All the girls were up by the gate when we arrived. They were happy to see us. And really happy we brought cubes to feed.

You notice the lil calfer up there. She's a stinker. But the cutest stinker you'll ever see. She was givin' Blaze what for.

She'd butt heads and kick...

Gave Blaze her crazy eyes...

She was bullyin' all the weanling heifers. Kickin' at them and pushin' her weight around. She even kicked at some of the other cows. I know I'm gonna keep my distance from her rear end.
I was tellin' the husband what a lil tooter she was and she turned to give me her "Who me?" look.

Whatever Lil Missy, I know your game. You ain't foolin' me!
She is a good looking calf! nice to see them sparky like that!
A little feisty ball of fire! She is gorgeous!
Well, she sure is sassy! She is a pretty calf.
Definately full of peas and vinegar! ;)
she may be a little stinker but she sure is cute!!!!!
You know what horned cows say about their babies? "I sure am glad they're not born with horns!"
She is so darn cute! So full of it too. She will have her way and flash them big brown eyes at ya. Oh, yes we know that kind, little one!
Gorgeous calf, but once again,
the cute wittle moo cow can't be trusted!
Spunky little bugger ain't she? Cute too!
WV= 'grazed' No kidding!
she is cute as shit. What're we gonna name her?
What a cutie. Can I take her home? Pllllease!?
Pretty little brat, now I know what they mean when they say calf eyes.
Oh she is SO cute!!! I absolutely LOVE that last picture of her!! She is definitely playing the part of an angel there LOL!!
She's a cutie! I love her crazy eye stare down.
Fat and sassy!
Love the light in these photos.
That little rascal has attitude! What a hooligan!
Cute calf. Thanks for sharing.
Oh those eyes would melt an ice berg!
Look at her go!! Little Stinker!! Acting like she is so big!! I love it!
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