I so enjoyed reading all of your comments on the Cowgirls post. I think we're all cowgirls at heart if nothing else. It is an attitude and a presence that a woman possesses. And I think we are all very full of attitude and presence around here!
I really hope you will take time to got to the National Cowgirl Fall of Fame website. I grew up with it in my hometown and never took full advantage of it. I went there many times as a young person but didn't spend the time to appreciate the women that came before me and laid the groundwork for the cowgirls of today. It has since been moved to Fort Worth and I hope to get up there in the near future.

I wanted to share some of the pictures of the inductees that I stole off their website. (shhh!)

I just love those old pictures! Those were some awesome women. So go find out who they are!
Now, guess who the husband drew out of the hat for the giveaway sign. I couldn't believe it. But I know this gal pretty well and I have to say that the sign fits her to a T! It would be my bloggin' sis and fellow cowgirl, Train Wreck!
Thanks to everyone who participated. I'll have to start thinking of something for the next giveaway in September. Stay tuned!
Congrats to TrainWreck and to you, too, for having such a great post. I loved reading all the responses. It's amazing how diverse we all are and, yet, how alike.
i am going to go with being a cowgirl at heart....yes i do have attitude....and i like it!!!!!!
LOVE the pictures!!!!!
i'm going to go check out the hall of fame right now!!!!
have a great week.
Congrats Trainwreck ! great choice of winner ! that is if it couldn't be me .
BTW got a beautiful surprise in the mail ! thanks so much
Congrats Train Wreck!! It was a fun post to comment on.
Love the action and bravery of those girls! Great old pics.
I love the old pictures also! Great post. Congradulations to Train Wreck!
Congrats to TW!!! I too loved reading everyone's thoughts!! They were all great!
Congrats to TW. And those old pics were so cool.
I've been so busy hauling my cowkids around that I haven't blogged for a week! But this was a great post. Here are my 5 cowgirl attributes.
1. I too have cowboy in my genes.
2. Get steer crap on my hands on a daily basis.
3. Can build fence, drive a tractor, dr. cattle or horses, snip horns, haul hay, load steers, ride a horse AND get bucked off.
4. Can work a 15 hour day doin' ranch work.
5. Love deep.
Congrats to Trainwreck!!
I'm so happy Trainwreck was chosen..as she is a wonderful cowgirl with an awesome HEART! Congrats..TW ..We miss you ... I hope all has been well with you!
The pictures of the ol' cowgirls are truly an inspiration and a great acknowledgment of the tough women that went before us. ALL COWGIRLS ROCK!!! Thanks Wife!
WTG Trainwreck!!! Thanks for such a fun contest...I too enjoyed reading all of the posts...look forward to the next one!
Congrats to Trainwreck!
Those are great old pictures. Those cowgirls really had to work hard to make themselves known!
I love your fence, by the way... it looks great!!
Yeah TrainWreck! So glad to see your still hangin around.
The sign couldn't have gone to a more fitting Cowgirl!
WHAT!!! ?? Really!? Oh thank you my second favorite husband! I can't believe it. Yeah!! Thank you. I can't wait. ((Hugs)) Now I must clear a spot on the wall. have a wonderful day! you just made mine!!
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