There were several reasons I chose this race. One was the date. Two was it benefits a children's hospital. Why not help a good cause with my personal goal. When you sign up for the race, it asks if you would like to be a fundraiser. Sure, why not! I set up my web page for donations and it's ready to go. If you would like to support my cause, you can click here. I will put a button on the sidebar as well. I set my goal at $500. Times are tough and if I can do it $1 at a time, I'm gonna try.
Now on to Mike! He took some pictures for y'all after my rainy run today.

Thank you Mike!
Mike what a guy....out on a run with you..... Yahoo! Mike does well with photography :)
Way to go! And fundraising for a good cause too! Mike sounds wonderful , my BB is driving me nuts ,I got so rattled I called it a Blueberry (techno bumkin that I am )
ooo, love that last pic. And congrats on entering the race. you can do it.
A dollar up here is called a Loonie (because of the Loon, a northern bird, on it not because it was a loonie idea). I'm wondering how to send you one. Our dollar is almost always worth less than yours so maybe I should send a 'Toonie'($2). Both are coins.
Not bad for a phone! You have such a big heart! I wish you luck on your walk. My brother in law does the bike ride for the diabetes foundation every year.
Congrats on signing up for the marathon!! You will do awesome!!
Looks like you have a new running partner.
hehe... once you go iPhone, you never go back! I love the 3rd photo too!
You go girl! I'm proud of you and know you can do this. You inspire me every single day! ;)
Yeah for you! Can't wait.
Congratulations! Your pictures are amazing...
New follower found you from Tales from the Trails...
Way to go! And fundraising for a good cause too! Mike sounds wonderful
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