Friday, May 30, 2008
Down to the wire...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Ranch Rodeo Part II
You may look at them and say, look like chaps to me, but they are not. Chinks only come down past your knee. They don't cover your entire leg like chaps do. As you can see, my lovely pair have been broke in rather well. My brother sent them to me from the feedyard. Not only do they look rough, they smelt to high heaven. I hung them in the laundry room at first. Finally, the husband said they had to go and took them to the barn. I happen to wear my rain jacket that was hanging next to them and boy was that thing rank. Shoo wee! I think I would rather get wet then have that hood over my head!
Oh, have I mentioned it is going to be 90+ degrees this weekend. Not only am I wearing a long sleeve BLACK shirt, but will have leather chinks strapped to my legs. Hmmmm, I may really stink from sweating but my good 'ol chinks will mask the odor. Figured that would come in handy sometime.
Alright, let's see what my next item is.....
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Upcoming Ranch Rodeo
For the next few days, I am going to provide you with a description of the accoutrement's that are needed for this endeavor. So let us begin with what I believe is the most fashionable and chic accessory I have...............
And then we have.............
the straw hat with a feather. Must have a feather. I really wanted a turkey feather but couldn't find one. So I had to suck it up and put this thing in my hat. Oh well, still the punchiest girl around these here parts.
I see the hat as serving two main purposes. It provides excellent shade for the face and neck, as well as, allows me to go a day without brushing my hair. Oh yeah! Major plus!
Okie dokie cowpokies, tomorrow I will fill you in on a couple more items. I bet you didn't know accessories and wardrobe were such a major focal point to a ranch rodeo. Well, they probably aren't for most but for a women's ranch rodeo...........come on, what do you expect!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A Blogger Lesson
Since I am new to the blogging, I figure many of you are new to it as well. So I thought I would give you a quick lesson on commenting. First, as you see below this post, as with most of them, there is a o Comment link. Just click on the link and a comment screen will appear. All you have to do is type your lovely remarks about the blog then enter the security letters to make sure you're not no spammer or something. Than you can go to the Name/URL button or Ain't Gonna Tell You My Name button, enter what you wish, hit the publish button and you're done. easy is that.
So now that you've been lessoned, I hope to hear from ya.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Here Come the Bulls
I was pretty proud cause he's out of what the husband calls "my lawn ornaments." His momma is one of my longhorns. Plus he was bellerin' the whole time he bucked. I love that! I had told the husband that he was going to surprise him but he didn't believe me. Just goes to show he needs to start listening to me more.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Moody Women

Thursday, May 22, 2008
New Interest

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Not a soul but me on the road. Isn't that nice and peaceful. No honking or evil glares, no finger waving or tailgating, just a long stretch of open road. These city folk don't know what they're missin'! You can take all your stores and restaraunts. I got a chicken place 12 miles down the road or a pizza place 10 miles the other way. And you know what, it will take me only 15 minutes or less to get to each. Took me over 30 minutes to get 5 miles in the city. That's just a cryin' shame. It's so good to be home!
Plus the Husband has missed me so. He said he checked the blog every night to see if I had posted anything. Ain't that sweet. And he hasn't been able to sleep since I've been gone. He was so happy to see me. I think he is just delirious from exhaustion. Oh well, I'll take it however it comes. Gotta tuck the Husband in, blog at ya later!
Monday, May 19, 2008

The Big City
WHAT THE HECK!!! I may speak funny and call things by different names but handicap.....I look around to see if there are buttons on the other doors....NOPE! Oh well, I would rather be "handicapped" than live in this rat race.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Fast forward to this evening. We happen to drive past and lookie lookie who's by the fence. I ease out of the truck and jump on the back and this is what I got......

Yeah Me! Mission completed!
New Peeps at the Place

Everyone say hello to my Big Brother.
We also had some calves born.

I just love new babies. They're so cute. Just want to hug 'em and squeeze 'em and pet 'em and the husband says, "Buck 'em!" Whatever...........
Saturday, May 17, 2008
The Mission Continues......

See....they were hiding.

This one even tried to camouflage itself. Sneaky little sucker!

"Hey, we'll let you take our close-ups." Thanks but no thanks!

There goes momma with the baby.

"Dude, you're hand stinks!"
#1 Thing I Hate

I know we're suppose to love all God's creatures but I say, "Death to the fire ants!"
Grass Cuttin'
Friday, May 16, 2008
On a Mission
Today when I came in, I thought maybe she would be waiting for me by the road, all proud to show me her baby. NOT! Still in the back. What is up with this momma? All mothers want their babies pictures taken. I was all prepared too. Had the camera turned on, rolled down the window, finger hovering ever so slightly over the button. What disappointment. Then the Husband calls and asks, "Did you get the picture?" NO!
So this weekend, it is my mission to take a picture of the baby buffalo. By Monday morning, a photo of the baby will be published on my blog. If I have to go climb thru the fence and chase the sucker down, it will be done. Wish me luck!
Morning Sunshine!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I Get No Respect....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Thunder & Lightnin', Very, Very Frightnin'
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Working Cattle
Preacher man after working the calves.
Our sweet innocent calves......
My cattle working crew...Pops, the husband, preacher man, and our BFF Dino.

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Fence Repair
My Mother's Day Flowers for You......

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Product of the Day.....
Thursday, May 8, 2008