Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Death Wish

This is Death Wish.

The husband took him to a jackpot this evening. Wanted to see how he bucked with a rider. The bull is only three and we would like to get him sold.

Well, I got a call from the husband about an hour ago. He said Death Wish got him down in the back pen and hooked him pretty good. I asked if he was okay. He said yeah, he didn't think he broke his leg cause he could still walk on it. Lord have mercy! This is why the husband needs constant supervision!

Death Wish still hadn't bucked yet. So he was sittin' there waiting. Then he said the guys were loading him into the chutes and had to go. Now I sit and wait to find out how Death Wish did and if the husband is going to try and drive home tonight. I will recommend he stay the night and come back tomorrow. Never a dull moment round here.


lisa said...

Hope everything goes well! Good luck in selling Death Wish and it sure sounds like an apt name for him!

Unknown said...

Ouch what a sucker. I got something for death wish. An old farmer that used to raise bulls around here said he would train them to lead by tying them to a donkey for a few days. The donkey would kick and the bull would have to pull this dead weight donkey around all day. Eventually the bull would give up and follow around the donkey because it was easier than pulling it everywhere. When the donkey went to drink the bull bellied up because it never knew when the donkey was gonna go back for more.
After a few days/a week of this any of his cows/steers/bulls would lead like a charm.

The Wildwood said...

Oh my he better be careful! I would hate for him to get sick and wind up in the hospital like I did! I must. Say Death Wish looks cute in his photo....guess you can't go by looks! :0

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Sorry to hear hubby got nailed . Tough guy though huh? gonna walk it off? I was rased by one just like that .My dad went arse over teakettle when a steer cut his horse off. Finished loading cattle then drove them in to the home place. 3 days later when the whole side of his head was purple he said "maybe I should get checked out" Ya think?

Unknown said...

I really do not like his name and you need to change it! LOL! What a bad arse bull!
Glad your man is okay. How scary. Keep that man of yours safe!

Reddunappy said...

Bulls scare me LOL! you are brave to handle them.

I watched a big black Brangus bull, pick up a smaller bull and throw him over an 8 foot fence and break his back. Its been quite a few years since this happened, at the last rodeo our little town had. I will never forget that little bull dragging his back end around and still trying to hook his handlers! They had the butcher come get him. They got it all cleaned up before slack in the morning.

Reddunappy said...

Not to forget your Hubby! hope he is ok and gets the stinker sold!

Faithful said...

Whoo..I say count your blessings..Heh? Your hubby was lucky and had Someone looking over him! So glad to hear your Mr. Tough guy was able to just..walk it off..but being an ex-bullrider, this probably wasn't his 1st brush with the likes of Death Wish!

Dusty Devoe said...

I hope hubby is okay!

Mikey said...

Geeezus, is it something in the air? Did I miss a Fri the 13th? Dang!!! It's no good to get hooked by a bull named Death Wish. Hope he bucks good and you get him sold. Wow!! Hope the husband is ok, can't wait to hear!

Paint Girl said...

I wouldn't want to ride him, with a name like that! Hope your hubby is ok, that isn't any fun either!!
Hope he bucks though!!

threecollie said...

Hope you get him sold and well and that your husband is feeling okay today...seems it always hurts worse the second and third day.

Mrs.C said...

Hope hubs is okay! And sell that bull soon!

texasnascarcowgirl said...

that is a nice lookin bull!! I'll stay on this side of the fence, thank you very much. hahaha

teamroper said...

You named him appropriately! Hope George is okay!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Wow. That comment from Sydney was sure an interesting one. The things I didn't know that I didn't know.

Hope your guy is okay!

Tami Weingartner said...


Andrea said...

I love the name of bucking bulls!! They are all so "dangerous"!! Love it!! But it sounds like Death Wish's name might just suit him and sounds like he has an attitude to go right along with it!! I hope your husband is okay, and yes, all husbands need constant supervision.

Anonymous said...

That's the problem with a young bull you never know which way there going to go right-left or spin or crazy! Its like your hubby was trying to ready a foreign language. I am glad that he is ok I am sure a bit bruised body and spirit. You know those ole "bull riders" never stop loving it! As for Death Wish well time will tell which way that name will take him!

Anonymous said...

I hope his leg is ok!

missy said...

awww he is cute!!!!!
hope hubbies leg is ok!!!!!! OUCH!!!!!!!!

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Yikes!! He got lucky there!! I can't wait to read on and see how he did...