Here's Oreo's baby boy runnin' like the wind.
This little girl belongs to Mince Meat. Seems she might have a little attitude.
These two little ones were born on the same day. The cool thing about that is the cow on the left, Red, is the cow on the right, Pecan's, mother. And the babies look almost identical. Red's baby is a heifer calf. Pecan's is a bull calf!
And of course, I couldn't show off calves without a picture of Itty Bitty!
These two little ones were born on the same day. The cool thing about that is the cow on the left, Red, is the cow on the right, Pecan's, mother. And the babies look almost identical. Red's baby is a heifer calf. Pecan's is a bull calf!
And of course, I couldn't show off calves without a picture of Itty Bitty!
She has grown some. She can no longer walk under her mom's belly. But the newborn babies are still as big or just a bit taller than her. In fact, she was born 2 months ago. If you look at the picture from yesterday, that was her on the left and a small week old calf on the right!
Just so nice to see them calving on pasture ! Easier on the momas and babies , and you as well!
I wonder if baby calves smell as good as baby puppies or kittens? ...'cause I just want to give them a sniff - and a cuddle!!
ADORABLE!!!!! love the little attitude girl!!!!!
OH they all are so cute!! I love the running like the wind one with its ears all blowing in the wind!! LOL!! Calves are so cute!
every one of them is absolutely precious--I dont know which one is the best. I like the bad ass heifer, but itty bitty might still be my favorite
Thanks for sharing Itty Bitty! I've missed her! :-)
Wow, she really is itty bitty.
Itty Bitty is not 'little'--she's just sweet and petite. And look how she's standing in the picture--very poised, smart and alert. I'll bet she turns out to be a pet!
I have to say I like snickerdoodles little one the best!! But they all are just great. Have a couple for sale?? Ha
so cute!! Love those baby pictures. =)
They are all so cute!
I love the pic of the bullcalf baby of Snickerdoodle..what's his name?
The Calf from Snickerdoodle is my favorite!
Boy there sure are cute when they aren't scaring the poo out of my mare!
My thighs STILL hurt....
There isn't much cuter than a calf! At least not that I can think of! :)
Amen!! Who doesn't love them some baby pictures!!! Love them all!!! Those 2 really do look like twins!! So cool that they were born on the same day and half family LOL!! Itty Bitty is sooo cute!!
All so different and beautiful! LOVE them!
Word Veri: eincour
"What can you possibly do for an eincour after giving birth?!"
I love Itty Bitty. Can she come over and play? Piper would like that!
Cuteness abounds! Never too many baby pics.
Took a bit of a bloggy break! Love itty bitty! she is so cute!
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