First, I'm gonna give ya a little history on me. I never had a weight issue until after the husband and I got married. It steadily increased until I was almost 200 lbs. (Wow, that's hard for me to imagine!) I was barely fittin' into my size 16s and was miserable with myself.

My turning point occurred when the husband and the rent a husband joined a gym. The husband came home and told me he got a family membership because it was cheaper. He said he knew I wouldn't go for long cause I quit everything. Talk about piss me off! That set the fire under my butt. I started working out and joined Weight Watchers online to learn portion control. Turns out, I lasted longer at the gym than either of the guys!
By 2005, I weighed 124 lbs. I was a food and exercise nazi. Nothing got in the way of me eating right and running. Lookin' back, I was really too skinny.

In 2006, I got a new job, moved to a new town and my priorities changed. My focus was no longer on my eating and running. Over the last three years, my weight has gradually increased. Today I weigh about 162 lbs. My goal is to be down to 135 by July. I'm hoping to get back to my sexy Betty Crocker body!

So my progress this week:
I started the week on Sunday with a long run to build endurance. I set my pace at a comfortable rate, which is 5 mph for me. Then I just jogged. I told the husband that my goal was 5 miles and he looked quite surprised. But I felt good and thought I could hold the pace. At 60 mins, I hit 5 miles! The husband was very proud of me.
I decided to start my strength training. I bought a kettle bell. Thought I would try it. I'm thinkin' it might be dangerous swingin' this 10 lb. handled ball around especially since I'm known to be a klutz! It does get the sweat goin'. I only did one workout off the DVD that came with it. My inner thighs and lower back are sore today. Muscles I haven't used in awhile!
Yesterday I was pushing myself at a faster pace on the treadmill. I had ran 25 minutes when my I-Pod fell and knocked the emergency clip off. The treadmill came to a screeching halt and I lost all my data. I was SO mad! I'm gonna tape the clip down so that doesn't happen again.
I let my knees rest today and tomorrow I'll be back at it.
You go, Kit. I weighed 160 pounds when I got out of school, and when I met my hubby I went down to 130 pounds then I had my two kids and now I seem to stay at 145 or 150 and I am having a hard time getting it back off! I hate it when the tread mill shuts off when you knock off the magnet! I get just as pissed off! I joined our local gym which is similar to curves and I need to start back up again!
you go get m tiger! You can do it ! I have committed myself to a 10k JUly 4th. eeeks !
Way to go, and I am looking forward to seeing your progress.
I'm there with you - I've needed a little jumpstart after a week ago doing treadmill every day and having the scale show an increase last Wed.... So since then I've been really slacking and now tomorrow will start back in my routine...I'm struggling in figuring out the "Maintenance" after losing 45 lbs since Oct.
2008. Hubby thinks I should join your "bikini challenge" but I'm not that brave! Happy exercising this week.
Okay! You've inspired me to get back on the treadmill and to start hitting the gym again! We are all gonna be hot mama's this summer.
Hmmmm....for a minute I thought that second photo was of Hope..... :)
Go girl go! I lost twenty this last year, just cleaning stalls!
Check out my entry on Wedn. I'm starting a weekly (my weigh in day) challenge wherein those participating will just leave a comment in regards to weight loss or weight gain --- attempt to keep us accountable... Please join in..
It is so hard to be diciplined. Especially to keep it up. You go girl! You might encourage a lot of us to follow you.
OK, that's it! You've inspired me! I'm going to get back into exercising tomorrow!
You GO girl!! You will knock that off in no time!!!
Good job girl! That exercise induced soreness sure does feel good don't it? As you know I love my weight lifting and jogging on my alternate days. I'm starting some interval training on those jogging days, that really gets my blood pumping! You are beautiful at any weight, but I do think you were too too skinny in that one picture! You'll be rockin' your bikini in July, and I'll be rockin' mine in June! ;)
great job!
I hope someday if I ever gain weight I have the drive to burn it off like you.
I WISH I could run but my knees & shins won't take it. I'm at 183 and would kill to be 150. Motivation and acountability and pizza are my biggest hurdles. Keep up the good work!
Good work, you will do it!
Way to go! You are a star! I would love to get down to 140ish , I can't run , but I am getting my Lupus a Fibro under control so hopefully I will be able to move more soon. You always look great ,but the "Sexy Betty Crocker " is likely wjhere you are at your best .You are inspiring us girl!
I've enjoyed reading about your goals & have similar ones. Two years ago, I too, was seeing things on the scale I didn't want to see. How did this happen? I joined WW and started working out at Curves. It took 8 months to lose almost 40 pounds. I never felt better in my life. But almost immediately, 5 pounds creeped on. I'd drop 2 or 3 of it, but never for long. Then this holiday season, another 5 creeped on. So I am 10 over my "happy" weight. I really wanted to be at a new "estatically happy weight" but for now I will settle for "happy". How come I can eat a lot of cookies and gain 5 pounds but when I stop eating cookies, I can't lose it?? Not fair.
So I have started WW online, hitting Curves with a renewed sense of urgency. Seeing others work toward the goal helps me, too. Mine was 10 pounds by mid-march. I'm not sure I'm going to make it, but I WILL get there. I don't want to buy new summer clothes!
Oh Kit you are such an inspiration! I know you are going to work yourself to the bone, but don't ruin your knees or feet with all that running! I think you are beautiful in your before and after photos but nothing makes a person feel good about themselves as to have their body looking like they want it to. I wish I would get back to the way it used to go girl!
First off, taping the emergency button down on your treadmill is definitely a good idea. It will either work out or you will make 10,000 bucks from Americas funniest Videos.
I am right there with you on the gym thing. I started back because the not so suttle Hunter told me I was getting pugy then he himself started losing weight at an incredible pace. And there is NO WAY I will weigh more then him. I'll let cha know how that works out.
Way to go & you inspired me to go for something resembling a run tonight.
Kick some ass Kit!! You are gorgeous inside and out and I know you will succeed in anything you work hard for.
You go girl..I am doing the elliptical..and some sit is frustrating. I just see to be making muscle..or firmer fat:)
You're so pretty! And you've motivated me to get going! Of course, my mom having a treadmill here in her house helps. I don't have room for one in my house. I'm lucky I have room for something other than just a couch in our living room. I figure though if I can get back in the habit here, maybe I'll keep it up by at least riding the bike 10-15 miles a day or something when I get back, Ya know?
thanks for the progress report! I can't wait to read more!
Not only are you an inspiration... but you are my hero! I can barely look at the scale let alone write down and let people know what I weigh.:( I can't seem to get the motivation up to run. It is tooo cold. BUT I do yoga and a workout in the morning.Good job. I will be keeping an eye on you so it will help motivate me:)
You just keep it up girlie, and you are gunna inspire us all to be in shape for the summer months!
And 10 lbs weights?? Are you tryin' to beef up so's you can keep Diesel from knockin' you over??
Good for you...I'm on my way down too. Same thing too....I gained weight then lost it and it's crept back on again.
Wow Kit! Thanks so much for sharing that. It's a REAL inspiration for me.
I'm at the 165 mark and MISERABLE. Ugh. A little after the New Year, I quit drinking sodas. Now I just need to get back into exercising!!
I love these updates... they're motivation for me as well!!
You and I are two peas in a pod. I was 180 last Christmas and decided that was big enough. I actually got down to 150 and thought I was a twig!! It had been so long since I had been 150, now I am back up to 159. I lost my self control!! But I want to be 145. That is where I want to be, and I will do it!! Keep up your good work! That bikini is calling you!
And I am thinking of joining a gym!
Way to go, girl! I know you can do it, 'cause you're nothing, if not determined!
I'm thinking of working out myself, ya know. I've been thinking about it for about a year now, and nothing's happened yet though. Funny, that.
Does dancing to the Wiggles count?
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