Doesn't my helmet make you think of Darth Vadar? That was part of my attire today for non-lethal ammunition training. We wear protective equipment so the paint bullets don't hurt as much when you get shot. Of course, not all your body is protected.
So I picked a guy to shoot at me today. Last time I did this, my partner shot me in the shoulder. I just figured a guy is usually a better shot. Boy was I WRONG!!! I managed to pick the worst shot in the entire class. Very first bullet hit my leg, right in the crease. Let me tell ya, it stings. Instructor came over to see if I was okay. Of course I was, let's continue. So then the next shot hit me in the head. Luckily, I had my lovely helmet on. The instructors stopped the training and told all the participants AGAIN, no head shots. Very next shot, straight in my face. Again, thank you helmet. By this time, I'm laughing and shaking my head. How does this guy qualify to carry a gun!? The last two shots were in my throat area. It was padded so no harm there. He never hit me once in the chest which was where he was suppose to aim.
After the drill, he repeatedly apologized for his bad shooting ability. He even stated, "I'm a really bad shot." I just looked at the guy. He didn't have to explain that to me, I was on the receiving end of his really bad shooting!
But you know what, I get to go home tomorrow afternoon! Woohoo! So I'll take a few bullets if it means I'm headed back to the ranch.
What on earth is it that you do that gets you shot at????
Hmmm, maybe he was a gentleman and didn't look at your "chest area"? after all you usually hit where you're looking....
Oh no! I thought you did a pretty good job of picking out guys.
LOL--oh my.....I feel sorry for you but I feel bad for the poor guy too...that must be embarrasing for him to be such a poor shot!
Please tell me he's not in police training? If so I sure hope I live in a different state!
Yikes ! and he is one of the good guys? please tell me his regular job is IT or something ,not reguiring marksmanship
after the second shot I would have had to maybe, let my finger slip on the trigger while "accidently" aiming at his balls :-)
Hope he is scheduled for more training.
Haha. The force was definitely not with him. ;)
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! (I know I'm early, but thinking positive never hurts!)
What a total Dweebo!
paintballs hurt! Just sayin....
Girl, I've missed you! I was just brushing my teeth wondering when you were heading home! Glad to hear it's today!
That is too funny bout that guy and his aim! Did you get to at least then shoot at him???
Hope you got a better shot this year and again, I'm glad you get to head home!
Be safe on the trip!
But can you take the helmet home with you????
Thank goodness for helmets!!! Did you get to shoot him back hopefully ;)
Super cool helmet! But that guy needs to spend more time on the range!! Yikes!
LOL I hope you get paid WELL to take shots from a man like you did!
My Hubby is a Pistol instructor and he gets mostly cops and FBI and Homeland Security guys coming to him for training. Just because they are licesened to carry a gun does not mean they can shoot! Cops are notoriously bad shots!
Glad you are ok- but man- I hope you get hazard pay!
YEEEEOCH! Those suckers HURT!
I had to laugh though... my ex is (was?) a CHP and he had to go in for weapon training once a year.
I guess he passed, but once when we had a rattlesnake, he ran and got his gun, emptied it (never hitting the snake) so my daughter proceeded to walk over and drop a big rock on it. Talk about hopeless... LOL!
OMG! I mean really! How DID he qualify???? How far away were you? Did you get to shot him back? LOL!
Better you than me! At least you weren't the one doing the bad shooting! By the way aren't those motel rooms nice. The hubby stayed in one once for a job and it was pretty cool.
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