The husband got a call yesterday that we had a couple cows from our lease place out in the neighbor's field. So this morning we headed over to check it out. We called up the cattle and found that two cows and one calf were missing.
We drove the fence line and found the fugitives. Luckily, there was an old wire gap we could open to let them back on our pasture. They were happy to be back. The mommas went looking for their calves.
So then we had to find where they had gotten out. Just the husband's luck, it was in a washed out MUDDY area. They were able to go under the fence so he had to put some more wire across the bottom and posts to hold it.

And we didn't think to bring our mud boots. So I sat in the grass while the husband got muddy.
This was the best we could do with what we had available. And with all the mud.
After it dries out, we'll go back and check to see if we can fix it better. Hopefully, it will contain our escapees for now.
Aww, chivalry ain't dead! He didn't make you go in there and get muddy with him!
Yuck! least the dogs didn't go along to help!!!!!
gotta love cows, they do find the muddiest places to cause trouble ! I spent(it felt like) half of one summer walking through bog to find stray calves before we finally figured out the trouble spot!
Aww what a good husband to wallow around in the mud wile you sat and took photographic evidence of it.
How is it a cow can get loose and you hoot and holler and they go back through the hole they came out of, unscathed. A horse finds a fence, jumps over it, scrapes the bloody hell out of themselves and then run up and down the fence right past the hole calling for their herd mates and you still have to go out there and somehow catch them? I am starting to think theres some intelligence in those potato brains of cows compared to my money eating horses.
You couldn't get in the mud. Who else would take pictures to blog it?! Seriously, we are a breed of our own. EVERYTHING is usually blogable. LOL
Work is never done is it?!?! Super nice Hubby to stand in that knee high mud and let you sit in the grass!!
I hate mud...maybe I am in the wrong line of work.
So glad you found the missing calf.
Looks like our place, a mud bog! I would hate to see his boots!
Boyz is supposed to get muddy.
yup.. we did something similar a coupla days ago too .. goes with the territory..:) here where we're expected to get 6 inches of white stuff... nope, not a typo
gp in montana
That's a lotta muck! Hubby did a fine job fixing that fence!
The never ending saga of a rancher...does it get any easier?
Glad hubby was with you!!
Gee that mud looks a lot like our mud!! And man, I am surprised he got out of that! He did a good job fixin the fence in all the mud. It always amazes me how cows can get under a fence. Those crafty cows!!
For Sunday Stills this could have been this job is done for now...Ask him if he would like to come fix my wet soggy spot in the fence. There are at least bigish semi rock semi boulders to stand on.
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