The husband was trying to get Smoke up to the barn to feed this morning. Smoke wasn't cooperating. Diesel slapped on his cow dog cape and ran out to help.

In his mind, he thinks he is doin' all the good! Smoke didn't know what to think of the lil pest.

He tries real hard.

And got Smoke headed in the right direction.

But then he tends to switch sides/directions and gets in the way of progress.

And his puppy ears don't seem to listen when he's excited. He would get Smoke on the right path. Then cut him off. We'd yell at him to stop but like a teenager, he ignores his parents real well.
Maybe if the husband will work with him, he'll get a cow dog. One minor thing with that idea though, husband and Diesel both lack patience. Mom may have to get involved in this one!
at least he's got the right idea...
You need the "cow dog whisperer" That would be you right?
Ya... it always takes a woman's touch to get the job done right. LOL
The Blue Ridge Gal
Well, its a start. Skeeter would get a little overzealous in the begining too. but he is getting the hang of it now
Oh My Goodness! Not only are we alike? Not only do we both have dogs named Diesel? But our Diesel isn't a very good cowdog ..yet. lol He runs in "front" of the steers as they are going down the alley? ha ha we should send them to cowdog school!
is there such a thing as a Cow Dog 101 class you could take him to? HAHAHA
Well he definitely should get an "A" for effort!
I think its a man thing when it comes to patience:) Mine is the same when it comes to that also!
Ahahah thats so funny. Men...I swear.
He's trying hard anyway! He might make a cow dog :)
I think he just wanted something as big as him to play with ;)
LOL--that's cute...I think he will get it...he just needs a little guidance! We love reading Hank the Cow dog around here by the way! ;) Stop over for a visit. :)
How cute. I think Diesel just wanted to play!
A for effort! I bet if you work with him, he'd figure it out.
I thik if you keep working with Diesel's basic obedience, you will be able to call him off. It's good that he wants to work; what were Mastiffs originally bred for?
Thanks Sis! Actually he called this morning and sang me Happy Birthday! He said he would make it up to me. I am sure I will get a Birthdate outof it:) See if we were neighbors you and your fella could come over for cake, and bring the fire extinguisher!lol
Hank the cow dog....teeheehee....he's not a yank any more!
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