Thursday, January 21, 2010

My Modeling Days

So have I told y'all that I once modeled?

That's right, the wife had the look and the walk.

I appeared in print ads.

Well at least one print ad for a western store.

I'm sure the sales went thru the roof after it ran in the paper.

How could you resist this....

western store ad

Don't you want to buy boots now!

How about them plaid pants?!  I'm totally rockin' 'em!

And the balled fists...Mama's gonna knock you out.

It was the 70's, we all did crazy things during that time.


Dusty Devoe said...

How precious!

Mama Mess said...

Girl, that is the sweetest picture I've ever seen! What a little doll you were, and hecks yeah it makes me want to buy boots.........AND plaid pants! ;)

Shirley said...

Waaaaay too cute! Knock 'em out, girl!

Sherry Sikstrom said...

Too cute ! those boots are bigger than you!

Jocelyn said...

omgosh you are so adorable!

Love the plaid

Country Whispers said...

Cute picture but what were our mothers thinking when they dressed us like that?

I guess it was just a 70's thing!

Anonymous said...

very, very cute! i won a beauty pagent once! little miss orange county. got my picture in the paper and everything! uh, ahem, i was 12 months old. a lot can change in 41 years.

threecollie said...


Unknown said...

Give ya a stick horse and we could have had identical photo's

Mikey said...

You are the cutest thing EVER!!!

Tawny said...

Your soooo cute!

Paige said...

Plaid pants and boots--how come I never thought of that?

LadyFi said...

You are just sooooooo cute in that photo!

Homestay Mama said...

What a darling picture. But it appears you might have a bit of a worry look on your face! I'm wondering how secure you felt in those boots?! I'm also wondering if your feet were dangling inside, or if they really reached the bottom!

Soooo cute!

Dee said...

The beginning of the swimsuit edition~!

texasnascarcowgirl said...

that is AWESOME!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

You go girl. This Ozarks farm chick thinks that about the cutest thing ever! Now, I want to go buy me some cowgirl boots!

As we say here in the hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa, Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic photo! I think the fists were to help with your balance. What a little doll you were.

Lil Mama said...

So cute!

The Wildwood said...

Adorable little Kit!

crystal.cattle said...

I am sure the boots were flying off the shelves. Maybe someone even offered to purchase you!

p.s. I love the progress on the mini bucking stock. Have you ever seen wild mini pony races. They are awesome.

Janice said...

Too cute, I'm think'n those boots are bigger than you. Love the expression.

Faithful said...

awhhh!! You look sooo adorable in your borrowed boots..but did they have to use YOUR gloves to stuff in the toes of the boots? he! he!

Cutest darn pic! Kit!

The Equestrian Vagabond said...

i double dog dare you to wear that outfit downtown now! (of course, you'd have to search hard for some big boots like that ; )
- The Equestrian Vagabond

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

How cute are you? adorable. adorable. really bad birth control you are!

Far Side of Fifty said... the boots:)