The husband took me out into the warehouse a few weeks back. I had no idea that they owned Snapple, Deja Blue, A&W, Mott's, Welch's, and many more. They are also affiliated with Arizona brand drinks. Employees get discounted prices. Plus if there is something wrong with a product (the can wasn't pressurized right) then the employees get those for free.

The husband laughs at me cause whenever I drink one, I always end with "Ahhhhhh!" He also brought me a case of Deja Blue water.

And he gave me a cap!! I HEART caps. Have a bazillion of them. This is my new cap happy dance. Can I get a Woo Woo!

And that's not all! He also gave me a pair of Dr. P shorts. Sweet! It's like Christmas came early!
Now I wonder if I can talk Dr. P into going into the feed business. All I need is cattle/dog feed at a discounted price. Then the world would be perfect.
My son loves Dr. Pepper! My daughter and hubby like snapple! Me, well A&W would be mine! Love the hat!
You DONT like Dr. P? Huh? Wha? Nah? Shocking!
Dr. Pepper tastes like bad cough syrup. ha But some of the other drinks I like.
Love the cap, and your dimples! :D
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Diet Dr. Pepper! Can't get enough of it. I think I am addicted!
I hear ya on the Dr pepper ! yech!!! But I do like A&W and snapple so... cute hat!
I'm a coke girl, but do like a Dr. P once in awhile!
You look so cute in that hat! Heck; prolly just as cute without it!Nice getting perks with the job.
I am with you I HATE dr.pepper. However A&W is my faaaavvvooorrrriiiitteee root beer.
Is it true Dr. P is made from prunes. It always gave me the craps. I do like the diet green peach tea from snapple. Yum. The hat is looking pretty good. It sure beats a curling iron. I too am a fan of hats.
WHAT? You cannot be a Texan AND hate Dr. Pepper.
You must repent! ;)
My brother used to work for Pepsi ... the freebies and merchandise were awesome!
Catchin' up on your blog ... and the photos of your dogs with the mouse are great! Reminds me of my childhood dog. Sweet.
Oh I love Diet Dr Pepper!! But I can't drink it LOL!!! Love the hat! Oh and you get a WOO WOO from me!!
NICE! Gotta love a good hook-up.
This is ironic b/c I just applied for a position with this company (that I won't get b/c it was a supervisor position but you never know) in Cinci. They also make Canada Dry (which goes great with whiskey) and Sunkist (which says 'summer' like nothing else!)
I agree- you can't be Texan and not like D.P.
You must live near Dublin or something? LoL. I am just kidding. It's just that that's the only place I know of where they make DP in Tx. Probably there's other places too; but when I was in college at TSU, in S'ville, that was the best- after a day of training in the heat- a Dublin, DP!
Love the cap!
Not a big fan of Dr P either, more of a Pepsi girl but love the Snapple!
Is that cap white???? Oh that's not gonna stay purty long now is it?
I'm not a lover of Dr. Pepper (the Bossman is though) but I'm right with you on a bazillion caps:)
I heart Diet Dr Pepper.
and caps!
WOO! WOO! gotta love free stuff!...esp caps!!! I love cap days!
How do you not like Dr P??
Arizona products? They make Arnold Palmers, I love me so Arnold Palmers.
Good luck with the feed, haha.
I LOVE me some Dr P!!! There's nothing that beats it, IMO... except maybe A&W!
Dr P jelly beans are the BEST, and my Old Guy is having a ball with the Dr P marinade!
Which means he barbeques, and I don't hafta cook! YAY, me!!!
But those dimples you got going on in the hat pic?
Now THOSE are gorgeous!
Big Surprise! I do not like the Dr. either, but my hubby loves them! Speaking of similarities...I love ball caps too and I just got a new one! Mine is pink though. And whatever do you mean...backroads? he he I shouldn't have to tell you, after all we ARE alike. (Wink)
You got the hook up girl!! yep, if they only made feed... that would be so nice :)
Don't you just love those perks of a job!
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