Exhibit 1:
Exhibit 2:
Exhibit 3:

The head was never found. I think the culprit was trying to stop the identification process. Or the cause of death. But I think both are pretty evident!
There is just something about fall decorations and my animals. If you've been around for awhile, you may remember this little incident. I thought I took the necessary precautions to ensure the crow's safety. He was placed outside the yard fence. The dogs are only allowed outside the yard in our presence. Somehow when the husband allowed them out this morning, he didn't see the perpetrator grab the victim. He swears it was an inside job. Otherwise, the victim was hid until the husband left the house. It's all a little fishy if you ask me. RIP not scary enough scare crow
On a side note, I changed the format of the blog. I looks fine at my home computer but my office computer has the side bar and body cut off. How many of you are having issues with seeing it correctly?
It's working on mine. ? Sorry about the scarecrow. He was adorable.
Looks good to me... I want to come visit your house next time you decorate for fall... I'll even post myself with a camera to catch the culprit but it looks to me like "the others" have found a patsy for this crime!
Okay, I think I'm just not smart enough to figure out my office computer! LOL!
Looks fine to me too!
Blood on the scarecrow~ Oh my! Too bad- it was a nice touch!
looks fine to me.
Uh oh! That poor scarecrow.
Don't you love it! Diesel is a little sneak? My little sneak I can't even trust and he is out of his teens - just yesterday my gardening gloves stayed put for most of the day and then bingo one is gone!
I think Diesel might have been framed:)
I love the picture of Diesel with the evidence in his mouth!
Wha? You didn't put that out just for Diesel? LOL! Love that photo!
Blog looks perfect from here.
I see everything perfectly.
Dogs - ya just got to love
Not Diesel!!! sorry I lol'ed , our Skeeter dog was known as "Shredder" for an awfully long time!
On my computer the sidebar was cut off until I went full screen, which fixed the problem.
Deisel is too funny, truckin' along with the evidence in his mouth! Husband's story sounds fishy to me.....
I love catching them in the act! Even though if you don't catch them, they get that guilty look on their face! I can always tell when my dogs have done something wrong!
Deisel is so cute!
Working fine on mine as well! Don't you just hate when those sneaky little buggers do that!! RIP scarecrow :)
They are so funny sometimes. Puppies will be puppies! When I got my australian shepard, we had to make sure there was nothing on the floor when we left and he had to be gated on the back porch or when we got home he would have everything chewed to pieces no matter what it was!
Are you sure your poor puppy wasn't set up??? ;)
Blog looks perfect on my computer!
Stop over for a visit soon. :)
oh no! not again!!! the horror!
Practicing for the real thing is what I think:) It's cut off slightly on mine but just a tad.
Cut off on my slightly too.
Poor scare crow!
We have had a similar incident like that that we call the
Poor Scarecrow.... RIP
Awww... poor little scarecrow!
But I think Diesel may have been trying to put it back together after the girls got at it.. what do you think?
But dogs? Dogs are like kids. You can't have anything nice until they're grown up and even then, I always wonder if it was worth it anyway.
The scarecrow was precious...but Diesel? ADORABLE! RIP, scarecrow!
ROFLMAO!!! Diesel ROCKS!!!!!
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