Over a year ago, the husband rebuilt part of the fence along the creek. The old fence was pretty much non-existent. He moved it out about 50 ft, hoping it would be far enough away from the creek to do okay. Well, it was still standing, just leaning a bit.

All the brush from the creek caught here. There were some massive tree stumps. I was pretty proud of the hubby's fence for withstanding it. The grass was laid over from the water. You could tell there was a lot of water rushing thru there.
There was even someone's old shoe stuck in the fence.

We tried pushing off most of it. Got the big stuff off the wire. It was just like new. We also checked the cattle. Wanted to get a head count, make sure everything was there.

They came a runnin'! Even the newest babies.

This is Itty Bitty's brand new sister.

She's out of a different bull. She still looks pretty petite though. Have to see if she grows or not. Here a few of the other new babies.

The husband LOVES the lil brahma. She has a little hump and those big ears!
So everyone was accounted for and the fence was standing. It was a good day!
Glad everyone was accounted for! If your hubbies fence is anything like ours, a hurricane wouldn't move it! We just finished putting up pasture fence for the horses today.
Always an on-going chore....fixing fence isn't it? LOVE the babies :)
Wow 11 inches! We are lucky to get that much rain in a year! When we get 1 inch in a shot we feel pretty lucky!
Glad every one is safe. Some places were not so fortunate.
Good sturdy fences and great looking healthy calves , sigh life looks good in your neck of the woods
Those babies are precious! I love them!!!
Brahma babies are so cute with their big ears. We started raising corriente cattle for roping and they sure aren't as cute as those :)
Those babies are doggone cute! -- That is a lot of rain ---
So if itty bitties sister is itty bitty too whatcha gonna name her?
I took a couple of pictures just for you today, Jarjar Binks ears and all. Check out "The Darndest Thing" on my blog.
WOW that's a ton of rain!! We are in that boat tonight...SO glad to hear the fence withstood the water rush! That could have been a real headache!
The new babies are so adorable! I too love the brahma!!
Soo glad the fence held up. 11 inches of rain holy-moly!
Glad the fence held up and glad everybody was accounted for. Those new babies are a-door-a-bull! Say...question for ya....do you have a whoop call for your cattle? When I was a little girl I couldn't wait till I was old enough to do the long drawn out whoooooooooooop cooooooowwws that would bring our cows a runnin'. It started out lower, then got all high and clear, I can still hear my daddy making that call! Then when the Paintiff and I had cows that was of course how I called them up. I think I miss making that sound more than I miss having the cows! ;)
I love the come-a-runnin' shot, those babies are so cute! Maybe you could call Itty Bitty's sister Ditto Bitty!
Hey looks/sounds like you have an excellent fence builder in your precense! Excellent! And the baby calves are so cute!
Totally crazy what a difference a few miles made! The cows and calves are lookin' great!
That's a whole lot of rain. Glad to hear everything is ok. Love Itty Bitty's sister - too cute!
Always an on-going chore
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