Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do I Smell Like Alpo?

I'm really startin' to wonder. I had the day off today due to the holiday. I planned on spending the day cleaning around the house. Mid-morning the dogs started barking. I look out the door and what do I see....a stray dog!

It looked like the one that came by a few weeks ago. I went out and took her picture. Sent it to the husband and asked if it was the same dog. He called me back and said it was. He asked if I sent out the word that I would be home today cause she just happen to show up! Whatever!

She went out to the barn so I followed. She looked as though she was scavenging for food. I poured her a bowl and she acted like she hadn't ate in days.

The husband was actually disappointed when she disappeared last time. He kinda liked her. Thought she acted like she would work cattle. So he told me to let her be.

I turned the other kiddos out.


They all smelled and ran about. Lucky Dog even had to give an okay.


The most trouble I had was with Diesel. He did NOT like her jumping up on me. He growled and bit at her. She does good to sit and let me pet her. But she really feeds off the others and gets hyper.

If she does stay, we will have to find the money to get her spayed. Not gonna increase the dog population.

**Update on Lucky Dog...He is the happiest dog. Have you ever seen a dog smile? He seems to smile every day. Slowly but surely gettin' over his timidness. Loves to be petted and rubbed. I'm so happy he found us.**


Anonymous said...

Love the new addition. She's a pretty dog.:)

Lil Mama said...

What a cutie! You know, your catchin up with Mikey.

Unknown said...

You must have some sort of magnetic doggy fields coming from your place that brings in all these canines. Aww, you are so good to take them all in.
I wish my husband was your vet.We would be rich. LOL!

Mikey said...

Seriously, they have marked your place!! That is so crazy that you have all these dogs showing up, lol!
I can't wait to see what happens next :)

The Wildwood said...

Dosen't it warm the heart to give an abused animal a loving home and see the joy in their heart! I was just thinking of Lucky Dog today!!! /thanks for posting about him

Sherry Sikstrom said...

There must be a signal going off your place ,"dog utopia, All dogs welcome" She is a pretty girl!

RURAL said...

I have heard that pets are a big casualty of this terrible recession. Sad to find it so true. Who would think that you could just drop off a animal, to fend for themselves.

At least a few have found a safe haven with you.


That Janie Girl said...

Y'all are soooo good.

I think you might need two GSP's. They're trained really well and make good bed pillows...if there's any room on your bed for y'all, that is.

Leah said...

It's funny isn't it.... but she obviously knows where to get a good meal - they must be able to smell the Alpo from miles away! Aren't the "home" dogs funny when somebody new shows up....Diesel must have already forgotten how it is to be a newbie!!

Unknown said...

What a pretty pup. Looks like your family is growing in number very quickly.

prashant said...

Aww, you are so good to take them all in.
I wish my husband was your vet.We would be rich. LOL!
Work From Home

Foxterriermom said...

You've got quite a pack going there, Kit! Any ideas for a name for this one?

Anonymous said...

Oh my. LOL

I'm giving the "lost" German Shepherd who wanders by here directions to your place! haha

Anonymous said...

Poor little hungry girl! I hope she stays she's cute!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should start a CrazyMRanch Wayward Doggie Fund.

Faithful said...

Watch out there now ...with so many dogs, you'll quit smellin' of cow hide and you really will start smellin' of doggie breath!! Course..some people kinda like the smell of doggie breath! ....and anyone would be happy to have found a home with you two!

Jocelyn said...


You must give off some " i have food and shelter" juju.

She is cute however.

Bekah said...

aw...its the fence. "If you build it they will come" haha. All the strays showing up at your house makes me feel like there is some kind of underground dog communication network...

Tatersmama said...

See? I always suspected that animals communicate in ways that we don't understand... and this proves it!
What a lucky girl, to have found y'all!

I agree with Rebecca... you need to start a "CrazyMRanch Wayward Doggie Fund".
You need to MONETIZE, my tender-hearted little doggie-magnet friend !!!

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Oh Dear heart, I don't know how these dogs find you LOL!! Poor girl, she really did look pretty sunkin in her back end...