Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Trials & Tribulations of Family Photography

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Photography Class #6- Leading Lines

It's not the best example but I was trying to use the pipe fence to direct the attention to the husband. Does my explanation make sense?
As for the rule of thirds, Ivoryhut posted on the Pioneer Woman about the rule of thirds. The post is named Basic Micro Tips. She discusses the rule of thirds under #3. Off Center is your friend. Basically, what the rule of thirds states is that your eye tends to focus on certain areas of a photograph so place your subject in those areas. She has a graph to show you where those areas are. Hopefully, it will make sense to ya cause Lord knows I probably don't!
Last night, we discussed workflow. It was kinda boring. He just reiterated over and over that you need to back up everything so you don't lose all your work. Nothing too interesting or awe inspiring.
This week's assignment: Portrait. I'm kinda dreading this one. I don't like posed pictures, I'm more of a spontaneous kinda picture taker. I asked if it had to be a person, since I'm not real good with people. The instructor said no, it could be an animal. Let's see what I come up with.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Going Home

About an hour or so out, we saw the cold front coming in from the north. I knew I was in for some freezing weather at my parent's.

So before we ran into the cold front, this was the temperature at 9:30am.

The cotton fields fill the land around the turbines. I always want to stop and pull the cotton off.

There are also a lot of oil pumps out this way. You can sure smell the oil. The husband said the first time he drove thru here, he thought something was wrong with his car. He even stopped to check the oil and engine. Silly!
After about 8 hours, I reach the town I grew up in, Hereford. Yep, just like the cow. You can see as far as the eye will let ya. No trees and the wind blows constantly. You can smell the place when you get there. There is more cattle in the county than any other county in the country.
The temperature had dropped twenty degrees. During what should be the warmest part of the day, it was only 50. But that was nothing compared to Friday morning. I took my niece to school and it was a whoping 28 degrees! Holy Mother of Burrrrrr!
The morning I took my niece to school, I stopped by and caught my dad working. He was all bundled up. I told him at least it had warmed to 30 degrees!
While we were there, Harley got very particular about eating. For some reason, he as an aversion about eating his wet food out of plastic or paper. It seems he only likes eating out of "his" bowl. And the good mother I am, I didn't bring it. So mom tried feeding him with a spoon. Yeah, she spoils her granddog!
Then on Saturday, I decided to take my life into the hands of my 15 year old niece. I rode in the truck as she drove to a barrel racing! YIKES!
Spirit, her horse, was raised by the niece and trained by her as well. I think she has done an excellant job.
So Sunday Harley and I headed home. We arrived to a pleasant 80+ degrees. The husband and critters were extremely happy to see us. It's so nice to be home.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Photography Class #5
I think I hurt the instructor's feelings. He takes us outside at the beginning of class to take pictures. First, let me say, I love taking pictures, but when it's a subject I really don't care about, I get bored easily. I mean really, I can only take a picture of a classmate so many times. I take a couple pictures, get the concept he is trying to teach and want to move on. So, Monday we were outside learning how to do a silhouette. Cool, got it. Then I was just standing there. He asked, "Why aren't to taking pictures?" I responded, "What's the purpose?" If you could have only seen his face. Don't think he was expecting that response.
Okay, so maybe that was a little harsh. But come on. I wasn't the only one just standing there. About an hour later, he let us take a short break. As I was walking out of the classroom behind him, he stopped me and said he needed to ask me something. "Do you not like my class?" he asked. "Are you not enjoying it? Cause the looks on your face during class sometimes seem to say you're not caring much for it." So I guess my "I'm bored, let's move on look" is not so subtle. I told him that I liked his class very much and he was doing fine. I told the husband I should have just told him, "Dude, I'm just a B****. It's nothing against you." But I guess that would have really thrown him for a loop!
So now that I have crushed the instructor's confidence, I am off to work on the next assignment. We are to compose a picture with "leading lines". I have an idea of what I want to do, now if only I can get it to turn out. Wish me luck!
Monday, October 20, 2008
The Results of Bullriding 101

Saturday night, the husband and I went to see the kid that asked for some bullriding pointers from the husband. First, let me say, both I and the husband did not think he should ride and we voiced that to him. However, he did not listen. Here are some of our reasons behind this decision:
1. He hasn't been on a bull in a year. Prior to that, he has only been on about three. The husband discussed with him that he needs to get on lots of practice bulls if he actually wants to ride.
2. Bullriding is not an annual hobby. The percentage of him getting hurt is very high if he thinks he can just ride one bull a year.
3. He's really never had anyone actually teach him the mechanics of bullriding (besides the short one hour hit the highlights session the husband had with him). It takes knowledge, skill and a lot of practice to become a bullrider and he doesn't have any of that.
4. The kid said he "learned a lot" from watching 8 Seconds. I said, "Dude, Lane dies!" Why he didn't think to watch a PBR is beyond me. Anyhoo....
We arrived early to the kid's house. The kid had bought a new bullrope so the husband was gettin' it all fixed up. The husband explained to the kid how not to get hung up. And no matter what, don't freak out and OPEN YOUR HAND to get off. The also told him how to get down on the bull in the chute and warm his rope up. Yeah, I tell ya, he didn't know a thing about bullriding!
At the beginning of the rodeo, the kid came and asked the husband to help him find his bull in the pens. He knew his draw and wanted to see which one it was. The husband went back and saw that his gear bag so nowhere around. Hubby asked him where it was and he said in the truck. Hubby said why is it in the truck? Kid answered, "you told me to guard it with my life. You think it will be safe back here?" (See hubby lent the kid his old gear bag with all his old stuff.) So the kid went and got his gear bag but didn't know where to put it. Oh my.
Well, we finally got to the event. And this is how it went......
Not good! I hate to say it but I chuckled. It's morbid bullridin' humor really. But I knew he wasn't that hurt cause he was up walking around. I guess when you've dealt with this for many moons, it just doesn't phase ya like it does other people. Oh and maybe because my attitude towards it is if you are going to do it than be prepared for the consequences. Just suck it up buddy. Anyhoo....
Since the bull hipped himself on the side of the chute, the judges offered him a re-ride. The husband, being the very caring individual, tapped the kid on the chest, asked him if he was hurt, when the kid said he was okay, yelled, "He'll take the re-ride!" Kid was not excited about this. He didn't want the re-ride but the husband told him he was gettin' on. So here we went again. Now I don't have video of this one cause I messed up my camera settings but this is the shot I finally got off....

The husband called me at lunch today. He saw the kid at work today. Said he had road rash up his face, knot on his head, swollen eye and nose and numerous scraps and bruises on his chest and arm. I asked if he thought he was going to ride bulls again. The husband replied, "Nope, I think we cured him of that." I just laughed and told him to tell the kid thanks for the good chuckle.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
CSI Crazy M Ranch
How appropriate that the trail of evidence ended on the Beware of Dogs mat!
Another wouldn't make eye contact with the investigator.

Friday, October 17, 2008
A Day of Denistry
I just hope it helps us put weight back on her. Since she got really sick in January, we've had a heck of a time gettin' her to fill out. She's a fighter though so I know she'll get better.
On a side note, I had a dream we bought a new place. It had this huge barn. After we bought the place, we went up to the barn and opened the door. It was full of crippled horses! The last owner just left them! Just our luck, Home of the Crippled Horses. I told the husband about the dream and he laughed and said that wouldn't surprise him. Then later he looked at me and said, "Remind me to always look in the barns before we decide to buy another place!"
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Photography Class #4

I took this one with an aperture of 3.5. See how everything in the background is blurry.
This one has an aperture of 5.6. The background is getting a little more detail.
And this last one was set at 8.0, more detail. The smaller you make the aperture, the more detail you have in the background. The instructor said I should have went to a bigger number, than I had to remind him that I only have a point and shoot camera. 8.0 is as high as it goes.
And to illustrate shutter speed, I did this.....

Anyhoo, the assignment for next class is "texture". I have some thoughts about that already.
Oh, we also discussed the histogram last night. If you are interested in that, let me know. I will post a brief description on how to use it if you want.