I told him I hadn't had anything to blog about. My world had consisted of going to work and coming home, nothing exciting. He said I better come up with something to give my followers! Talk about pressure!
And now as I typed this, the husband called me on his way home and asked if I posted today. I said "yes, my Sunday Stills picture." His response, "What, another picture?! You want to lose your followers?" I laughed. He is so funny about my blog, I mean "our" blog.
I still don't have anything to talk about really. So I thought I would open it up to y'all. Give me some ideas on what y'all want to know? Anything? Nothing?
Also, blogger buddy Libby over at Neas Nuttiness had her canine figurine dognapped! She has asked for help in bringing it home. To help, please go to the following site and make a plea for Percy's safe return. It's really a shame, they've blindfolded and paw tied the poor pug!

Guilty Pleasures/Addictions- What can't you live with out, what makes you happy when you are down, what are you absolutely obsessed with?
Pet Peeves- Who/What kind of things really annoy you and why?
Hmm well I like bucking bull stuff...that would work perfectly for me...and you could even make the Husband write it!
I second the bucking bull stuff. I liked when you posted videos of the young one's showing their stuff.
How do you know a good bucking calf?
How do you train one? Do you train?
Anything related to raising a bucking bull from the ground up.
That would be interesting, also how's the little man doing lately and your horses?
I like the Husband's idea! I know I've been missing your stories! Thanks for making us laugh, making us cry, and letting us see a little bit of the good life!
These all sound good........and what about how you decided to name your blog.......that's got to be a story in itself.
Oh, y'all are good! Keep em comin' and I will answer all of them as fast as I can in the upcoming days.
I like the bulls stories and if there is any training for the bulls or do they just buck. How many calves do you go through to get a good bucker? More ranch stories
Me - I like any ole thing that you do. Pictures, stories, you name it...BUT...I especially like it when you post pictures and stories about your dogs!!!
Oh, and your husbands undie purchases!
Thanks for gett'n the word out about Percy, cause dang it all..I miss the little fella!
Thank y'all for supporting me with the kick in the butt for the wife. I really like the idea of the bucking bull/calves posts. We will be bucking some yearling bulls in the next few weeks. Maybe she'll post some videos of them. Hint, Hint to the wife.
Very cute we need to find the pug
I agree with everyone, I am new to your blog, but I like everything, and love your pictures, as well.
Hey yea...videos!!!
I love the pictures!! And if there are stories to go with them, then that's great too. But keep those picures coming!! I love 'em!!
Too cute~ the Husband is getting involved here, too! Think he's pining for a blog of his very own?!? ;)
Hmm...I like your photo posts too, and I completely understand the "nothing but work is goin' on this week" thing. Sometimes I look through old photos and find one that sparks a story I never told or an idea for a post!
Have a good week!
See I told you!! Ifyou would have taken that picture of his Buckle! He would have been content! LMAO!! He is Blogger Patrol! I am going to make him a badge!! hahahaha I love your hubby, can he be one of my Un husbands too? hahahaha. Hey are you getting ready to have a contest? Because I just posted about mine? We ususally do the same things. So there you go, have a contest. That will make your Blogger Patrol happy...
Come enter my Valetines Day Giveaway!
I just clicked to "follow you"...now you are up to 68 people whose lives depend on you! The pressure-the pressure!
I like your picture posts! Those husbands can be so pesky sometimes! *wink*
More buckin stuff? Haha... Between you and Buckin' Junction, I look extra smart to the Bullfighter.
I love the pics and funny stories personally on your blog and many others. They get me through the day with a grin. If I can ever get around to buying a good camera...
Pictures, stories...I just love your blog and it is all good!
Well I like it all...But I really like the animal related stuff. Thats just me of course.
I just had a "brain child" you should let the husband do a "guest" post!
LOL! I think we should start a blogging hubby's watch party for our mens! My hubby does the same thing, you didn't post! No honey, just boring plain jane everyday stuff! You need to get to posting!
We love you just the way you are! You're not going to lose me!
Blogging should be no pressure (sorry hubby! ;-)) - post whatever you like!
What about you? Do you rodeo too? How did you meet The Husband? What rodeos do you buck most of you bulls at? Are you stock contractors or you just sell to contractors?
I don't have a hubs to patrol my blog, so I have to kick myself into gear, and some days are harder than others.
I'd like to know when you got your first horse and any story about it. Love the horse photos and any horse stories.
Thats HY- sterical about your Hubby! Mine sneaks in and reads the blogs over my shoulder! HE woulndna't blog- oh dearie me NO- that's just to poofy- but he does like to sneak an peek!
And I do love your stories- but I enjoy your pictures too!
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