She has figured out how to get her share of the hay. The heifers can't push her out of the way in there.
I think my mini breeding idea may come to fruition. I've found the husband on the internet lookin' at mini bulls to breed with. We discussed breeding some of our smaller cows to mini bulls, like Itty Bitty's mom. I told the husband I could fence off the East pasture for my mini herd. He laughed but I think he's seriously considering it!
I dont care what she does, I love Itty Bitty. I just want to hold her.
And I like it that your animals are about as likely to stay where you put them as mine are. It makes me feel better
Smart girl - that Itty Bitty - cute picture!
Might be kinda cool , and certainly a niche market.In these times ,a diverse farm is probably a fairly good idea.
smart little itty bitty
So long as the mini cows don't turn into the mini horses where they are bred because they are cute. Avoid genetic problems like dwarfism etc.
Well, that would be pretty darn cool. Good luck on the husband!
i am the crazy horse lady. i want to bring my little colt into the house because he is so dadgum cute...but i don't.
i can't even imagine if i had a mini-calf. that little baby would be sleepin' in my bed with me!
Well I love Itty Bitty too..she is so smart!! :)
*cough* ZEBUS *cough cough*
Do you need a partner for your mini bucking bulls?? haha
Whoo hoo! Ain't it great havin' a good man who takes spoilin' good care of you? I got one too, and he's the best!
Those mini bulls are in demand...it's a great idea!
Hey..after all..just like us...she just wants to grow up and be one of the girls!
Girl, my husband was looking at mini bulls the other night too. There are some nice ones up in Washington!! He wants to get a load of them! I could do the mini thing, I think the full sized bulls would make me a bit nervous! And plus, the minis have cute names like Hippo!! not like the full size bulls, Killer!
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