Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Harley the Cow Dog

Harley loves to go with us to check cattle.  When he was younger, we had to hold him back cause he always wanted in the arena to chase the bulls.  He also used to go with the Husband to feed.  But a couple years ago, a cow got after him.  Luckily it was very muddy and when she squished him into the ground with her head, he just mushed down in the mud.  Now he's not as brave out in the pen.  He tends to freeze instead of run so we keep him out unless we're carrying him around.

He's still spunky though.

Vicious, huh?!  He didn't want Blackie close to him or the Husband.  He was pretty proud of himself.


Isn't he just too cute!!  Well, besides the hack job I did cutting his hair.  But his cuteness still shines thru the bad haircut!


Linda said...

When you wrote Harley I pictured Diesel and then you wrote about carrying him around and well...then I saw Harley's picture. OK so I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.
THe haircut just makes him tougher!

Mama Mess said...

Whoo hoooo! Don't go messin' with nobody when Harley is 'round! So cute!

lisa said...

He sure is a cutie! You better watch out Blackie!

LindaG said...

Haha. Harley's a little toughie. :)

small farm girl said...

So cute, I mean scary looking. lol

Shirley said...

Precious little guy!

gtyyup said...

You get 'um Harley!!! He's such a doll.

So sorry about Pepper too...I hope you're able to find the right home for Ruby real soon. The shelters are very stressful, but you got to do what's right for the rest of the family.

Gail said...

Super cutie, I saw Blackie backing away in fear!

Nicole said...

hahahaa I love it! I'd be scared if I were that black cow!

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

He is certainly adorable!

Linda said...

LOL Uncle Dan had a wee chihuahau that thought he was a cow dog......heck he WAS.

CTG Ponies said...

Oh my! He looks like a fierce little thing.