At the grocery store, I saw these flowers. They looked so bright and cheery, just had to bring them home.

Then I started thinking about what else would make me happy. And it involves you, my blogger peeps.

Y'all are so great to always have a kind word. And it makes me happy to give y'all stuff.

So you know what that means, it's giveaway time! What better way to start the new year! I really don't care what you comment. You can ask me a question that's been burning on your mind. You can tell me how wonderful I am. That may get you two entries! lol not really! You can tell me what you'd like me to blog about in 2010. You can tell me what you are looking forward to in the new year. Whatever floats your boat. Just leave a comment and I will place you in the drawing.
Now, what shall I give away???? Would you like a picture? Maybe a photograph? 8x10? you pick whatever picture you want of mine? framed in barnwood? Plus a few extra goodies cause I can never send just one thing. It's against my religion. I mean really, if I'm gonna pay for shipping, I may as well load the box, right? How does that sound?
Comments must be made by 10 am CST on Sunday, January 3, 2010.
Good Luck and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
**Update on Mistletoe. She seems to be doing okay. Was in the barn this evening eating hay. Keeping her penned so we can watch her for a few days.**