I don't condone torture so I moved the turtle outside the yard into the pasture and went about my chores. Pepper, being the little smarty pants she is, went out of her way to get into the pasture and attack it some more.

I managed to call her off and get all the kids back in the yard. Than I noticed Diesel messin' with something. The turtle came back in the yard. Not a very bright creature.
I managed to wrangle it away from Diesel. I took it out to the drive to see if he was still alive. He peeped out of his shell at me.

I walked down the drive and put him in the other pasture, away from the yard. Hopefully, the silly thing will not come back to the yard.

She wanted her turtle back! She found it fair and square! I had to sit her down and discuss that we don't allow inhumane practices here at Crazy M. Of course, she rolled her lil JRT eyes at me.
hahaha Bless you, Mother Theresa. I have actually stopped in the road before to "help" a turtle across.
also had a dog once that HATED turtles! I'd have to relocate them in my truck to get them far enough away. LOL
I stopped on the road today to help a turtle get to the other side! Let's hear it for Turtle Savers!
Yay for turtle rescue!
LOL, that poor turtle didn't know what it was up against! I bet he is happy that you saved him! And Pepper cracks me up, with her barking.
Super hero!
You and your critters are entertainment to the fullest! Glad the turtle is safe, and hope he does not come back in the yard.
Way to save the turtle!
To bad I don't live closer. I totally want a turtle. I would have come and picked it up.
Way to track it down and save it! i think turtles are fun and do lots of good!
Oh my that little doggie is PISSED!
Pepper wants it back! Party pooper:)
Thank the LORD..you didn't have to do any CPR on the little guy... I hear they snap! You are my Hero!
BAHAHA LOL!! Too cute!! I love the turtle pictures, I think he was telling you something!!
That is one beautiful turtle! What kind is it?
Poor turtle!! Lucky to have you as his good samaritan. We usually spot at least one box turtle after a good rain. The rain flushes them out of the fields.
I think that may be a tortoise.
Poor thing, he was almost ate!
Awww, what a cute lil guy! Hope he stays out of the yard!! Good rescue, girl :)
What a pretty turtle. Thank goodness you saved it.
I think Diesel misses his bone! Poor pepper lost her toy! Mom, has to teach what is right and wrong! Good for you mom!
My Jackie Jo is always able to find a turtle no matter what! We call her the turtle dog! She chews on 'em and I rescue them and then just like yours the dumb turtle is back no matter where I put it! crazy!!!!
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