Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sir Limps Alot

The husband made it home yesterday with Death Wish. He said he didn't want to bring 'em home. He was still pretty upset at him. He threatened to take DW to the sale barn Tuesday night after their "incident" but rent-a-husband wouldn't let him.

The husband is hobblin' around. His ankle and leg are swollen. He said the bone feels a little funny yet he won't go to the doctor. He told me not to touch it. I am trying to talk him into going to get xrays. But the hubby doesn't have insurance (partly my fault). When he was laid off earlier this year, we thought he would be gettin' on at another company pretty quickly so I didn't add him to my policy. But he hasn't and I didn't so he has no coverage. I told him to go to the ER like other non-insured people but he said no. He doesn't want another bill. Whatever.

Last night, before going to bed, he said his leg was feelin' better. (insert my eyes rollin') My response, "Then let me kick it." Okay, so I'm no Nurse Nightingale. I was trying to make a point. This morning he said it was better cause it wasn't swollen. I just looked at him. He's been in bed all night, I wouldn't expect it to be swollen. I told him that if it wasn't swollen this evening after he's been on it all day, then I would think it was better. (insert HIS eyes rollin')


Mrs.C said...

Men can be so danged stubborn about going to doctors or the ER! Believe me, I know. Hopefully it isn't broken, and just needs time to heal.

Tell him to cowboy up and go get it checked out!

Paula said...

I guess Hubby is feeling up to receiving some blog abuse? Hog tie the scoundral and drag his hiney to the dr.! hehe

texasnascarcowgirl said...

Whew, glad to know he is gonna live. I dont' blame him on wanting to take DW to the sale barn, I woulda done it. haha I threaten my horses with the glue factory all the time. They don't believe me. haha

Jamie said...

I'm with Paula and Mrs the Dr. with hubby!

Shirley said...

At least wrap it with a support bandage! Maybe put some horse liniment on it too. If it was broken, there would be bruising over the broken bone. If you can get some peppermint oil (preferably Young Living brand) put that on too; it is a strong anti-inflammatory and pain killer.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

I agree with Shirley , at the very least support it !

Unknown said...

Yeesh. It could be tendons torn and those take a long time to heal. Been there done that, it's not fun.

Anonymous said...

Even if he had insurance he still be fighting you! Seems as if they really can't walk before they will go and then some. Beats the heck out of me why they do that! I agree with the rest of them slap some liniment on and wrap it and see what happens.
Good luck on holding that cowboy down!

Maria said...

I hope nothing is broken & heals soon, may be just bruised the bone real bad.
I have found you have to be careful what you name animals - they tend to try to live up to them .... of course in your business I guess that's what you wanted, just not hubby's leg.

Country Whispers said...

Men can be & ARE so stubborn!
Hope he's alright!

Lil Mama said...

My policy is. If your stupid enough not to go to the Dr. you can just suffer. It's like A-hole tax.
As you can see, I too am a very compasionate lady.

Andrea said...

Men are so stubborn. I hope his leg is less swollen tonight!! My husband cut his finger a while back helping the boys with a cub scout car and you could see bone!! he was bleeding all over, and after two hours and still more blood I finally got him to go to the ER. 10 stitches later!!

I hope he takes it easy today and gets to feeling better.

Reddirt Woman said...

Tell the hubs YOU want to make sure that there is no hairline fractures or nerve damage... cause if there is it could be a lot more suffering down the line..

Men. They piss and moan that they don't want to go to the doc and your the ones that have to

A. listen to their pissing and moaning,

B.have to take care of them for longer that you woule probably have to if they'd just bit the bullet and gone to get it checked.


lisa said...

In my family it is the opposite, I am the stubborn one and the husband wants to go the doctor when he or the kids get a runny nose!

Paige said...

Im the same way--hard to get me to the doc/hospital unless there isa bone sticking out

How is it now?

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Well I've had the same thing with getting my Hubby to the Dr...But since he has been so sick I didn't have to fight him to hard...

That stinks about your insurance issue, I see why he is saying that but I still agree with you...We women stick together!! Right!! And we are always right!!