So what happens to a bull that doesn't buck....well, this time, he becomes our evening meal. Boss Hog was quite the disappointment when it came to buckin'. He was the laziest bull I have ever seen. If he wasn't eating, he was laying down. So when it came time to make a decision about what to do with him, we decided he would be the perfect steak. So late yesterday evening, we loaded him up and took him to the packers.
I kinda felt bad. But then I remembered the prices of meat at the grocery store.....

Bye Boss Hog! I will have fond memories of you every time I eat a burger or steak or stew or ground hamburger or well you get the idea!
Now, let me tell you about Priss, Super Horse. We rebandaged her leg yesterday. Gave her shots and cleaned all her other wounds. She was a champ during the whole process. Still has her ornariness so I know she is going to be okay.

Anyways, back to Super Horse.....We pull in to the house after dropping Boss Hog off. It was late and dark. Just so happens our barn lights quit working the night Priss got hurt. So the husband parked with the truck lights shining in. I watched him go into the barn and stand, looking at Priss' stall. He had this dumbfounded look on his face and raised his hands up. I got out of the truck and yelled what is it. He said Priss is gone. WHAT?? I knew I closed her gate earlier. Cause I have been known to leave a gate open. Okay, just once, but once was enough. So I go around to her stall and see that the panel we used to close her in on the backside was busted down. How in the world did she do that? It was tied in 6 places! Luckily, we had closed the gate to the pasture before we left so she was contained in a small area behind the stalls. But when we went to catch her, she tried running from us. Doesn't she know her back tendon is severed! Hello! We managed to get her back in the stall, much to her disappointment, and reinforce the panel.
This is what we came home to, her empty stall.
I found the panel laying in the back pen. Looks like Super Horse busted it down.

Found her near the gate to the pasture with Sally, the paint. She so wanted to escape her confinement!