Thursday, December 31, 2009

There's Always a Silver Lining

I've had a real crappy couple days.  So today I took half a day off of work and went shopping.  Retail therapy always makes me feel better.

At the grocery store, I saw these flowers.  They looked so bright and cheery, just had to bring them home.


Then I started thinking about what else would make me happy.  And it involves you, my blogger peeps.


Y'all are so great to always have a kind word.  And it makes me happy to give y'all stuff.


So you know what that means, it's giveaway time!  What better way to start the new year!  I really don't care what you comment.  You can ask me a question that's been burning on your mind.  You can tell me how wonderful I am.  That may get you two entries! lol not really!  You can tell me what you'd like me to blog about in 2010.  You can tell me what you are looking forward to in the new year.  Whatever floats your boat.  Just leave a comment and I will place you in the drawing.

Now, what shall I give away????  Would you like a picture?  Maybe a photograph?  8x10?  you pick whatever picture you want of mine?  framed in barnwood?  Plus a few extra goodies cause I can never send just one thing.  It's against my religion.  I mean really, if I'm gonna pay for shipping, I may as well load the box, right?  How does that sound?

Comments must be made by 10 am CST on Sunday, January 3, 2010.

Good Luck and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

**Update on Mistletoe.  She seems to be doing okay.  Was in the barn this evening eating hay.  Keeping her penned so we can watch her for a few days.**


RURAL said...

I have been working, so I have not caught up with my blog reading like I wanted to.

I am so sorry about the terrible things are going on.

Hopefully things will work out much better with Mistletoe.

Take good care of yourself, those are beautiful flowers.


West Side of Straight said...

Happy New Year to you and your family. Love your blogging and pictures of dogs and animals. We also have a large puppy, so I can relate to all the mischief they get into! Pick my name for giveaway! I think a picture in barnwood frame would please anyone. Surely us farm/horse/dog people!

Sherry Sikstrom said...

So sending you a huge hug girl! what a couple of days! Glad you took some time for yourself. I can't win the contest cause I want one of all of your gorgeous photos.(kidding please put me in the draw!!) though I do want to get some of your pics ,just been waiting till I had the reno done so I knew how much wall space was available. HAve a Happy New Year , and sending good thoughts for better days ahead!

Spring Lake Farm said...

I have found that having a family of blogger friends has allowed me to vicariously live life on the west coast, northeast, southeast, mid-west, northwest, Alaska, Canada or even right down the street. It has been so fun to follow along and share in others dreams. Thanks for allowing us to come along with you.

Happy New Year!


Jen said...

I am glad that today was a better day for you! The flowers are gorgeous. Hope you have a good New Year!


Tatersmama said...

Oh girl..sometimes we just have to make things all better for ourselves, don't we? And just like you, with me, it's usually flowers and friendship...
It doesn't get much better than that, does it?
Unless of course, Tequila is involved! ;-P

In just a few hours, it will be a new year... a new decade.. and a new start for y'all! So Happy New Year, my friend!!

Mama Mess said...

Well ain't you a sweetheart! I'm glad that Mistletoe is feeling better. I've had a scare with one of my goats, and it isn't any fun at all. I'm always a nervous wreck during kidding time! Here's wishing you a happy and healthy 2010...and I can't wait to see that bikini pic! ;)

Tammy Vasa said...

Happy New Year. I enjoy stopping by and seeing your brindle herd. Your site has become one of my regulars. And of course, love your pictures!

Sorry about the calves.

Anonymous said...

Hey I just saw these on Flickr...You REALLY are a great photographer!! Happy New Year Kit and all the very, very best to you and your hub in 2010!!

Shirley said...

Happy New Year to you, and your husband and all the furry delights who live at the Crazy M! Your photography is outstanding, and I always look forward to your posts, not just for the photos but for the stories as well. It's one of my dreams to get to Texas to see some of the cutting horse shows; maybe someday! I do have relatives there!

Gail said...

You just keep going the way you are and I will keep returning. I love your blog and that's not for AK points!

Happy new year, may it be the best one yet.

CindyDianne said...

My Husband has brought me those particular flowers a couple of times. I really, really love them!

Country Whispers said...

It's not just been the last few's been this whole dang year. Surely 2010 can't be worse...can it?
Just keep posting about your everyday life. I love the pictures of all the animals. I don't live in the country so I thoroughly enjoy all the pics you post.
Happy New Year to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! You have come out of the last few weeks smiling and that is what its all about. I am glad the decade of zeros is gone and looking forward to the new one. By the way your photos are wonderful you are fantastic! I love stopping by to see what is happening at your ranch.
I told you Mistletoe would come back!

missy said...

Happy New Year to you too!!!!!
i just have to tell you how much I love to stop by your are always happy and upbeat about most things!!!! And thanks so much for sharing all of your great really do great work!!! hope that 2010 brings you everything you hope for!!!!

Jocelyn said...

Here is a giant hug from me and Star. The nice Star not the bucking bronc I hate moo cows Star.

Let's make 2010 the best yet and what do I look forward too?

Going on my first endurance ride.

Leah said...

I have to say WOW girl! I first saw your post tonight and nobody had left a comment yet (I thought I have to really think about this and write something impressive!) And that is impressive all of the comments already left - I'm not the only one that enjoys your posts - your pictures... Keep posting - I think your spot was one of the firsts I ever started following -- your work has inspired me to do better pictures, more pictures and to keep on posting! By the way - the flowers are beautiful, a little like spring! Which here in MN is a long ways away - it is below ZERO :( Happy New Year to your whole gang!

Dusty Devoe said...

I love the colors in those flowers! Glad your feeling better. We all have days like that. Wishing you and hubby a wonderful New Year! Oh, and I can't forget all your critters!

lisa said...

I am so glad that Mistetoe is doing good! You give something away every time you blog and that is smiles and laughter! I love to read your blog you make me smile and when you have to post something sad, I hope that we as bloggers can make you feel better! Shhhhh don't tell anyone but you are one of my favorites;)

Sarah said...

I am glad that Mistletoe is doing better. We had a horrible year with our cattle in 2008. It was enought to make me want to sell them all! Things will get better. :) Please enter me in your drawing... I love your photographs and I am all about barnwood.

Kathy said...

So glad Mistletoe is doing better. Just want to say I love your pictures, and your blog. Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! As they say up here and probably down there, "if it ain't broke don't fix it" Don't change a thing about your blog, just keep sharing Crazy M stories with us. We love you for that, you make us laugh. KEEP taking those amazing photos.

Anonymous said...

You are a generous soul! This past year I have enjoyed your photography and accompanying commentary. You are a gifted photographer and writer. =)

Happy New Year!

North Idaho Dreamin' said...

I'm a fairly new follower of your blog, but have already come to realize when I need a pick-me-up you can usually accommodate. Keep up the good work, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for a healthy newborn (calf that is)soon!

Take Care,

small farm girl said...

Love your blog!!!!!!!Was that good enough?

Cedar View Paint Horses said...

Chin up, Girl. Go hug those that are important to you. Life if full of hurdles; just kick em over.

Mikey said...

Lol, how bout some more of that fancy cow whispering? *huge grin here* I'd sure like to see you crawling around in the pasture some more.
The capture of Mad Dog was good too. Next time, can you shoot pics and climb a tree at the same time? lmao!!!
We don't care what you write, it's always entertaining. That's why we keep coming back!

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

I am really glad I found this blog! It's nice to meet people online that live a life similar to your own, plus we're alum of a great college! I think you're super fun, and I love your outlook on life. Keep your chin up, sistah!

Pony Girl said...

Those flowers are beautiful and bright! That is how I feel when I stop over and visit your blog! You always have such a good energy.
Actually, the flowers fit my new "bright" anthem for 2010! ;) I would love to be entered in a giveaway! You have such cool stuff. The barn wood frame sounds amazing, too!
p.s. retail therapy is the best! :)

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and check it once a day, makes my day when a new post is up. love the pics of the cattle.

Reddunappy said...

Raising cattle is hard work, I hope you guys start having some healthy calves soon!
I havnt entered a give away for awhile! But your photos are beautiful! So here I am :0)

Gray2011 said...

Happy New Year! Just wanted to let you know I enjoy following your blog. All the way from snowy (16")South Dakota. I'm 17 years old and live on a ranch on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation. I really like your photography. I also like reading about your adventures and sometimes misadventures. Sometimes I can relate! I think your puppies are so cute!

AKPonyGirl said...

Love the blog, it's on my daily list. Don't change a thing.

One year I had about 50 orphans calves to tend. They sure do take up a lot of time. Now it's just the sheep and goats. They are due late February/early March. I've already made plans to bring them in the heated shop for a few weeks if it's really really cold.

Did you ever find a way to recover the horn weights?

LadyFi said...

Hope you're feeling better - and Mistletoe too!

Those flower photos are just gorgeous! So cheerful.

betty-NZ said...

Sounds like your retail therapy worked! Happy 2010!

prashant said...

Take good care of yourself, those are beautiful flowers.

Make website india

Tuttle Tales said...

I have been reading your blog for a while now. I'm orginally from NM, now living in Nebraska... reading your blog reminds me of home and what I miss the most. I would love the "Calf Packing" print! It's my favorite! Thanks!

Moonstonemama said...

Happy New Year!! I'm looking forward to stepping out of my comfort zone this year. (also hoping that my toddler will start sleeping through the night!)

Far Side of Fifty said...

Itty Bitty in an 8x10..I have the perfect spot! Sorry about the 0-2 will get better! :)

Janice said...

I don't care what you post, I will always keep coming back for more.