The husband noticed her hanging out more by herself today. But she still hadn't calved by the time he left mid morning. He asked me to check on her this evening when I got home from work.
I found her in the barn. She had problems. The calf's head and front feet were hanging out. I could tell he was dead. From the looks of the stall she was in, she'd been in there awhile trying to have it. The dirt was pushed all around her.
I called the husband and told him I was gonna need some help. He came home from work and we tried pullin' the calf. So glad I didn't even try by myself. We eventually had to get the come along and tie it off to the barn. Were finally able to get the calf out.
It was a little black and white spotted bull calf. That makes us 0-2 this season for calves. Still haven't had a live birth.
We tried keeping Mistletoe in the barn. But she finally managed to get up. She was having problems with her back end. Plus she was pissed off! She proceeded to leave the barn before we could get it closed off. Then we were worried about her getting bogged down in the mud. Cause y'all know we have all this STUPID MUD everywhere from the constant rain. But again, she's pissed and wants nothing to do with us or anything we are trying to get her to do. So we left her outside the barn in the pens. I'm hoping she'll go back to the barn after she settles down. Really don't want to go out there in the morning and find a dead heifer too.
Dang! Sorry bout the calf
I would still be out in the barn cryin" I a girl from the city livin the farm life- I am a wreck when we lose a barn cat
Hope the cow makes it ok
Dadgumit! So sorry to hear it. You think you can time it right but it's like they don't want you around AT All!
Damn. So sorry to hear that. Tough times, and I do hope it gets better. That's a big loss this year.
Aw, I hates it when that happens. Hope Mistletoe will be okay. Must be the full moon messin' things up.
:( I hate when things don't go right! ...and oh how I know when you are raising livestock and/or farming crops you just never know -- you have to take the bad with the good or is it the good with the bad --- Either way it stinks!
Aw nuts! hope she is OK, can you give her a dose of dex? Sucks when heifers have a bad calving(any cow) So sorry hope the new year brings you better luck
That really sucks!!! Sorry!
So sad. Hope mommy will be okay.
That really hurts! It probably wouldn't had mattered if you had been at home or not. Sometimes I honestly think the weather has a lot to do with it, when mama has time to cool down a little she'll come around. New Year is only a few days away maybe you will get a baby soon.
Man Wifey you are not kidding--we live parallel lives, huh? At least on the shitty.
Im sorry. I get it.
Blech. come on 2010
So sorry, that really does suck and I hope that Mistletoe is going to be ok! I'm praying for her. Chin up Kit, you will get your calf!
That just sucks when that happens! Hopefully that's the last of the tragedy! Happy New Year to you and the hubby and all the very best in 2010!
That really sucks! Sorry that you are having such a rough time with your calvin' this year. I hope that Mistletoe is ok and that you don't lose her. It's never any fun to lose a critter.
I'll have to echo the others condolences. Tough to loose a baby. Here's to a better 2010. Please keep us posted on Mistletoe.
Let's hope the next year brings in some better luck and calvings hey? I feel your pain when you lose a couple calves like that. Not fun.
Happy New Year Kit!
Sorry..that really does suck... 1st year heifers are the hardest. You deserve some good luck..and keep on thinkin' positive..onto a Brand new YEAR! My best wishes and prayers are being sent to you!
Poor miss moo. I hope you get some more calves. By the way how big is itty bitty now?
Here's hoping that 2010 brings a better year for you where your calves are concerned - and all around, as well! It sucks to lose them like that, but fingers crossed that Mistletoe settles down soon.
Poor Mama Cow...
Poor Kit...
So sorry, we had one like that last year and we thought it was dead for sure. Pulled it and started massaging it and we saved it. It had been in trouble for so long, the head and legs were swollen. I know that sounds disgusting, but I am sure you have seen worse.
That sucks. Happened to me last may. I roped heifer and had neighbor come pull calf. He was spotted bull calf out of big n rich. He lived only one week. He was too big for that heifer and wouldn't suck I esophogal fed him the milk I milked from her. Not fun she was on the fight the whole time. Bad deal.. Good luck with the rest of your calves....
! So sorry to hear it. You think you can time it right but it's like they don't want you around AT All!
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