I think they are plotting to take over Texas. They are EVERYWHERE! Checkin' cattle this past weekend at the lease, we were attacked. They jumped in the truck, on us, on the truck, etc. They were on the grill guard, antennae, windshield, hood, rear view mirror, cab, etc. One even road on the windshield for over 12 miles! He had some super strength sticky feet.

"Listen weak human, we grasshoppers shall rule your world. Do not worry, defeat will come quickly because our army is mighty!"
Waaahooho! Girl those are some AWESOME pictures!!!! I'm sorry you are under attack, but you sure got some neat footage of the leaders of the rebellion! We don't have any here in Illinois and actually the beetles weren't too bad this year. Stay safe and keep fightin' the good fight! ;)
We had a huge problem with them about 5 years ago, they seem to go in cycles! Nasty little buggers , can clear cut a field befor you can blink!great shots though. If you are willing to poison them there is a product here at least something bran ,it is safe for cows and birds (species specific?) you spread it on the feild ,just looks like regular bran and it supposedly helps .
I hate grasshoppers... but we have been fortunate the last several years to have just the normal amount. Now the squash bugs... that's a different story. We've had to resort to chemicals in the garden. Good thing that it's just for us and not for re-sale. Good luck fighting those nasty grasshoppers.
When we are dry here we get grasshoppers. They eat EVERYTHING. The last time we had them bad I can remember riding and them bouncing off my horse the whole way down the 2 mile laneway.
ewwwwwwwwwwwwww Oh Em GEE
When I lived in Texas , I had never seen the likes of Grasshoppers the size of my hand.
So one time I came out of the movies at like 11 pm and one was sitting on the roof of the car staring right at me as I had to get in, THEN the ***tard, jumped onto the windshield and stared at me some more as I drove home. !
I dislike when the jump on you and attach to you --- sticky little fellas! We don't have any yet - been to wet and green for them I think!
Grat pics! Just another advantage of living in the frozen tundra of WI.
We typically don't get them until about August here in Canada but we tend to get them bad! They are so gross and crunchy when you step on them and they plug up the rads on the vehicles, yuck!
We have a few of the nasty little guys up here in Kansas, but they have caused too may problem as of yet!
I like to take them and toss them into the pond and watch the fish attack them as they try to swim to shore!
OMG isn't there a movie like that (and no I'm not referring to Birds about birds)...
oh jeez. The grasshoppers here? E-freakin-normous! Seriously. I seen one and asked Ricky "Are they on steroids? Do they mate with iguanas? What?" I could not believe their size.
Terrific photos of the ugly li'l bug! Too wet here this year for them. They sure can decimate crops in a hurry. The best place for them is on a fish hook!
These are great shots!
Like most things that annoy us (skeeters, coyotes, snakes, gophers, some people) we're all needed in the big scheme of things. In Alberta and Saskatchewan there are around 90 species and of these only 4 are considered main cereal pests, another 4-5 do some damage to cereal, pastures, and rangeland. According to the info for Alberta the early ones are ok it's the smaller later ones that cause the most damage.
Sticky darn things can sure be annoying though. We've got a plague of mosquitos and biting flies this year.
Great photos of the pests! They are taking over Nebraska Panhandle, too. I want to know why I can't stomp these suckers, I just end up looking like a fool stomping my foot, hop, stomp, stomp faster..... and still they get away. :-(
They are everywhere here in Tennessee too, was actually cutting grass in my pasture last weekend wearing shorts had one shoot up my shorts... needless to say I think my barn neighbors gotta show LOL... then I was on a mission with the mower, this time with jeans on, but I just mowed over as many of those jokers as I could... just zeroed in on them :)
I HATE grasshoppers! We went through a plague of 'em back in 1990 (California) and the damn things ate my clothes right off the clothesline! Even the curtains in the house got ruined, because they were everywhere! If the kids played in the sprinklers and then ran around wet, the little suckers would land on them and bite!
Great pics!! We're over run with pack rats...at least 20 of them so far...but I think I'd rather have the rats than the grasshoppers. Hope they don't damage too much. For lil' suckers, they eat a lot!
Those are the coolest (nasty bugs) pictures I have ever seen of grasshoppers!! Awesome!! He really looks like he is going to attack!! LOL
Yep....and we have hoards of MORMAN Crickets here....they are ugly little BEASTS! Run in huge swarms and cover the roads and your house and it's just lt like a horror movie!
Boy, are we ever having a problem. Our garden was destroyed. They ate all my celery! :( And they aren't at all afraid of us. Any insect that is large enough to turn its head and watch me walk by is too freaking big! I hear they should be gone by the end of July, tho. Here's hoping!!
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