Okay, first off I was upset because the speed limit is 70 mph and they were cruisin' at about 60 mph. And they were cruisin' in the fast lane. Then I noticed the big honkin' foot hanging out the window! Maybe 60 is the fastest you can go with a foot out the window?
But the passenger couldn't let the driver have all the fun...

By the time I got around them on the right side, the passenger had taken off his shoe so the breeze could blow between his toes too! Why should the driver be the only one to enjoy the sweet breeze?
As I passed, I was surprised to see that it was two guys! What in the world?!
Around here we call those 'Organ Donors'!
Yup, Organ Donors is the proper term! Geeze what MO-RONS
Sheesh! So I'd like to know who was paying attention to the road.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Maybe its easier to tolerate a bug smacking the bottom of your foot at 60 rather than 70.
Some ends of the gene pool are quite shallow and murky.
'i used to drive like that to keep myself awake. Now I cannot get my foot that high!
yeah and it's hurts like a SUMbitch when a bug hits your foot at 60 MPH.
Don't ask me how I know!
I never drove that way, legs too long, arms too short :)
Things that make you wonder how they survived this long!
Yikes! Happy birthday kiss to Diesel too. You can do the honors....right on the lips too b.t.w.
Oh no! I've been the passenger in that car ( pickup truck in my case and of couse it was a cowboy boot and then only on the prairie trail with top speed 30 mph).
makes you wonder if their mother had any kids that lived.
Makes you wonder if their mothers had any kids with BRAINS!
Does driving like this make the toe jam crust faster, do you think?
well Duh, OBVIOUSLY they can't stand the smell of their feet and/or shoes. best and smartest place to air them out is while driving 60 down the highway!
- The Equestrian Vagabond
All the nuts aren't locked up!
unfortunately people are becoming more and more idiots
BAHAHA OH WOW!!! Yeah seriously missing some brain cells there!!
I feel so much safter knowing these 2 are on the road. Not.
Yeah. I did that once too when I was 17. Until a generator fell off a truck in front of me. Scared the crap out of me so bad. Dumb, dumb and more dumb.
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