Pepper is a champion mouser. She's better than any cat I've ever had. No matter where a mouse might be, Pepper is gonna find it. And if she can't get to it, she's gonna bark until either the husband or I go help her get it.
This time Pepper was barking at the dogloo. She knew there was a mouse under it. I finally went out and lifted it up for her. Sure enough, a big mouse was under there. It stood no chance against Pepper.

Diesel is always intrigued with Pepper's kill. The thing with Pepper, she just wants to kill the varmit. That's it. Once she kills it, she's done. Well that's where Diesel comes in...
He's such a goof ball. But he loves throwing it around.

Jumpin' up to catch it.
Flippin' up behind him and doing the over the shoulder catch.
How 'bout the catch between the paws trick!
Or the Harry Potter, I can levitate a dead mouse, trick.

But all this play can really wear a pup out! He passed out in the grass.

He is just too funny to watch...even if it was a dead mouse he was playin' with. It doesn't take much to entertain us. But I can say no animals were tortured in the making of these pictures cause you can't torture a dead mouse, can ya? Right? Hello? Y'all still there?
LMAO! I LOVE these photos! Especially the "OMG! It's a dead mouse flying towards me!" one!!!
And I don't even care if any stinkin' mouses were harmed in the making of this blog!
Darn little vermin anyway!
Thank you so much for the wonderful entertainment! You captured some awesome pics of Diesel playing with that mouse! I LOVE IT!
Kudos to Pepper ..... and I have to say that is the best picture of her to date! Shout out to ya Pepper, you get 'em and kill 'em!
The Diesel shots steal the show!
LMAO! Too too funny! So good of Pepper to find a toy for Diesel.
I'm so calling SPCM. Right now. I don't even care how dang cute that Silly Diesel looks.
I do love me some meeces. Pass the ranch.
That's one of the funniest blogs I do believe I've ever seen. He has so much character! Love him. My St. Bernard would have a ball playing with him. lol
Hilarious ROFL
great shots! Speaking of mousers. The Hunter happens to be better then any cat I've ever had. He catches at least one a day.
Awesome shots of the dog.
I feel sorry for the poor dead mouse.
I love Pepper ,Good dog! Dieselk is adorable . (can you tell not a mouse lover here?)
Great shots! Animals are such characters! We have dogs and actually mousing cats that do the same thing.... for those that didn't care for this blog better playin' with it than eatin' it!
Good timin' and again great shots!
ROFL! Absolutely priceless photos!Good post to read after I just discovered a stinking dead mouse in my cupboard!
Excellent dogs you have there!!! And the pictures are great.. I especially love the dead mouse. That's the BEST kind!
That is so cool! I love those shots of Diesel playing with the mouse!! Wonderful!
And Pepper, what a dog for catching the mouse!
Lol, you're so funny! Country people, I swear, lol. That is the most hysterical picture though.
I love your Diesel! Is he a cur dog by any chance? He reminds me of my very best dog ever, Texas that I had to put down last summer due to kidney failure. Texas was a blackmouth cur and I miss him so bad.
Thanks for sharing the photos. He looked like he was really having a great time!
Oh my goodness!! Only you can make a picture with a dead mouse flying around in it good LOL!! I love the "dead mouse flying at me" LOL!!! You got some REALLY great shots of Diesel!! What a character! And of course Pepper too!!
This got my day off right! Hilarious. Love those JRT's they are the BEST need for a cat. Your dogs are just adorable and your pictures are amazing. What kind of camera do you use?
That is so funny, how in the world do you come up with all this stuff! You are just great and you sure make my days brighter! I wish I had your since of humor! I have a hard time coming up with things like that. Just great!
LOL--that was cute! You captured some great facial expressions on your doggie! Too funny! :)
haha I love Diesel. He's so stinkin cute!
I left a comment yesterday, but apparently it didn't go through. I laughed so hard seeing this pictures.Diesel is a joy. Poetry in motion.
It's MrsC from lifein3dee. For some reason, when I try to comment with open ID for wordpress, it isnt letting me! :(
That was too funny! Perfect captions for all the photos.
LMAO - great pictures and captions! *wipes tears from eyes*
That is too funny!! One of our cats is a really good mouser and he'll injure (is that spelled right?) the mouse then bat it around trying to get it to move again so he can catch it again.
Your captions cracked me up!!
Loved this post, Kit!!!
Great post! The pics were wonderful, but the captions plumb made my day.
I need a little dog like Pepper.
LMAO...Way to go Pepper!!! You 'n Cindy Sue would make a great pair!
Great shots of Diesel in action! Lots of action!!!
So...who's going to eat it?!? My Abby seems to like that part...gag.
Stinkin' varmints anyhow...
These are the most awesome action shots I have seen in a long time. Good dogs! Funny dogs! Cute dogs!
Great captures. I love the expressions on Diesel. You can't judge a good mouser in a negative way no how:)
I love it!!! Diesel is hilarious! We had a dog mouser when I was little, would come lay them at your feet.
Or the OMG! It's a dead mouse flying towards me!
That is the one that cracked me up. His expression is priceless! :)
Great post!
Ok this cracks me up! The photos of Diesel are so funny!
My yellow lab catches mice and plays with them, then when she is finished she lets them sit for a few days and then rolls all over them. It is very stinky!
Love the photo shots! You got the making of an action hero there in Deisel! Gotta put him in the movies! Cute!
OMG...LMAO! I was catching up on blogs and feeling rather sluggish and this one just made my day.
What a goober!!!
ROTFL!! Girl I about peed my pants when I saw that third picture down, and then they just got even more funnier!! Oh my goodness the one where his eyes are bugging out or the one where he is levitating the mouse!! Whuahahahahahahaaa!!! Oh my goodness, this is hilarious!
oh my gosh.....those are funny pictures!!!!!!
and i think pepper is sooooooo darn cute!!!!!
i love the OMG picture!!!!!
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