She's always been very tame. But you have to watch them horns. She whacked me in the head once, on accident of course. I was bending down in front of her picking up some cubes to feed her. She bent over too. Smacked me on the way up!

She enjoys a good rub every now and then.

Husband making sure to hit all the right spots.

Maybe a little more on this side.

I just love her expression here. She must not like to be touched there!

Nice to have them so quiet and settled
It's easy to see that she is used to and contented for the most part with being touched. This is sweet.
The Husband looks like he knows just where to scratch! Tell him I recognize that bottom lip......even though I haven't seen The Paintiff's look like that in several years! ;)
you know, it's funny how many people are of the opinion that cattle are "dumb" animals. Living on a beef ranch for 20 yrs showed me how they are anything BUT
He must be doing it wrong--she looks pissed.
I too have taken a horn to many body parts--not fun times
cows crack me up....they are kinda like big dogs. A lot of ours may look a like, but they all have very different personalities!
Those were hilarious!! I love how her horns add to her expression in the last picture LOL!
She's a big girl but seems pretty quiet. Not sure I would bend down by her though...
You've got to love the tames ones! I hate the mean ones!!
Your husband's a good guy isn't he?
I love the second picture, pure bliss!
My steers love to be scratched under the head and down the neck! How many of them can he actually get that close too and scratch?
Hi--just stopping in for a visit...I have been out of the loop and I am sure missing everyone. :)
cute photos......:) Have a great weekend. :)
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