All I can think about is Fall. I love that time of year. The temps moderate and you can enjoy the great outdoors.

I love football season, the holidays, wearing sweatshirts, wrappin' up in a blankie, taking afternoon walks with the dogs, leavin' the windows open, feeling the brisk morning air, heck just everything about Fall!

It can't get here quick enough!
I'm with ya!
I hear you!!!
Amen Sister!
It does sound good
Fall is my favorite time of year. :)
I know what you mean, it is suposed to be 95 today and 99 Wed! yeck, up here is SW Washington state. Fall is my favorite season too.
Every time I get too hot and uncomfortable, I just think about winter, then I get all happy about summer again!
We're having some fall like weather right now, but when I think I'm in heaven, the sun comes out, sucks up all the moisture making it mudd thick humid and I remember which month I'm in!
I'm hearing THAT!! I'm wandering around wishing to do some soup in the slow cooker, a lil rain outside... but no, it's only 107 today... UGH!!! I'm ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
I am totally with you! I love the heat, but it does get old after awhile, I also love football, cuddling with a blanket, a fire in the woodstove, food cooking in the crockpot etc. Good times! And it is coming soon!
I couldn't agree with you more. I NEED open windows and fresh air.
Hmm, well you make the fall sound good. I have to say I am a summer girl. Go figuer I live in CA I guess if it were over 100% I would probably be wishin it would be over with too.
We have been blessed for the past few days with cooler rainy weather...But I too love the Fall season!! It's my favorite!! Oh I hope it cools off for you all!!
i love the fall too!!!!!!
hoodies are my fav!!!!!!
i can not imagine how hot it is down your way.....hope it cools off soon!!!!!
today is AWESOME here.....if i could send it to you i would!!!!!!
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