Oh my! The husband and I were outside minding our own business. He was putting the finishing touches on the yard fence, the gate latch. I was trying to take pictures of Stubby for our partner. From out of nowhere, it starts to thunder, the wind picks up, the temperature drops about 20 degrees. We figure it will most likely be a short shower. They've been missin' us all summer. But the husband goes ahead and rolls his welding stuff up and we head to the barn.
We haven't been in the barn 10 minutes and the bottom falls out! The thunder and lightning are bad. Zena is having a fit. Something pops in the barn and the husband says he saw sparks fly. We still don't know what that was.
I decided to step away from the door and sit in the middle of the barn on some sacks of feed, thinking that may be the safest place. The husband sits on a large metal tool box. HELLO!
The rain is pouring down.
Then it starts hailing!

I can't remember the last time I was in a hail storm. It ranged from pea to marble size. Luckily, it didn't last very long.
We waited till it let up a little. I shoved my camera down my shirt and we made a run for the house.
We were suppose to have our back pasture baled in the next day or two. Guess that will be put off until it dries out. One good thing about all this rain, besides we really needed it, is my truck finally got a washin'!

Send some of that rain here...please?
Crazy rain. Sitting on metal things (or carrying a ladder from the machine shed to the house when it's thundering because you locked the door and now have to crawl through the bathroom window- theres to my darwin award) during a storm is not a good idea unless you want to fry.
The rain never seems to stop here :( Fortunately up til now knock on wood the hail has avoided us.
I like the truck!
A turd floater. LOL
Hope the truck didn't get beat all to hail.
Love your header. Great blog!!
Some of these sudden stroms have been hitting us here as well . Double edged sword. We need the moisture , but we need to get the hay up in decent shape too!
What a nasty storm that moved through! I do not miss those! But they will be coming, it's just a matter of time!! For now I will enjoy our rainless, dusty, hot summer!
I know you've been needing that rain...just maybe not all at once? Ha! Sometimes that's the only way I get my truck washed too!
Nothing like a good rain to wash the vehicles! Isn't it amazing how it can just hit. We were pounded with golf ball sized hail last week. Went from grey to black, crazy lightning, thunder and hail in about 5 minutes. So glad you made it to the house without getting fried. We've had three human lighting strikes in this area.
A Turd Floater! LOL!!! Too funny! Bout the only time my truck gets washed is when I back it out of the garage into the rain;)
Holly crap! I bet it has already dried up. I thought these storms in TX were a regular thing?
As for the metal tool box. You have insurance on him...right....?
Ha ha
Up here in Oklahoma we call it a
LOL! Love your humor in life!!! I've missed your pix and your words inviting us all into your world~and your adventures!!!
Love the Gate! Think I'd be keepin' that Cowboy hubby of yours around awhile...even a lifetime...he's pretty handy at all he does~including pole dancing!
Holy Smokes!! Gotta love those southern thunderstorms!! And I am so happy to see you are a chevy girl!! Love the red truck!!
That happened here last week! We had lightening like I've never seen before!!! Don't you love when our trucks get a good rain wash!! The only down side for me is when I leave the roads will be so muddy it'll need another bath LOL!!
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