Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Cause I'm Scrappy Like That!

1. I have never been in a physical fight. But I think I could kick some serious a$$. I've told the husband that if I ever get mad enough to cause physical pain to someone, there will be no stopping me. He will have to literally pull me off. It would be a Ralphie moment (you know the Christmas Story).
2. When the husband and I were in college, he was elected mayor of the small country town where we lived. Let's just say the elderly locals did not appreciate the mayor shackin' up with his girlfriend. I dubbed myself the "Mistress of Penelope".
3. I don't have any children. I don't want any children. Just not my thing. No one has ever said to me, "You would make such a great mother." Actually, my mother said, "You would probably eat your young." Wasn't that sweet of her!
4. The husband has several nicknames for me. They include: Grace, Cow Whisperer, Mapquest, and Master Blaster (yeah, not going to explain that one!).
5. When I laugh really hard, I snort. It's very attractive.
6. If I were a lesbian, I would want a really hot brunette girlfriend. I mean really, who wouldn't?
7. Several months back the husband decided he wanted to wrestle with me. Somehow he got knocked out. The details are very sketchy. One pupil was the size of a penny! He had two knots on his head. I told him I couldn't take him to the hospital 'cause a spousal abuse charge would most likely hinder my career. Needless to say, he hasn't wanted to wrestle since then.
8. I was addicted to Coke. The drink not the drug! It was really bad so about 10 years ago, I quit cold turkey. I released myself from the monster's grasp! Now I drink Sprite Zero. I'll have one in the evenings with supper.
9. I have NEVER gotten a ticket. All the officers I've encountered have been sweet enough to let me off with a warning. I find that the truth is the best policy. I say, "Yep, I know why you stopped me. I was going a little too fast. No real excuse for it either." Luckily, I haven't been stopped in a good long while. I don't care to press my luck anytime soon.
10. I LOVE hockey. Especially the fights. That's why I enjoy minor league hockey the most. They fight more. I am the freak sitting on the ice, banging the glass when the players slam against it on the other side. Yep, my name is The Wife and I am a hockey nut. The husband used to take me to a game every year for my birthday. Since we've moved, it's been harder to make it but I still love it just the same.
Wow, looking back over my list, it seems I have some violent tendencies. Hmmm, let's move on shall we.
Now that I have strained my brain, I want to pass the burden on to others. I would like to know more about the people who follow me. So for all you followers listed over there, if you haven't received the Scrap award yet, take it and tell us something about yourself. Be sure to let me know when you've posted it so I can come check it out.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Sun is Showing Thru the Clouds

Monday, December 29, 2008
The Duke
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wedgie Free Please
Quite the mound of stuff, huh! As I made my way thru the goodies, this one item caught my eye....
Only my husband would go in search of wedgie free panties (which was not one of the items I had mentioned. Nor have I ever mentioned to my knowledge). He told me there was a funny story behind them. He went to the store in search of 'em. He finally found the sales associate that worked in the section and asked where the "wedgie free" panties were. I think she gave him a rather odd look but took him to the area. He said there were all kinds of wedgie free, no ride up drawers. As he sat there and looked, on one of the main isles of course, he grew a little embarrassed. The sales associate asked him what kind he was looking for. He replied he didn't know, just wedgie free. He grabbed what he thought were good ones and she said you sure you want those? He said he didn't know. The girl said those are also know as "granny panties." The husband said he threw 'em down like a hot potato. No granny panties allowed in the Crazy M house! He advised the girl he had the task under control now and she could return to her post. He searched the masses of wedgie free drawers until he found some he thought would work, hipsters. He was a little disappointed he couldn't find the bikinis but the hipsters were much better than "granny panties."
Later that morning after the present openin', I took a shower and tried a pair of my new wedgie free panties. I'll be doggone, all day long, I didn't have one wedgie. They are true to their advertising! The husband has released me from the evils of wedgies! Oh what a great Christmas!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
I know, I know, it's not very obvious. I just can't walk away from a western ornament or a cowboy santa. Is there anything you can't walk away from this time of year?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sunday Stills-Food Challenge
What a mound of stuff! Okay, I started off baking mini pecan pies. I make these for the husband to take in his lunches every once in awhile. I give em as treats at Christmas to co-workers as well.
Then after a little over an hour, you get these lil gems....
And while the mini pecan pies were in the oven, I made my yearly Christmas candy.
The husband loves the candy. His favorite thing to do is eat it with his morning coffee. I've never had anyone turn this stuff down! It looks pretty funky but it tastes delicious!
And finally, from my kitchen dish towel to yours.....
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Final Version
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Burnt Hair to Marshmallows
Here are a few shots of a couple in the chute....
This is Mojo. He's a little on the crazy side. He gets all twisted up and will run blindly in all directions.

As you can see, he was not a happy camper. He was tellin' us about it too!
And then there was Bambi. I named her that because when she was born she looked just like a sweet little deer.

You can see by the expression on her mug, she was pretty perturbed with the whole situation. The "can we just get this over with" look kills me!
After we finished and were in the truck, I mentioned to the husband that I could still smell the burning hair from branding. The odor gets in your clothes and sticks with ya. What's amazing is a few hours later, I was soooo hungry the smell had morphed into roasted marshmallows! Sick, huh!
Monday, December 15, 2008
You think the husband knew he was in the doghouse!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Difference in Opinion
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
There's an Elk in my Bed!

They finally got it in the room and the husband decided it would work on the wall. But, as you can see, it is only a few feet off the floor cause the antlers hit the ceiling. Not the best placement.
So he was placed on the bed for further consideration.
I think the elk's expression says it all during this quandry.....
Do ya think he's laughin' his butt off about the situation? Well, figurative butt that is!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Some Housekeepin'
First, Mickey over at The Horsehoeing Housewife gave me both these awards over the past couple weeks. I think she's been in the sun too long looking for Sugarfoot or something! She has a heart of gold and I just love keepin' up with her adventures. So for each one, I will pass it on to some new blogger buddies I have found.

I pass this one of to:
1. Reddunappy
2. Carrielt
3. Tatersmama

And this one goes out to:
1. W.O.W. Factor
2. Neas Nuttiness
3. J&J Acres
Now, down to the business of the meme. I was tagged by Lil Mama over at Mommy in Spurs. She's a hoot and I'm glad I found her. Or she found me. However it happened. So I must tell you six things about myself that you most likely do not know. I don't think she knew what she was getting into by givin' me this meme. Alrightie, here we go:
1. I was issued a bulletproof vest and a 40 cal. semiautomatic when I took my current job. Yeah, scary! I'm a klutz with a gun! My last job, involved a gun as well but they didn't bother with the vest. Hmmmm!? Where they trying to tell me something?
2. I was a sex offender therapist at a juvenile boy's prison right after I graduated with my Master's degree. In no way did my education prepare me for that job! But I sure got a new education!
3. I love rap and rock music. Especially dirty lyrics (how horrible is that!). I had one CD that was so bad, the husband took it away from me and gave it to a college boy!
4. I don't drink alcohol. No reason really, just never have. Though at times, I think I should. Please don't hold my nonalcoholic ways against me.
5. I lost about 70 lbs around 5 years ago. I got "fluffy" after we married. Lots of exercise and calorie counting. It was a hard long process but it worked.
6. I've had plastic surgery. Yeah, these teets are fake! It was my, well the husband's, present for me losing all that weight! (Family, if you didn't know, really? I know some of ya haven't seen me in awhile, but come on now! Love you!) On a side note, the father-in-law told me yesterday that according to MythBusters, they will not explode at high altitudes. Phew! Thank goodness for that!
Added bonus #7. And as you can tell, I will talk about anything! Sorry!
Oh, I hope I didn't run anyone off with my secrets! Please come back, I promise to keep more things private next time. Really, I swear! Unless you want to know something, then I'll tell ya.
Big teet hugs to all! Oh Lordie, I can't believe I just said that! I'm out of control. Please no more memes. I will run everyone off!
Sunday Stills-Pet Assignment

They have also set up a new blog just to showcase everyone's photographs. You can go check it out here. Maybe it will inspire you as well. The next assignment is Holiday Lights.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Miss Crazy M Ranch 2008


They had stunned the audience in the talent portion (Ruby Sue burped the alphabet and Mudpie mooed a revised classic called Who Let the Cows Out) so it was no surprise they were the ones to beat.
They each were given a current events question to help determine the winner.
Ruby Sue's question was: The administration of the nation will soon change hands. What do you hope will transpond from the change?
Ruby Sue's answer: "ummm..........World Peace!"
Mudpie's question was: The nation's economy is currently in a negative slide. What would you suggest to people in an effort to make it through these trying times?
Mudpie's answer: "I would suggest everyone become a vegetarian. Plant a garden. I will even fertilize it for you!"
The crowd erupted in applause. By the reaction from the audience, there was a clear favorite. However, it was up to the Judges to make the final decision.

There was a lot of headbutting going on by the Judges but a winner was chosen.
And the winner is.....................
Ruby Sue!
The crowd was stunned. They couldn't believe Mudpie was beaten out. The grumbles grew louder and louder. How could this have happened? But then, the realization hit them.
Of course Ruby Sue won. She has.......

Friday, December 5, 2008
Friday Photos

Minnie and Pearl "Black Ops Commando Donkeys"

Okay, I promise great photos from this weekend. Well, maybe mediocre photos. I don't want to push my capabilities! ;o)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Little Buckers!
Sunday morning we took the last of our 2008 calves out to see if they were going to be keepers or sale barners. Of course, Sunday morning was miserable. It was cold and windy. But that didn't deter us from our mission. We piled on the layers and headed out to our friend's arena. I think the babies were cold cause they bawled all the way there. Everytime we stopped, you could hear them. At one point, the husband got out to make sure they were okay. They were fine, just being very vocal about the trip.
Most of them had a good showin'. Here are two of the good ones. The first is a little heifer. I haven't named her yet. We bucked her about two months ago. She didn't fair very well so we gave her another shot. Sure glad we did.
Then there was this little bull. I call him Eyebrows cause of the markings above his eye. The husband says I have to rename him.
A couple will be headed to the sale barn this Friday. So long babies!
But a lesson was learned on Sunday......what was that you ask? Well, I found out that I can hold a camera pretty still while a pitbull humps my leg! Yeah, seriously!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Family Photos

As you can see from most of the pictures, Duke was the major problem throughout the photo shoot! By looking at him, you would never guess that he just turned one. He's still a pup and doesn't quite like to sit where you tell him to. And when you try to move him, he thinks you're playing and takes off. It tested the husband's patience but since we did it on my birthday, he stayed out there longer than he normally would have. And we did get ONE good picture. You'll have to wait for the card to see it!