Several of y'all have asked about Lucky Dog. Have we learned anything about him? Has anyone came lookin' for him? Is he officially a member of the Crazy M pack? How is he with the other kiddos? Yep, y'all are full of all kinds of questions!

No one has showed up at our doorstep asking for Lucky Dog. From his condition, I'm thinkin' he has been on his own for a good while. And from his behavior, it doesn't seem like he's been treated well recently. Besides the numerous scars on his body, he is submissive towards EVERYTHING. If you raise your voice, make a quick movement, etc., he cowards down and looks for the quickest exit. But with all that said, Lucky Dog craves love from his humans.
He is the sweetest dog. He walks next to me and puts his head under my hand. Loves to be petted. He doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body. He doesn't make a sound. The only time I've heard him bark was late at night when the coyotes were howling close to the house.
The other dogs don't seem to mind him. Diesel is his buddy. Zena has not been real happy about the additional dog but she accepts him. Pepper, well Pepper don't like anyone. He stays out of her space so she could care less. And Harley tolerates him like he does all the other dogs.
The other dogs don't seem to mind him. Diesel is his buddy. Zena has not been real happy about the additional dog but she accepts him. Pepper, well Pepper don't like anyone. He stays out of her space so she could care less. And Harley tolerates him like he does all the other dogs.
So the burning question...Is Lucky Dog an official member of Crazy M? Well, the husband allowed him in the yard. That was a huge step. Then over the weekend, the husband mumbled, "I can't believe he have 5 dogs." We have FIVE dogs! That means he considers Lucky Dog one of ours! The moment I fed him, I considered him mine. I knew the husband would be a hard sell but you really can't not like the dog.
Lucky Dog is full of love to give and who could resist him. We couldn't.
Lucky Dog is full of love to give and who could resist him. We couldn't.
Oh Lucky Dog he knew exactly what he was doing showing up on your doorstep - he looks very happy! He is a Lucky Dog....
And a Lucky dog he is! to have found safe haven and a home with you
Oh I am so glad Lucky Dog has a good home now. He couldn't have stumbled on a better home. He truly is on lucky boy!! I am glad he fits right in!!
Awww, that's so sweet. I'm glad he's now a member of the family. Lucky Dog indeed..
That is so great to hear. Strays always make the best dogs. He found the right loving family.
You are rubbing off on me...on the way home after work, I saw an obvious momma dog in the parking lot of a business that I pass. I was stopped at the light and watched her cautiously creep to the side of the road and grab a hamburger sack that someone had thrown out. Her actions told that she, too, was used to being run off from places. I went about half a block and turned around. I remembered I was still carrying the cup of dog food that I had told you about earlier. When I got in the parking lot, she was tearing into the bag, looking over her shoulder. When I drove up, she started off, continuing to look back. I rolled down my window and called to her but she was too scared, she just kept going. I opened my door, dumped the food on the ground, and drove away, calling the whole way. I looked in my rearview mirror and watched as she turned and came back, furtively looking around, ready to bolt at the slightest noise. Her hunger made her a little less fearful and she finally made it to the dog food. When I pulled away into traffic, she was chowing down. It made me feel good to know that I could ease her hunger for a while and her puppies would benefit from it as well. What a sap I am!!!
Yippee! Someone's loss is your gain!
The best dogs always choose their owners! Not the other way around! I should know... I have 3 that found their way to my door step and have been the best dogs I’ve ever owned. I have a temperamental boxer that I paid over $400 for and she doesn’t have 1/2 the personality or loving nature as my freebies. Give me a little guy/girl that NEEDS a new home and family any day. I’m glad that little boy picked a good home and is being given a second chance!!!
I luvs me some Lucky Dawg. He is soooo cute!
That is one lucky dog!! That is so neat that you get to keep him. He is so cute. Hopefully with all your love, he'll get over the shyness!
You are one lucky lady! I think he is adorable. He has a kind eye. It was meant to be!
OH yes that is the sign when the Hubby's say anything in reference to what we want to happen!! I'm really glad Lucky dog found you!! It looks like he has a scar there on his shoulder in the last picture...Poor guy, mean owners should be...Well I won't say it out loud!!
Me thinks the wife has a very good hubby! Isn't it great when you have the best partner ever! Lucky Dog is a very lucky fellow!
5 dogs is a good thing...we had 5 until old Mike passed and will have 5 again I am sure.
And you are good folks to be keeping him
I had a sneakin' suspicion you would be keeping him. What's another dog, mouth to feed, vet bill? He's found a super home filled with lot's of love.
YAAAAAAY!!!!! Lucky dog has a home!
He looks sweet.....and I wouldn't be able to turn him away either. :) Good for you and good for Lucky! :) Have a wonderful weekend.
Hubby - you ROCK!!
Wife - we all knew you did already, but the Man just showed us he is worthy of you! LOL
So glad L.D. found you! And that Hubby is as kind hearted as you are.
Hi - I just finished reading your whole blog - I love it. I too am a dog lover - but only have 2 - not as much room as you - love hearing about real cowboy/girl life and your ranch! Your pictures are great, and you have inspired me to start carrying my camera with me - again.+
LOL :-) Good think you got your Diesel dog or the hubby may have counted the stranger as your new dog. Just remind your husband that there are others that have more. I have 6.
I am so happy for Lucky Dog! And that Diesel and him are pals too! Who knows, maybe he showed up just for Diesel.
ummm, can we make sure the husband doesn't see this? He might get a big head. lol
Congratulations! It's a DOG! And he really IS a lucky one!
I must be emiting some kind of dog-karma..there..Miss Whisper-er! Your gift is now got dogs coming from miles around to your door step.. waiting to be adopted by the Crazy M Family! He is a Lucky Dog! I am glad you are blessed, too.
I KNEW it! You old softie, you! I figure he needs you, and your heart is big enough to take 'em all in, so it's a win/win situation all around!
Besides, Diesel needed a buddy, eh?
It sounds to me like Lucky Dog just lived up to his name. He couldn't have gotten any luckier than finding you guys.
Yay for Lucky dog! And yay for your husband. Give me a big 'ol hug!
He looks like such a sweetie! He is very lucky he found you!
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