About 4 years ago, I had just moved to our new town for my new job. The husband was still living in Stephenville. Doodle, along with others, were at a lease. This lease was cursed! Only bad things happened there.
One day Doodle got out on the neighbor's place. No big deal really, she just got in with his cows. Well, BIG DEAL to him. He chased her in his truck over a cattle guard. Doodle broke her front leg. The guy called to tell us he caught her and was going to have her hauled to the killer's! Excuse me, WHAT?!!
The husband went ballistic. Told him not to touch her and he would be there shortly. He managed to get her loaded on a trailer and moved to a nearby friend's pens. Called our vet friend and asked what could be done. He said he could do experimental surgery on her to pin and cast the leg. It had never been done on a large animal but it worked on small ones. We didn't have anything to lose so let's do it!
So in the pen, they romped Doodle. Laid her out and started. Dr. Broady shaved her leg.
Then the husband started up his welder to generate power for the power tools. As the husband held her leg, they drilled holes for the pins.
Then the husband had to hold her leg straight for Dr. Broady to cast it. Notice the husband put his cap over Doodle's eyes. LOL
Shortly thereafter, Doodle was up.
But the weeks that followed were stressful. We had to fight infection. A friend was into herbal remedies and fed her all kinds of stuff. We didn't care what it was as long as it helped. And I guess it did. Doodle got better. The vet was truly amazed that she lived. He eventually removed the pins and she was as good as new!
Today her right leg is thicker than her left but other than that, you'd never know. The husband and I always cringe when we see her running. Not too long ago, we found her hauling butt down the side of a creek, jumping the ravine. Silly girl! We lecture her to be careful but as you can see from the first picture, she don't listen very well.
That's amazing!
That is amazing, on many levels. The neighbor... Jack*$$!!
What great vet and kudos to you guys for taking the extra load on to treat her and get her up and around again.I have never heard of that type of thing done for a cow.Cool story ,thanks for sharing
That's an awesome success story!
I have always thought, that you could fix a large animals bones! That is truly awesome, and Doodle is the testimony!
Thats amazing that you pinned her leg and she survived! Wow
Oh I forgot to ask, after all that, how many calves has she given you?
Good story. I don't think I have ever heard a story like that about a cow.
I knew I like ya! Yay for you 2 you make a great team and so does the doc and Doole.
WOW! Amazing story. She is a beautiful girl.
Great success story! Amazing - no wonder you are attached to her -- and I love that she has character...ppppsssssttttt!
That is an awesome story. Glad to hear she did so well. Cattle sure are tough buggers..aren't they!
Wow that is truely amazing that she lived.
You have the worst luck sometimes. I am glad things worked out for you though! I love that first picture!
Wow, I got cold chills reading that. What a beautiful story and shame on your neighbor for such wanton cruelty and carelessness. I am so glad she made it through.
Reddunappy-We gave her the next year off to ensure she was healed up. Since then, she has given us two babies. A lil crazy brahma heifer and this year Gus (red and white bull calf).
It really is a miracle she survived. Experimental surgery in a corral doesn't make for the best odds. Luck was on our side.
A great story with a happy ending! And pics to boot! Glad to see that she's not affected by her injury. I'm always amazed by how resilient animals are.
Wow! I'm glad she is okay now. Great news that broken legs on large animals can be fixed.
You're not the only one with a neighbor that's a jack ass. Lucky for us we don't have cattle guards, just miles of barb wire fences. At least they can usually heal from a wire cut.
I'm amazed. And I'd be ready to kill that guy that ran her across the cattle guard...what an idiot!
That vet rocks. And that's great that you gave Doodle the chance. Love that sassy first photo!
I love it when humans do wonderful things for animals. Here's the wonderful human we love because he makes leg braces for animals which has made it much easier for our rottweiler, Missy to walk with support on her back leg. He's done some for farm animals too, like goats and I think maybe a sheep too. Hoorah for good people!
The Blue Ridge Gal
I Love great photos, dynamic vets, passionate cattle owners,and a good outcome. What a learning experience that this can really be done sucessfully. The moon and the stars must of been lined up correctly for Doodle
Wow, what a great outcome! She's a beauty!!
What a great story and pictures! Boy, you go all the way for your cows, dontcha? I love it!!
well that is cool as shit. But you are right--we must live kind of parallel lives.
I love her expression in the first pic
Great success story. Thanks for sharing! Just love checkin' in on your site
Aww... what a great story!
I love that you guys were willing to take a chance.
And that your husband put a hat over the cows eyes! True love!
I can't wait for teh Disney movie of Snickerdoodle's life. Who will play y'all?
Great story, Snickerdoodle is now my wallpaper. Wish I could of helped the vet on that one. That is right up my vet tech alley.
What a great vet!! I am so glad that she made it and that she runs with the best of them now! I can't believe your neighbor would do that!! RUDE!! I am glad she turned out okay! My mom is into all that herbal crud!! I am glad it worked!
What amazes me is the neighbor took it upon himself to euthanize you animal..The pinning looks good, and he did it without xrays.
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