Friday, February 27, 2009
Good Buckin' Luck
Friday Funny
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Taming The Wild Beasts
We've bonded a lot over the past few months. When it's just me and the bulls, they are very calm. I started feeding one by hand awhile back. Then more become interested until now almost all of them eat out of my hand. The husband is NOT happy about it but we won't tell him, right?!
I thought you would like to see how I tamed the wild beasts. I set the camera up on the truck today to take some video. Sorry it's a little lop-sided.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sunday Afternoon Walk

Zena having lots of fun running.

Pepper at attention cause she knows there is something out there she must kill.
Must have been a field mouse. Sent these two in a frenzy.
And sweet Lil Man watchin' all the going ons.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Little Girl's First Video
Baby Heifer from The Wife on Vimeo.
Please Forgive Me-Updated!
And I hate pickin' a select few to pass them on to because I think you all deserve 'em. So I put it off and days turn to months, then I forget. It's horrible of me. Can you forgive me?
Maybe a contest will help in the forgiveness? I'm okay with bribing y'all. Whatever it takes. Stay tuned!
**The contest is HELP NAME THAT CALF!**
I asked the husband if he was willing to let y'all take a stab at namin' the new baby. And he said yeah!
Here is a little bit about her:
Momma- Silk Pudding
Daddy-#246, he's out of the Darkness.
Born on President's Day.
So you want to help name the baby? You've got from now until next Friday to submit your suggestions. Submit as many as you like! If we pick your name, I'll send ya some goodies!
**Update on Lil Man. He's doin' better. Thanks for all your well wishes!**
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Lil Man Learns Ranch Lesson
I went out to feed the cows as I normally do after work. As I was feeding the girls, I noticed the new baby had a lot of poo packed on her hind end. I knew I needed to get it off before she started having problems. So when I fed, momma cow went to the end of the feeders and baby went to the other. This was my chance to mess with baby. Of course, you don't really think things thru when you get a split second opportunity with a calf, especially when you're out there by yourself. But I grabbed the little girl's tail in one hand and started getting poo off with the other. (Note to self, wash pink gloves!)
While I was dealing with that, Lil Man started SCREAMING! I looked over and saw Momma cow, Silk, had him down. She was hookin', kickin', rollin', stompin' poor Lil Man all over the place. I started hollerin' for her to stop as I ran over throwing the empty feed sack at her. After several seconds of yelling and waving of the arms, she finally gets off him. I swoop in and grab him up. He's yelpin' his little heart out.
I take him in the barn and hold him until he calms down. Did the usual pat down. Run my hand over his body to check for any injuries or broken bones. He doesn't yelp or whine as I do my inspection. I put him down so I can finish feeding and he's not able to stand on his left hind leg. He gives the most pitiful sad look that breaks my heart.
I finish up the chores. Lil Man has made it outside the barn and is laying in the grass. Still with the pitiful look. I get him some children's pain reliever to help with the pain and soreness. But I still feel horrible for not watching him more closely. I take him in the house and rock 'em in the recliner for about 30 minutes before puttin' him back outside for the night.
This morning, he's still gimpin' around with his left hind leg up. I gave him some more medicine and some treats. I may take off early from work this afternoon so I can go check on him. He's young and resilient but I don't like when my babies are hurt.
Lil Man got his first dose of angry momma cows. I hope he's learned something from the experience, like don't be the slowest dog around when momma cow wants to hook something! I bet he thinks twice before going out with me to feed!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wordless Wednesday-Givin' Sugars
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
President's Day Surprise!
Let the Buckin' Begin!
Our History:
So many years back, we started dabbling in the bucking bull business. The husband was a professional bullrider but after three shoulder surgeries and a much needed forth, which has never happened, he retired. In order to remain in the sport, we took to raisin' a few bulls. We would just buy, sell and trade in order to increase our herd. The husband had his own fencing business at the time so he would trade fence with stock contractors for bloodline heifers. We knew we couldn't go wrong with quality heifers. Plus we are lucky enough to know people with good bulls that would allow us to breed to them.
In 2002, at Jerry Nelson's bull sale, we had the highest selling bull. He later qualified for the PBR finals. His success was shortlived, however, he broke his leg and was put down.
Our Stock:
We rely heavily on genetics for our breeding program, specifically quality females. If mama and daddy buck, then odds are baby will buck too. When calves are about 6 months old, we load em up and take em to the arena for their first buckin'. This is our first chance to see if they've gotten what it takes to stay on the ranch. The video below shows how we do it.
The box on the back of the calf weighs approximately 8 lbs. It simulates weight on the calf's back and has a remote control to release it and the flank strap (which is located around the calf's flank. It does not go around any boy bits or cause pain.) The box does NOT shock them or cause any pain either.
So once we see how they do, we make a judgement call whether to keep them or send them to the sale. If the bulls show potential, we usually will keep them for 6 more months and re-buck em. We don't re-buck heifers. They get put out to pasture to grow or sold to contractors. Our precentage of keepers is currently around 70-80%.
As for the training question, you don't train bulls to buck. Either they do or they don't. We just hope ours do. It all goes back to the genetics really. If they want to buck, they will and believe me, you can't make one buck. If it doesn't want to, it won't.
The only "training" we do is working them in the chutes. We spend a lot of time trying to calm them down around people and getting them used to being hauled. You want to be able to handle them. I get in trouble by the husband for really calming them down. Like eat out of my hand calm. He doesn't like that!
What we strive for currently is keeping all of our "special" heifers and increasing the quality of our herd. We sell most of our bulls to other stock contractors for them to haul. We would prefer to keep our bulls and haul them ourselves, which we have done in the past, however, it is very time consuming and expensive. It is very rewarding to see them grow and do well whether it be with us or someone else.
So did that answer most of the questions regarding this subject?
**On a different note, I lost a follower yesterday. What happened? What did I do? How can I win you back? Was it something I said? **
Monday, February 16, 2009
Technical Difficulty
Let's see how much lil man has grown in the last month. This was the day I brought him home-January 11th.
This was Sunday-February 15th.
He's just fluffy cuteness!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Dad!

Sunday Stills - Moon

Saturday, February 14, 2009
The Wife Can Cook?
Then stuck em in the oven. They're almost done!
Let em cool off and remove the mold. Then they were iced with buttercream icing! Yummo!
I think everyone enjoyed my tasty little treats! So the Wife CAN cook! Hope your day is filled with sweet goodness! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!
**I will resume answering the questions about me later this weekend. Thanks for being so interested!**
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sweet Hubby
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Remember Me, I'm Mud
And look at those grey sweats. I am such the fashionista when I'm feedin'. No wonder those bulls are always after me! I'm too hot to resist!
Remember this little guy. He tried gettin' me a few times when we were sortin' a few weeks back. Well, we named him Mud. Seems very fittin' now.
And the last storm a few nights ago so graciously provided our barn with a skylight.
Very nice!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Gizzards & Calf Fries??
I've had several wonder where I got the name for the blog. It's no mystery really, just pulled it out of my butt!
As I ponder more about it though, I think it had to do with how I was feelin' at the time of my blog's creation. The husband and I had moved to the big city for my job, leaving the place we refer to as home-a nice country town. People round here think I am looney for sayin' this is the "big" city but to me it is. I mean it has a mall, hundreds of eatin' places and Asian people makin' sushi in the grocery store! Come on, that's BIG CITY!
Anyhow, let's just say I stick out. All of my co-workers are from Texas yet they say I talk funny! My twang is a little more country I suppose and the use of my words may be somewhat different but I'm just a country girl. So when I started the blog, I wanted something that was true to me.
I grew up on gizzards and calf fries. That's who I am. I still eat gizzards on occasion. I mean, what's better than stoppin' at the gas station and buyin' some gizzards! And the husband stops by the chicken place on the way home sometimes and brings me some for supper. He's so good to me!
I haven't had calf fries in a long while. Luckily for our bulls, they get to keep all their male bits.'s Stubby's!

His are spotted which really fascinates me in some weird sick way!
So that's my explanation behind the name. Does it make sense? Probably not but do I ever?
Monday, February 9, 2009
And the Answers Begin...
Guilty Pleasures/Addictions- What can't you live with out, what makes you happy when you are down, what are you absolutely obsessed with?
Pet Peeves- Who/What kind of things really annoy you and why?
Okay, so what can I not live without? That would be my ball cap! I really hate fixin' my hair. If I could wear a ball cap all the time I probably would. On the weekends, it's pretty much a wardrobe staple. I am worse than the husband. I have ball caps coming out the wazoo!
What makes me happy when I am down? Well there are two things, first is the love of my animals (oh, and you too honey! Geez, almost got in trouble there.) and Blue Bell Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Nothing gets my spirits up better than those two things!
What are you totally obsessed with? Hmm, I had to think about this one. I guess right now that would be photography. Since I started the blog last May, I have really focused on my picture takin'. Oh! And FOOD! I love me some food. All kinds, I don't discriminate!
Who/What kind of things really annoy you and why? Number 1 is SNORING! Ugh, how it irritates me! I know people can't help it but I can't help waking you up either! I really don't know why it bothers me so but it drives me insane.
Number 2 is LYING! Working in the criminal justice field for many years, I just figure people are lying to me most times. Cynical, huh? Well, I've found that the people I deal with usually think it's easier to lie than tell the truth. They don't realize life would be so much easier if they're just honest. But I guess if they were honest people, they wouldn't be dealing with me!
And Number 3 is MAKING EXCUSES. I think this reverts back to my job too but I think you should take responsibility for your actions. Whether good or bad, it was your decision to make and you made it so suck it up.
So to stay on my good side, all you have to do is not snore, lie or make excuses. That's easy cheesy! Oh, and bring Blue Bell ice cream if you stop by! We'll be friends forever!
The answers to the rest of the questions will be up soon! Thanks y'all!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Lectures, Questions and Pugs???

Sunday Stills-Reflections

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Thoughtless Thursday-My Yard Art
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Lil Man's Big Adventure
Had to rest. He exerted a lot of energy moving over that rough terrain.
Then to make things worse, Pepper was makin' fun!
Finally, we headed back to the house. He was so happy to be on smooth ground!