Don't let your babies grow up to be bullriders. The husband would kill me for saying that. But unless you want to be in constant pain, I'd pick another career path. The husband rodeo'd for 20+ years. With all those years, came many wrecks. Now he gets around like an old man.
Besides his neck, back and hip problems, he has really bad shoulders. He had one shoulder surgery prior to us meeting. Two after we got together. A fourth was suppose to be in 2007 but didn't happen. His right shoulder has been bothering him for years now. He has no range of motion. Really, he can't lift his arm. But the worst of it is the pain. Many nights he has to take Tylenol PM just to sleep. His hand goes numb. And if he's working and it gets pulled, TERRIBLE pain.
So when he finally decided he needed to make a doctor's appointment, I knew it was bad. Husband never asks to go to the doctor. Plus he always used Tandy (the PBR doctor) and going to a "regular" surgeon was a big step for him. He doesn't trust anyone but Tandy. I made him an appointment with the sports medicine doctors I went to about my achilles. He met with the shoulder surgeon and had an MRI done.
Yesterday, I met him at the doctor to see what the MRI showed. I wanted to hear for myself what the doctor had to say. Plus the husband was still leery about the doctor. I found the doctor to be very thorough. He showed us the MRI images. Discussed all the options. Explained what different procedures would accomplish.
He told the husband that he had the shoulder of an 80 year old. And pretty much the only option to alleviate the pain (which is the husband's #1 priority) would be a joint replacement. However, he didn't want to do the traditional joint replacement where they actually cut the entire joint out. Due to the husband's age, he wanted to do a less evasive replacement. He explained that regular replacements last about 20 years. Since the husband is in his 30s, that means he would need something else to be done in his 50s. If they cut the entire joint out, there won't be anything to work with. So the other option is to grind the ball down and put a cap on it. Then use donated meniscus, from a knee, in the socket to provide cushion. This is a relatively new procedure so there's not a lot of data on how long it will last. But even if it lasts only 5-10 years, it's better than the alternative. Then by that time, maybe science will have another option.
First things first, the husband and I have to arrange some health insurance stuff and get everything lined out. Looks like it will be the first of next year before he can have the surgery. He's pretty nervous about it all. He doesn't say it but I can tell. Maybe 6 months will let him prepare himself for it. Or maybe not!
Oh. Poor hubby. :( I hate that he is in pain, and hope there is something that will relieve some of it. ..."of an 80 yr old"? Really? Damn
Hubby just had shoulder surgery...not that intense but cutting none the less. He was pleased with the immmediate lessening of the pain.
Your hubby must follow the doctor's orders or he will have to do it again!
The pain has to be pretty intolerable for your cowboy to opt for surgery. My heartfelt sympathy, and I hope he goes though with it.
Oh wow. That's going to be a big surgery there. Prayers for y'all to get it done and be better already!
Man that stinks! Sorry that he's in pain like that, but maybe this surgery will relieve some of it. I'll keep you both in my prayers and thoughts! You know it's bad when they finally break down and go to the doc....if you'll remember The Paintiff's little ringworm saga..........HUGS!
Well if you are gonna dance you gotta pay th fiddler as the folks used to say about our young escapades! LOL You know I wonder if we would have done things different when we were younger if we would have known what the pain would be like a little later down the road......nah...doubt it!
Boy that sucks! Hopefully waiting that long doesn't make him talk himself out of it!!
Sounds big, but it is amazing what they can do . A guy in his 30's or anyone shouldn't be in that kind of pain al the time . Good thought s and prayers his way for a succesful and speedy recover when it comes to pass.Just amke sure he doesn't get feeling so good he wants to back to riding bulls!
Cowboys. You gotta love them, so tough, so independent. Pain is so tiring, wear's even the
toughest ones down. A doctor they trust is a big issue too at our house.
I really wish both you kids all the best with that.
Cowboys. You gotta love them, so tough, so independent. Pain is so tiring, wear's even the
toughest ones down. A doctor they trust is a big issue too at our house.
I really wish both you kids all the best with that.
Cowboys. You gotta love them, so tough, so independent. Pain is so tiring, wear's even the
toughest ones down. A doctor they trust is a big issue too at our house.
I really wish both you kids all the best with that.
Oh yeah...I know several old cowboys that are in the same position as your hubby....I feel for you both...it's hard to be the one and pain and I think even harder to be the that loves the one in pain!
PS.....I have your package all wrapped and ready to go to town today. :) Sorry it took me forever.
Your husband has a good Doctor if he is trying everything he can before a replacement. I need a knee replacement and they can't schedule me soon enough. If you can, please tell me the name of the procedure so I can see if it would be appropriate for knees.
Yikes. My dad had a hip replacement a couple years ago and he said he wished he'd done it sooner. All his pain went away and he could go back to walking normal and all that stuff.
P.S We are going to encourage TLC to be a reiner or a hunter.
Mine hates going to a doctor too.....for anything. He has been twice in the thirty-four years we've been married. Once because he ruptured his appendix and once because he had a piece of steel in an eye that I refused to mess with. All the very best to yours. It's better to be fixed now than wait in pain that's for sure and every year they seem to discover better ways to fix things.
At least your Hubby is still on the warm side of the Earth- I know- er- knew- a few that didn't make it that far! Being a cowboy or even a horsemen comes with its share of wrecks! I hope your hubby opts for the surgery- he won't be sorry. And because your man can face down a bull, get down on him and ride the snot out of 'em, the 'fear' of surgery will be manageable!
And tell him, it won't affect the contours of his very lovely and now famous backside!So its all good!
Well, sometimes a man's just gotta do what a man's gotta do... so I hope hubby doesn't opt out! I know that he'll feel so much better once the procedure's done, and you'll feel better too, knowing that he isn't in so much pain!
I'll keep ya both in my thoughts and prayers!
Gotta be his riding arm shoulder to be in that bad a shape. There is something kind of sexy about a cowboy's toughness unless you are the one sleeping in the bed with him and hearing him moan in pain in his sleep...
I sure know what you are going through, the husband broke his wrist 6 years ago and I mean broke, he had pins sticking out of his arm (external fixator) and to this day he still has to wear a brace at night when he is sleeping and when he moves it wrong or even does repitition things with it, like swing a hammer he know it! Hope that the doc can help with the pain! Just make sure that you learn everything you can on the procedure! Good luck!
Wow Wifey! Your Cowboy and mine are alike, but since mine is older...forewarn yours to NOT wait as long as mine has!!! The price is NOT worth it! Heck, if we time things right, they could recoup together...for the 3rd phase of my Cowboys restoration!
Sorry to hear about hubby's pain..but I think he might surprise himself on how easy sergury will go.. (these days, they can do amazing things) My husband was! And remember..God is always watching over him. My prayers sent your way..
Ouch! 6 months should give him plenty of time to get used to it and it sounds like you have a good doctor that is considering his overall quality of life too.
Wow - ouch! Sounds like to me that it would be better to have 10 good years while your 30.....but then I'm supposed to have both knees replaced and I have yet to do them. I'm too big a ninny! Just thankful we live in a time that there are options there for us! Good luck whatever you decide - maybe I'll gut up and get it done....but most likely not!! :)
i've said it before: bull riders are crazy!
- The Equestrian Vagabond
I knew you two were pups...just didn't know how young a pups you were! Sounds like this new procedure would be good in this case. Thank goodness for insurance! Hope he doesn't chicken out...tell him to Cowboy Up if he starts to falter!
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