He was in attack mode!

Knocking me over wasn't enough....oh no.
See him goin' for the juglar!
I think he has me by the throat here!
I tried blockin' and givin' him an elbow...
But it didn't work. He tried cuttin' off my oxygen by takin' out my nose.
Um, hello....Husband? Pepper? Zena? Anyone out there to help a girl out?
Mister Nice Guy, trying to make it all better by kissin' my cheek. Not so fast mister!
Good Gawd 22 weeks?!? He's going to be HUGE! Looks like you had a good time and didn't come out of it worse for the wear;-)
I'm with Linda, HOLY CRAP he's gonna be HUGE!
I didn't realize how big he was until you posted these pictures!!!
What a lummox! Hes so cute! I bet he would do some damage just romping through a house.
Yep, he's a monster. And so strong. Every once in awhile he decides he wants to come in the house. There's no stoppin' him.
Wife, I am so sorry you were....um, brutally attacked by that...er, vicious dog.
Husband, thanks for not putting the camera down! ROFL
Hahahaha!!! He looks a little worn out after that "attack"!
wow-that's a lot of dawg. Fabulous photos!
Great series of photo..thanks for the giggles..he is something else! :)
That is so sweet, mauling his mom and letting her know he is growing up!
That last picture...so sweet!
P.S. I'm so happy that your both so happy.
such a MOOSE!!!!
Feed bills are exciting at your place!!!!
Diesel is such a brute! And handsome! I sure got lots of miles on the Diesel and Mouse story - what a hoot! The pups will understand on the "no treat" -- the farrier was just here so they have those good ol' hoof treats!
What an absolute sweetheart he is! We have rotts... big dogs are da bomb in our life.
The Blue Ridge Gal
(I'm having a scarf giveaway if you are interested?)
He is adorable! He's sayin' Mama! Play with me! Please? C'mon!
I can only imagine how much you love him!
I'm having a hard time deciding which one of you is more adorable!
Hahaha Libby took the words right outta my mouth!
He is one BIG lummox... and it's plain to see that you absolutely adore one another!
All the photos are great, but the final one shows both your dimples. ;-)
That dog is too funny!
Who is the photographer, by the way?
How cool, my word verification is HUGGEL.
That's what Diesel was doing...Huggel.
How CUTE! So glad he didn't hurt you!!! Hehe
BAHAHAHA LOL!!! That was too cute!!! He is such a silly puppy!!! And he's very lucky to have you!! I do love the final picture, it turned out great!!
He loves you too!
Oh - I love these pics of you with that goof ball. Too funny - and sweet!
He is huge!! What a sweetie though!
Gotta say Hubby is good with the camera! I would have been laughing to hard to hold it steady!
Great pics!! What a cute dog!
Too cute, I am not sure who enjoyed that more you or him :)
Okay - How much slobber did you have to wipe off before that last picture? He is definetely going to be a giant!
These remind me of Scooby Doo, he was always "attacking" Shaggy! He is such a cutie!
Even after all that rough play you got a great picture. I can't believe he is only 22 weeks old, Dang girl, he is HUGE!! I love those big dogs!!!
Can't beat all that conditional love!! He's still just a pup, and so big!! WOW. :):)
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