Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Rant!

I really hate ranting about something so close to Thanksgiving. This should be a time of giving thanks for all the things I've been blessed with but I'm ticked off. Why you ask? I can't stand irresponsible dog owners!

As you know, we returned Foxy to her owners. Well, she showed up again yesterday morning. The husband took her home and no one would come out of the house. So, he left her. She was back within a few minutes of him returning home. She stayed at the house all day. When I got home, she was gone. I let the dogs out and Lucky ran to the other neighbor's house. Guess who he went to get, yep, Foxy. He brought her back to the house.

I loaded her up and took her back to HER home. The owner came out this time. He said he noticed she was gone this morning but didn't have our phone number. HELLO! YOU CAN SEE MY HOUSE FROM YOURS! CAN YOU NOT DRIVE OVER AND GET YOUR OWN DOG!!!

So I gave him our numbers so he'd have them. He said he was gonna have to get a collar and tie her up. Well, she's in heat so she's running around to all the houses around and driving the males crazy. Lucky barked all evening and night cause I took his girlfriend away. So distressed.

First thing this morning, guess who's running up and down my yard fence. Yep, Foxy. Has the owner tried to call? NOPE! Can we let our dogs out? NOPE! The husband took her back home. This time he sat in the drive and honked. Still, no one came out. Truck is there but no one will come out. He put her back in the pen. I'm sure she'll be back sometime today. Just a matter of time.

Yes, I have 5 dogs. And I am responsible for those 5 dogs. I make sure they stay where they're suppose to and don't bother anyone else in the area. If they did, I would ensure it didn't happen again. This family has one dog. Why can they not take care of one dog? Basically, they don't care and I'm pissed about it. Cause now, they are gonna have one dog plus however many babies she eventually has from running all over the country side.

I will now return to the regularly scheduled programming......


Dusty Devoe said...

I'm with YA! Hope she doesn't get hurt running back and forth. Happy Thanksgiving.

Sherry Sikstrom said...

I hear ya! peple can be so irrresponsible and LAzy ! Here is a thought , instead of just putting her outside and ignoring her , he could , walk her or build her a safe run so she would be home and off the road!

threecollie said...

Don't blame you a bit! We had a local official who used his position to punish others for letting their dogs run, because he wanted to let his intact bitch run round free to everybody else's house...he wasn't in office too long.

LadyFi said...

Oh goodness! That really is irresponsible - doubly so if she's on heat!

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

And she is not spayed, how distressing!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh don't EVEN get me going on this topic! And not Your rant is 110% accurate!

Linda said...

I hear ay! The other thing that makes me crazy is when people get a dog & then tie/pen it up out back and don't ever include it into the family. Why get a dog if your just going to tie it out back & leave it?

Shirley said...

A worthwhile rant; I feel sorry for Foxy belonging to people who don't give two hoots about her.

Anonymous said...

That family will never do her right and you know that. She will run loose until he ties her up or she gets hit. I don't know how anyone gets a dog and then makes it everyone else
responsibility . Poor Foxy, she finds someone who loves her and gives her affection and then has to go home to people who don't care for her at all. Maybe they can't care for her.

Anonymous said...

You could ask if you could adopt her but that wouldn't stop the irresponsible current owners from getting another dog.

C-ingspots said...

That would piss me off too...and some folks don't think we should have guns!! Oh, for the dog's owners of course...not for the dog silly. Happy Thanksgiving!!

The Wildwood said...

I would have to go neuter the owner!
That's my story and I don't care if he didn't like it!!!! LOL
I just hate people like them and they would do kids the same way I am sure!


the cubicle's backporch said...

Bad pet owners are so frustrating! I know we're not PERFECT pet owners (argh! Need to make vet appointment!) but when our dog was getting loose and winding up 15 miles away, we got an underground fence (and put it in OURSELVES to save money!)

Hopefully the owners wisen up!

Paula said...

Tell it like it is!! And why do city people think that just because we live out in the country, we are willing to take their animals? We always manage to get one or two whether we want them or not!

Leah said...

That is very irritating... you could always send them a daycare bill! -- Happy Thanksgiving to you and all!

Unknown said...

I can understand your rant and I would have been and have been there before. Take it from a vet's wife, I get riled up about irresponsible pet owners. These are the ones who respond to those "free puppies" ads in newspapers or out in front of Walmart. There is no such thing as a free puppy!
Perhaps call animal control? Or expect some "free puppies" in a couple months heading your way......

Happy Thanksgiving Kit!

Gail said...

Rant on! I agree, why isn't she spayed if they don't take care of her?

I just had my evening of bad dog owners. I had to turn over a dog that had been rescued to its owner. I was in love with this dog. The dog did not want to go to the owner and yet I had to give it up.

Lil Mama said...

GRRRR! I am totally with you on this! It's just lucky she hasn't been hit by a car yet! I hope everything works out.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Paint Girl said...

I totally agree with you!! People like that shouldn't even own dogs! Or any animal for that matter!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

First thing we spent money on when we purchased our home was to have the back two acres fenced in for our dogs safety. Other dogs in the neighborhood roam. Sometimes I get the feeling we are the only responsible pet owners on our road.. sheesh.

The Blue Ridge Gal
Just Vignettes

Janice said...

It's really to bad they are allowed to have an animal. She was happy with you guys, next time she comes keep her if and when the guy comes don't go out. Just kidding you could not be him. Unfortunate she has crappy owners and now probably unwanted pups...sad.

Anonymous said...

Our neighbor has an aged pit bull, and now a young pup and the two of them have decided my porch is their bedroom. They are here everynight to sleep on my wicker furniture! My neighbor was widowed in July, and I'm not too sure she ia coherent enough to take care of these poor animals. I have given them bedding and I do feed them (worng it know!), as the pups ribs are sticking out! I too don't believe folks should have animals if they can't take care of them. I'm wth you all the way.
Happy Thanksgiving. :)

Reddirt Woman said...

Only thing tying her up does is make it easier for the boys to get to her. When I was living in the country psople either would dump their dogs off if they didn't want them anymore or when they'd move they'd just leave the dog or dogs behind. Makes me want to just strangle them. Maybe we ought to start going to city council meetings and try to get a law passed where at least the owners can be fined, a hefty fine... They might think twice about not securing the animals. In Bartlesville the year before I moved I had to register both my girls and show vet papers that they had been spayed to get their licenses. There was a much larger fee for the license if the dog owner wishes to keep their animals intact for breeding purposes.

I'm with you on this subject for sure.


City girl turned Country Girl said...

Some people are crazy!!! LOL that your Hubby sat out there and honked!!! I would have too!! You may need some reinforcements on this issue...

Far Side of Fifty said...

Sad that there will probably be puppies..what are they thinking? You go girl..rant all you want! By the did a race..good job! :(