I just love this time of year. Of course, my favorite part of Halloween was dressin' up. My parents dressed me up as a rodeo clown several times. Had the denim baggies, bandannas, multicolored suspenders and face paint. That was my favorite costume. Maybe I'll try to get mom to send me a picture to show y'all. Just goes to show rodeo has been in my life from the very beginning!
So what is your favorite thing about Halloween? Did you have a favorite costume? Leave me a comment and you'll be entered into the ghoulish giveaway. Deadline for entries will be Monday, October 12th at 6 p.m.
I love going to the pumpkin patch, and spooky decor! Dressing up is always a challenge for me, but I never have a good party to go to, anyway, LOL! :) What a fun giveaway idea!!
I love Halloween! The best part, although I always griped, was my daughters would always wait til the last minute to tell me what they wanted for a costume. Then I would have to do magic to make the costume in time.
Halloween is my all time favorite holiday!
I love everything from the corny, crazy decorations, to watching little kids Trick or Treating.
But I'd have to say my favorite thing of all is the spooky movie and show marathons that will be on over the next few weeks.
When I was in elem. school we always had a Halloween carnival at the school. There was cake walks, dress up, and all the carnival fun things for kids to do. I guess now it has to be a fall festival to be correct. It was a small town and everyone came since it was one of the social events of the year.
My favorite part of Halloween is the kids! Unfortunatley I live out in the sticks so I don't get many here . When I worked in town in a group home I always switched shifts to hand out candy .
Grizzly's favorite part would be raiding the kids' trick or treat bags and mine was seeing the kids so excited to think they were going to get to KEEP all that candy for themselves!
BTW, they are 14 & 18 and still think it's okay for them to trick-or-treat and dress up. Maybe this will be the year I finally convince them to give up. Yeah. Right.
I like the trick or treating. You're never too old :)
Caramel candy corn... Oh My... Don't ever walk past the Halloween Candy. Caramel candy hunts me down and sneaks into my cart.
My favorite costume was my Roy Rogers Chaps and Vest and double holstered guns.
Halloween is my ABSOLUTE most FAVORITEST time of the year!!!
Even now that I am 21 I take time to stay at my parents house and stir up the sh*t. By that I mean our house is referred to by all the kids as "the scary house" We decorate to the nines and scare the bejeesus out of all the kids and especially their unsuspecting parents. The kid who shows the best Halloween spirit gets a BIG treat. Usually a big ol chocolate bar and a pop.
Of course dressing up and riding through the graveyard on my horse as the headless horseman was always my real thrill.
I used to love trick or treating. Now, I don't really like Hallowe'en because it's just another commercial grab that is pretty much meaningless, and I bet there isn't a kid out there that knows the origin of Hallowe'en.
My best and worst Halloween memory is all from the same year. I got one of those masks you practically glue on your face, painted it all up scary and went to a party when I was about 16. Then I got pulled over for speeding on my way home. It was kind of a good thing that the cop couldn't see my real face and kind of a humiliating thing at the same time! Haven't really gotten into the spirit quite the same way ever since.
I also loved the carnival we had at school growing up. I love to carve pumpkins, and give candy to the little ones.
My very favorite thing as a child would be my Granny's homemade caramel popcorn balls YUMMUY!!! Oh and I also always loved the school carnival!
Now I love it for my kiddos!! In our small town I take DD trick or treating and J since he is older does this tradition they have of shaving cream fights LOL!
I love Halloween colors like orange and black together. Greens and purple! And chocolate! I'm totally drawing a blank of favorite costume.
BWAAHAAA!! I love Halloween..we have a family pumpkin carving contest every year, I usually make popcorn, pumpkin seeds, and stew! then hand out candy. I love getting dressed up and my favorite costumes was my old, fat, purple tooth fairy with her beehive purple wig. This year my family is dressing as a 80's Rock band.
When I was young and too old to be "treated" with candy ..our "trick was to get inside our neighbor's cars..release the brake..put it in neutral ..and push it into the neighbors' driveway! We would do that to as many as we could get by with. (Of course, that was before people locked their cars) We never were so bad as to soap windows or egg a car as they always really knew who we were. We did however TP!
My mom was a fantastic seamstress, so we always got to pick out what we wanted to be, and then sit back to watch mama make it magical!
I don't recall any favorite costume, but I used to just love dressing up for Halloween!
And candy corn? Oh my... I wish I had some right now! I ate it by the colors...
I grew up in the town and loved trick or treating ("tricker treatin' as we called it then). We live in the country now and took out boys to our small town for the big day and let 'em run! I like going thru their sacks of goodies. My favorite part about the season is pumpkin. Everywhere you go, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin latte, pumpkin dip! Love it!
every year i used to dress up as "buzzy bear"... a cute bear costume.. always got the gooomies with that one :)
better a spooky prize giveaway than a spooky horse:)
That is so funny. TLC is going to be a rodeo clown for Halloween this year! I was a RC one year when I was about 12. It was so good no one knew I was a girl.
The best costume however was when I was Little Bo Peep. In a giant Orange Hoop skirt complete with crook and lamb. That was also the day that dad forgot to pick me up from school and I had the pleasure of walking home in that lovely outfit.
I cannot tell you how many times I went as a HOBO!!! That seemed to be the easiest costume for my mom to come up with. I look back now...and realize....she was just being lazy!
I love the food...the parties...the dress up. My teenagers love it.
I was always a cowgirl. Uh I wonder why? The best part was going to the big city of Toledo where my grandmother lived and trick or treating with a pillow case. Of course there was the razor blade scare which has been proven to be an urban myth. Not like my mother really worried, she would just say,"be sure to check for razor blades in your candy."
The picture is pretty awesome!
What a great job with this challenge. Love how you did a total spooky transformation of what was already a cool photo.
My favorite part of of the holiday is getting together with family, and not going to lie - the candy. Still love all the candy! haha
Mom and I always exchange small bags of candy corn The rule is you have to eat the white bit first, then the orange and finally the yellow. The dogs get dressed up every Halloween. They are very patient until the photos are done being taken.
Very nice. I enjoy Halloween also, but living out here in the country we see very few kids. I think we only had 3 last year! Oh darn, we had to eat the candies. :):)
I LOVE fall and halloween! My fave memory is the costume parties my mom used to have for all the neighborhood kids and their parents. One game we would always play is hanging apples from the ceiling on strings and we had to take a bite out of them without using our hands, who ever succeeded first won. Hilarious to watch and try to do!
I love how we lived in such a totally innocent world where we could trick or treat anywhere we wanted, even at homes that we didn't know. Where we brought home popcorn balls wrapped in Saran Wrap and thought nothing of opening them immediately and eating them. Where we would dump our bags of candy in the middle of the floor and separate it into the different types of candy, eating as much candy as we could sneak by when our mom wasn't looking. I am saddened that the innocence of that time is gone and my grandchildren will never know what it was like....p
I don't really have a favorite costume. I was a clown a lot. i was Hermione Granger once...that was kind of fun, b/c I love to read. I loved getting the big candy and having tons to eat as the holidays continued.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Gotta love Picnik! Your photo is awesome!
What a terrific idea: a Give-a-Way!
When I was a kid my fave thing was choosing a costume. As an adult my fave thing is picking through my kid's candy buckets for all the good chocolate candy! (shhh! hehe!)
My fave costume as a child would have to be my Pocahontas costume...or maybe Dorothy from Wizard of Oz.
Happy Halloween!
Oh my gosh! How are you going to pick? I only wish I had so many followers.... great idea -- good luck in picking the best one!
I love Halloween since it is a great time to just be silly - we've always done the out in the country trick or treating and now the kids have grown and we don't get any little ones -- So I usually make a few handouts (candy, candy) and take in to the people at work.... Have a great week!
I like being my kids room moms for their school parties, dressing up the kids and taking them out trick or treating--they just get so excited! :)
Glad you liked my Harvest Bundt Cake! Thanks for the comment. Have a great day!!
Since we live out in the boondocks we don't have many neighbors. We're lucky to have one family stop but. :(
My favorite thing about Halloween is pumpkins. I make all my decorations out of sheet metal and I love painting them orange. It's weird I know, but I love pumpkins!
LOVE Halloween! The hubby and I got married on Halloween :) When the kids were little and still lived in town we'd all dress up and walk around the neighborhood trick or treating in groups. That was our anniversary activity for years!
Favorite costume for me was some type of face-painted ghoul dressed in black with my long leather trench coat over the top... think the Crow type of thing, some times more drastic and spooky looking.
We're out in the country now so we don't get any trick or treaters. Kinda miss all the excitement and decorations.
My favorit part is the cool decorating/decorations and the dressing up. Love to be able to decorate yard/house with ghosts and pumpkins and everything else!
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