I take pride in my grilling abilities. I was a Campfire girl for goodness sake! We dug holes and cooked in the ground. I love the orange glow of perfect coals. It's just my thing.
Saturday evening, I was preparing the grill to cook Boss Hog steaks. An hour prior to the husband getting home, I started the coals. Just enough time to get them nice and ready. I built my little pyramid of briquets and sprayed a little lighter fluid on the pile, lit it and let it be. I went about my business outside, burning trash, letting the horse out in the yard to graze, etc. About 30 minutes later, I checked the progress of my coals. They were not up to par, so I decided to light them up again.
I sprayed a good bit of fluid over them and lit them up again. HOLY MOTHER OF FLAME, the fireball that erupted towards my face was nothing like I'd ever seen before.

WHAT IS THAT? Singed hair drifting down into my face?? I slap my hands to my eyebrows. Please let my eyebrows be there. Yeah, eyebrows. OH CRAP, BANGS! Slapping the top of my head begins. Yep, it was the bangs! I slowly walk over to the truck and look at the after effect. I was wondering if I was going to have to wear a cap for awhile but it wasn't too horrible.
The husband got home and we ate our yummy steaks. I finally decided to tell him the story of the massive fireball that I managed to live through. I explained it like Backdraft. You don't open that door! He couldn't believe it. Then he looked closely at my hair and said "Yep, you burned it! Your hair dresser is going to be mad at you."
I managed to fix it for church this morning so it looked like nothing happened. All's well that ends well. GRILL ON! But use caution! Trust me!
ROTFL!! Holy cow, glad you are okay! Sounds so like something I would do!
KW-It's always something with me!
BTW at church yesterday, I picked up the Cowboy Times and saw your hubby and his winning ranch rodeo team!
whooooooaaaaa! Careful Lady!
See this is why I stick to the microwave! Haha not really...but kinda...
Relighting a grilling fire with lighter fluid is kinda like relighting a smoking firecracker.....DON'T DO IT!!
I had a girlfriend that used to get rid of her split ends by burning them off with match.....you just kinda took it to a new extreme......
Glad you are ok, tard.....p
I'm sorry about your grilling "accident." I hope your hair suffered no permenant damage?!
Your true blonde was coming out until you burned them off.
Whoa there, girl scout! Sounds like scary fun!
Lucky you didn't burn your eyebrows right off!
And this is why I do not cook!
Once when I was in Jamaica, in the height of the big hair days, I was curling my bangs....I smelled something unfortunate, and by the time I realized it was my hair, my bangs had melted right off my head!
There was a power surge and it got so hot, shazzam---burned off bangs. The whole curing iron came away with all my hair wrapped around it.
I did get a bottle of champagne from the resort over it, but hair would have been better
CMAU!! (I made that up!!) If you can't figure it out email me and I will tell you!!
I was laughing so hard! My hubby had to come see what I was reading!! I too love to grill! I hate lighting ours! It is a gas grill that my husband never hooked the "electric ignition up!" SCARY!!
glad you are ok. For coals - I have this canister that you put the coals/light/let get hot and then dump - its a GREAT accessory - of course, now I can't find one on line to send you a link - be safe grill mistress!
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