. He says they just make him feel better.
Well, that's our favorite things. What is your favorite thing in the whole wide world?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Photography Class

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Busy Buckin' Weekend!
Here's the load we came home with...40 heavy duty bull panels. And believe me, they are heavy. The husband and I unloaded all of them. He did most of the work, I helped all I could.
Saturday morning we got the alley and holding pen set up. We managed to get all the calves in the pen with a little feed. Feed is always the magical component when wrangling our cattle. After they settled, we loaded them up and headed for our favorite town to buck em.
This a.m. was the big moment. It was their time to shine. We bucked the little heifers first, than the bulls. Here are a few them in action.......
This is a little heifer out of one of our longhorns. She really tried. We didn't get it on film but when the husband was trying to get her out of the arena, she went after him. I didn't know he had those moves in him.
This little girl is out of our broke leg cow. Well, her leg isn't broke anymore, she is doing awesome. Her baby tried real hard.
I saved the best for last. I want to introduce you to Tadpole. He's out of another one of my longhorns. We didn't have any intentions on weaning Tadpole this go around cause he is so small. But he just wouldn't cooperate and leave the pen. We were worried the bigger calves would bully him off feed but Tadpole holds his own. He gets right in there and makes em move over. Tadpole seems to cause problems. He never wants to go the way you need him to, kinda runs blindly in a scared state! The husband has cussed him on numerous occasions and was hoping to take him to the sale barn. But after the try he showed today, I think he's staying with us. Sorry husband!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Back Home
She was so excited. She snorted and smelled all around. Then made her way out into the pasture. I watched her and Sally for a bit then went inside the house. I kept looking out the window to check on her. She was content and grazing.
Fun Quiz
You Are Clogs |
![]() You are a solid and down to earth person. You seek – and almost always achieve – a really sound balance in your life. You are stylish yet comfortable. Mellow but driven. Excited yet calm. You are the perfect mesh of contradictions. No matter what happens, you have the ability to stay well grounded in your life. People know that they can truly depend on you. You should live: In Europe You should work: At a company dedicated to helping the world |
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My Out of Town Man

Monday, September 15, 2008
Out of Town Update

Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Husband's Home Alone

I'm not going across the border cause I would be the one that gets put in the Mexican jail for reasons unbeknownst to me. That's just my luck and I'm not going to press it here.
I think he really wanted me to stay because while I'm gone, he has to feed all the animals. He made several comments about having to feed everything. So I'm thinking that was more of a reason to keep me around then the mexican bandito fear!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Hurricane Ike
Even with tropical winds, our power went out about 9am this morning. We were out trying to make a shelter for the calves in the pen. We managed to get some tarps up along the fence to cut the wind and rain. Got soakin' wet in the process. And the little turds aren't even using the shelter! Here's what they look like right now......
Now, if they would go to the other side of the pen, the wind and the rain would be blocked, but nooooo, they can't do that.
We also had to go to town this morning to pick up a cow and calf at the sale barn. By the time we reached the sale barn, the tarp on the top of our stock trailer was shredded. It was flapping down the side. So once we got there, we had to cut the remaining shreds off.
But back to the cow and calf we picked up. This is a strange story. We sold the cow back in March. The guy that bought her brought her back with a bull calf. Some guys at the sale barn recognized our cow and called the husband. Said the cow had a nice little bull calf on her side and thought we would want to know. The husband asked them to bid on her and buy her back if the price was right. He figured that it was so weird how she and the bull calf came back to us, we'd better buy them back. The cow didn't have our brand on her and the husband cut her ear tag out before we sold her. So it was just odd that she made it back to us. The bull calf is out of a bucking bull we had bred with earlier this year. The husband plans on bucking the calf towards the end of the year and see what he does. If he bucks, we'll keep him, if not, it will go back to the sale. Me, I think he'll buck. Why else would he have been brought back into our life?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Dangers of Grilling

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Meat, Meat and More Meat!
Boss Hog sucked as a bucking bull, I hope he excels at being a good steak! Can you guess what we're having for supper?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
High Water Rescue

Alright....so these were re-enactment photos. The husband was putting out minerals when I got the tub out of the tank. He happen to see me as I was calf high in mud reeeeeaaaaaching for the tub. When I brought it back to the truck, he told he to go back to the tank and do it again. So I did but I didn't go nearly as far out the second time. You can see the mud up the side of my leg from the original attempt.
Having a blog has really changed the way we do things. I seem to always have the camera with me just in case. And I am always tellin' the husband to "hold on cause I gotta get this photo!"
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Lotta Mooin' Goin' On

We've got some upset mommas and babies. They sit at the fence and cry to each other. Such a pitiful sight.
I thought I would share with ya what it's been like at my house. Take a listen..........
Yesterday evening, I got home to find two renegade mothers out of the pasture. Think they were planning a prison break for the little ones. But I caught them in the nick of time.
This morning was a lot quieter. I think they are settlin' down. We'll see what I come home to this evening. They may have been plotting this morning. Lullin' me into a false belief that they are truly coming to grips with their current situation. Hmmmmm.....sneaky suckers!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sortin' Cattle