I was standing in front of the squeeze chute before he came thru. The guy running the chute controls said I might should move cause he'd miss some bulls already that morning. Luckily I listened cause he missed Stubby's head. Had to let him go and run him thru again. Then I was stuck behind about three guys when they got him caught the second time. The mouthin' process took all of 5 seconds. So I missed it, sorry. Plus Stubby was pretty well peeved by that time.
Today, we went over to check the lease cattle. Wanted to make sure the husband's patch work hadn't been washed away with all the rain. It still looked good. Then we watched the cattle for awhile.
Itty Bitty standin' there all innocent and sweet.
I noticed her feet were really long, which is very strange for a calf. But Itty Bitty has been odd from the git go! We called my rent-a-husband. He trims bulls and asked if he could trim Itty Bitty. He said he'd never trimmed a calf and never saw one that needed it before. Well we got one! So we're guessin' we're just gonna have to hold her down and let him nip the toes off. That should be interesting. Never gave a calf a mani and a pedi!
Then there's this dude. He is constantly givin' me the evil eye. Watches my every move. He's a BIG calf so he's gonna be a BIG bull. And I'm thinkin' he may be a tad mean. Not a good combination for me.
The brindle heifer. Many of y'all said you'd never seen a cow colored up like this so I thought I would throw a picture in of her. She's growin' and doin' well.
All the cattle are doin' well. The temps have been mild and the rain has been abundant so there seems to be plenty of grass for 'em. We plan to wean the calves in the next few weeks. That should be interesting but it always is when it's just me and the husband. To bad I don't have a photographer for that!
Can't believe how big itty bitty has gotten!
good lookin calves
Your cattle are beautiful. I live that brindle heifer.
What a pretty brindle girl. Having a calf with long toes is really weird. I wonder if she doesn't have a hormone problem being that small and all.
That BIG Bull has a 'what are you looking at look' about him.
Hope you get photos of wrassling Itty Bitty! Nice looking calves and I see what you mean about the evil eye on that black one, don't think I'd trust him either.
Lovin the pictures. The brindle is so pretty.
I love the brindle! Is this for rodeo stock, beef or breeding stock?
ooohh! That evil stink eye! What a nice looking youngster he is though!
I love it when you post pictures of the cattle- I love cattle!
I love their eyes!
Oh Itty Bitty is looking great!! That sure is strange about her feet!! Yes that calf is headin on his way to be a super big bull, and I agree he looks MEAN!! He sure is nice lookin too.. I LOVE the Brindle!! She is so pretty!!
We see that kind of feet on Jersey calves sometimes...the same dense black as that and they grow faster than Holstein feet.
Love that brindle! Thanks for the bovine update.
Aww... Itty Bitty is so cute!! That's funny that she's your first cow needing trimmed. She's making sure you never forget her!
Good luck with the pedi, you'll need it! I love to see your cattle! They are just beautiful! I know, handsome is probably a better word!
What!? I will be your photographer! I know how to photograph the working cowboy/cowgirl. See if we were neighbors this would be much easier.One day. So Pedi huh? We really need to be neighbors!
I love how colorful your cow herd is. We can't have color in our cow herd since we are raising commercial feeder calves- they want them uniform in size and color and shape. Boring! but it pays the bills and lets me ride horses all day and go to barrel races everywhere so I shouldn't complain.
I love the brindle. I would love a house full of brindle cow hides!
Itty Bitty is still beautiful even if she need a hoof trim.. I have enjoyed photos of her ever since she was born:)
Maybe all of Itty Bitty's growth is going to her feet!! LOL!! I have two fillies right now that we have to trim every three weeks because their hooves grow that fast!!! Crazy huh? I love that last brindle!! Pretty, it would look nice as a rug in my bedroom........
They're all lookin' fat and happy! I love all the different colors...just as good as fall foliage!
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