Pepper was enjoying her photo shoot when I got a whiff of something...something foul. I figured Pepper had killed a critter and I hadn't found it. But the smell was intense and widespread. No matter where I walked around the place, it was there. What on earth?! Then it hit me....the neighbor! I haven't blogged much about our neighbors. They are very nice people but special none the less. The one and only time I blogged about them was here.
Anyhow, back to the smell. I remembered the husband saying something about the neighbor waiting for his chicken POOP to be delivered. The neighbor fertilizes people's fields with it. Usually though, he has it delivered to the farm where he's spreadin' it.
So I decided to go do some investigating. The dogs and I headed down the road in search for chicken poop. It didn't take long to find this...
Mounds of chicken poop! (Downwind from our house!)
The dogs thought they hit the mother load of all stinky piles. It was a poop palooza. They couldn't decide where to roll, there were too many good spots. The smell was horrible. But I had to get pics for my blogger peeps! Nothing less for y'all!

It's called the Knock Your Socks Off Buttermilk Pie! Found it in the Texas Co-op magazine and thought I would try it. Let me know if you want the recipe and I'll post it. It's very good but oh so very bad!
I finally managed to wrangle the dogs away from the chicken poop to head back home. I was just glad the neighbor wasn't home to witness me taking pictures of his poop piles. Imagine explaining that one!
As I walked back up my drive, I realized I was forgetting something...I had pies baking in the oven!! I ran to the house hoping they weren't burnt. Luckily, my poop escapade stopped just short of burning my pies.
It's called the Knock Your Socks Off Buttermilk Pie! Found it in the Texas Co-op magazine and thought I would try it. Let me know if you want the recipe and I'll post it. It's very good but oh so very bad!
Who knew this post would go from chicken crap to buttermilk pie?!
Okay ladies, here is the recipe:
2 3/4 cups sugar
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
3 tbsp flour
3/4 cup margarine, melted
1 1/2 cups buttermilk
1/2 cup crushed graham crackers
3/4 cup chopped pecans
2 9-inch pie crusts, unbaked
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In a large bowl, mix together sugar and eggs; add vanilla and flour. Stir in margarine and buttermilk. Do not beat. Fold in crushed graham crackers and pecans. Pour into pie crusts, dividing mixture evenly between the two. Bake 45 minutes or until center of each pie is firm when tested with a knife.
1 slice: 745 calories!! We won't worry about that though!
That is an inordinate amount of poop.
Kit, when you mentioned the bad smell and your neighbor, I thought you were going to say you found him dead or something! The chicken poop was quite a relief to read!!
Chicken poo and pie, what a combination.
Interesting people you have living next to you. It almost makes our condo look tame in comparison.
I would love LOVE to have the recipe for your buttermilk pie. I have always heard about them, but never tried it. Have a great big slice for me.
Sorry, the colors are too similar. I'm scared of the pie now.
Whoa doggies, that is for plum sure, a pretty photo of a pile of putrid poultry poop! PeeU!
Oh, how funny! Another of your posts that reminds me of my childhood growing up on the farm. Our neighbors raised fryers--and of course there were mounds of chicken poop and the corresponding smell! I know just what you're talking about!
I had to chuckle at you worrying about the neighbhor seeing you take pictures of the mounds, LOL! And oh yes, chicken poo stinks! I've smelled it while driving by farmland. Does it make better fertilizer than cow poo?
That pie looks so yummy! What else is in it (besides buttermilk?)
Yummy!!! I mean the pie! LOL
Yowsa! The pie looks fine! The poop not so much. lol
Defiantly post the recipe. You have such a great way with words, your writing is just as entertaining as your pictures. Keep up the good work.
I'd love the recipe! Not the one for chicken poop smell though. WOW there are some serious chicken farms near you.
That is a whole of crap going on there! Pig poo is pretty bad smelling too, like gagging, awful smelling.
We know of people who use human fertilizer on their hay fields. Yep, good ole septic cleanings!
Gross huh? Can we say E. Coli?
Pie looks yummy! You have to share the recipe now!
I should not have been eating breakfast while I read this post!
Waiting here patiently for my pie!
Looks yummy !
as far as the poop issue ... It happens!
Poop + Jack Russell Terrier = Heaven
P.S. Thanks for the Pepper shot...I needed that!
What playground for dogs..........as long as they don't sleep with you at night:)
I'm glad you posted the recipe but NOT the calorie content:)
oh my gosh the poop pile are pretty gross!!!!!
but the pie looks amazing.....that has to make up for the horrible smell!!!!
have a great weekend!!!!
Um... am I the only one (besides Robynn of course) seeing a vaguely disturbing sameness of colors here?
Maybe we should re-name this:
"The Wife's Chicken Poop Pie"
That said, I still want a piece! ;-)
Oh... and I'm glad it wasn't the neighbor!
I was a bit worried there!
The pie looks delicious! I'll have to try that.
The chicken poop...I have chickens and I can't imagine what a pile that huge would smell like!
The dogs must have loved rolling in that poo! Well - I hope they didn't...
Ok so I'm playing catch up...yet again :)...
HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!! I would have fell over if I'd of seen all that crap LOL!!! That is just insane!!! I hope he has it all gone by now! Hopefully he wasn't planning on using it at his place :)
So gonna have to make the pie!! Looks Yummy!!!
Well, looks like you'll be making alot of pies to cover the smell of the chicken droppings while it breaks down. Only... I, too, was wondering??... was the wind blowing.. and did you put you pie out on the window sill to cool? Chicken Poo Pie might just be the name that I'll call your pie.
Holy Huge Piles of Chicken Poop Batman!! LOL!! Those dogs must really have been in heaven. I could only imagine that stench!! I am glad you made it back home to get your pies!! I forget about stuff like that all the time....
I can't stand the smell of chicken poop! I would have to run away...
That pie looks yummy!
Cindy in Tennessee
Oh My those are very large poop piles! My dogs would think they went to heaven!
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