So I took a picture of the neighbor's windmill that I drive by every day, wishing the powerlines didn't surround it.

You see those stupid powerlines! Argh! Well I tried another shot and look what happened...

They disappeared! They were on the viewfinder on the camera when I took the picture. But I had the aperture set at 1.8 so maybe it blurred them completely out of the picture?! When I go out intentionally trying to get powerlines in a shot, I can't even manage to get them! I amaze myself sometimes.
That is great! Just love them!
that would be murphy's law my friend !
I hate power lines, too! There are great views of mountains all around where I live, but no matter where I try to take a picture there will always be a power line right where you DON'T want it!
That second shot of the windmill is really nice!
Great pictures. Love the second one!
WoW! Way too cool! Haha!Your camera dont like them either!! lol!
Great work! :D
Nice results there. I hate 'em too except I like to play on the computer and have lights and all. I had to force myself to take a shot and not try to avoid them. lol
I love the windmill! Wish I had one in my yard, minus the powerline.
I love the windmill! I agree about powerlines. They always seem to mess up a perfectly good landscape!
The joy having a lens with a 1.8 aperture.
Love that windmill!
I envy your lense. Next week for sure I'll have mine. I can't friggn wait!!
I hope they don't stop me over the border about this passport BS though.
Very nice! You also learned my secret for zoo photography and how to shoot through the fences..:-)
I've learned something! Thanks for sharing :-D
Yep, that's pretty amazing - the disappearing powerline trick! Both are nice shots :-)
Nice shots, like that windmill. Looks like we all may have learned something from this.
Great shot's have a good week!)
I love the second photo... even if you wanted ugly old power lines in the shot.
If you keep doing stuff like this, I might just have to develop a close personal relationship with my parcel post guy... and the picture framer!
Something tells me, that I'm gonna need a bigger house, if you keep this up!! ;-)
Nice shot, you don't even notice the powerlines..;)
Our neighbor has a windmill, and I'd like one too. Neat shots!
Yep - you've got talent, all right!!!
I love windmills. Great shots.
Ba Ha Ha!! That is crazy!! Love the picture though!!! Really cool!!
loving that windwil, very cool
& there's a birdy on the powerlines! :)
HA! Funny how that works, isn't it? Great shots!
I have not heard the 'stink eye' comment in quite awhile. LOL Makes me laugh every time I hear it. =)
Great shots - you are indeed talented!
How cool is that!!!
You cracked me up! The magic of photography. I've not messed around with my Canon PowerShot, point and shoot camera's settings at all. I wonder what magic I could create if I set it to Manual? Scary!
I might have to drink a margarita beforehand. (you know...liquid courage and all that? hah!)
Your picture turned out great. I love old windmills.
And your hubby is sweet for wanting to help you in photographic endeavors. hehe!
Just like magic they disappeared..that is really interesting. Excellent photo! :)
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