He woke me up a few times Sunday night coughing. And he still wouldn't eat his wet food. But he did eat his treat and some of his dry food. Monday he was still pretty lethargic. I worried he may have the dog flu so I called the vet to get an appointment. Of course, they were booked solid so I had to wait till today to take him.

Oh, he really hates the stainless table. He knows only bad things happen there. We have a great dog vet though. She said a lot of dogs were coming in with upper respiratory infections. She checked him over and said that was what he had too. They actually wrote down on his paperwork that he has tonsillitis and bronchitis. He got three shots and medicine to bring home. Plus we have to go back next Monday for a follow up.
He's still turning his nose up at his food. So, per the husband, I made him a chicken breast for supper. He ate that right up! And now he's restin' on his pillow. I think he'll be good as new in a few days. Wish I could say the same about my bank account! Geez these kids are expensive!
I hear ya. Indigo gave me a vet bill well over 400$
Hope you are feeling better, Harley.
Poor Harley! Hope he gets better soon . As far as your wallet, aren't you just working to support the "kids"?Sure is how it feels around here most days
I hope he gets better soon. Had no idea dogs could get "human" illnesses.
Ohh Harley, Dude get better! Little Georgia my shi-tzu sister gets those. Maybe you can skip school and just hang on the couch. My mom always says....you kids cost too much, then she says, still cheaper than college. I don't get it. Get better!
Bob your boxer buddy in Maine
Oh no, Harley looks so sick up there on that metal table! They should put some nice pillows on those tables for the dogs! I hope he feels better soon! And yes, kids are super expensive!! But they are so worth it, and I do hope he feels better soon. Poor little guy!
I just love the pictures of Harley...they are too cute! Poor little pooch..I hope he gets to feeling better soon..although he looks pretty comfy on that pillow ..and eating Mom's homemade chicken, too! (Hope it wasn't the Sw&ne flu and the rest of the family doesn't catch it!) You are such a good mommy!
Poor lil' feller.
Aww..that is straight up pathetic. Esp the last picture
glad to hear he is going to be okay, but boy oh boy are those pictures heartbreaking!
Get Well Soon Harley! It is no fun being sick!
Harley, Baby you have to get well to teach that Diesel a thing or two...
Poor Little Harley - hope the rest of the bunch doesn't get it! Harley's pic of him all tucked in is just adorable! Get well little guy!
Get well wishes for you Harley!
Poor lil guy! I hope he's on the mend soon. I guess it might be a bad "flu" season for canines too, eh? Didn't know upper respiratory colds were an issue for canines!
Poor Harley! I didn't know that dogs could get "human" illnesses too!
Harley is so stinking cute!!! I hope he gets to feeling well soon!!!
Poor kid, good thing he has a good mom and dad! He looks soo cuddly and warm in his blanket! He looks like he is sticking his tongue out at the DR.:)
Oh, poor sweet puppy. He he gets to feeling better soon! YUP-human and furry kids are expensive! ;)
Such cute cute pics of Harley... Poor lad! Hope he gets better soon - and your wallet too!
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Awww, how pathetic is that! Hope the meds work fast!
Aww, poor lil guy! I hope he gets better soon! And I hear ya about the vet. It's expensive.. do what I did. Just be there so much they give up and give you a job, lol.
Boy do I hear you. My little high maintenace Trixie costs us a lot of $$. She's allergic to dust which gives her a rash on her chest and stuffed up nose. I have never had a dog who costs so darn much!!
Poor little duffer, he deserves to be treated like a king:)
Aww I hope he is feeling better!
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