The day started really early this morning. The dogs were barking at something. I had gotten up in the wee hours and yelled at them from the bathroom window. But they would start back. I finally got out of bed to get ready for work and went to the back porch. Yelled again to no avail. Then the husband got up. Not good. He asked what was goin' on and I told him the dogs were upset about something out by the barn. He grabbed a flashlight and headed out.
I went into the bathroom and started gettin' ready. Then I heard him yellin'. Not good. He came back in the house. I asked what was the deal and he said (edited for PG rating) "It's another freakin' dog!" Uh oh. I decided it best to walk away at that time.
When I left for work, I couldn't tell what kind of dog it was. It was very social and wanted to play, running in circles. Body condition looked good. This dog belonged to someone. It chased me down the drive as I left.
Around 10am, I decided I better call and check on the husband. He didn't sound good when he answered. He said he let our dogs out and they were so excited to play with the new dog! He thought they would run it off. Wrong! Then he found a heifer with her head stuck in a wire panel. She'd been there awhile. He managed to free her after gettin' the bolt cutters involved. Then he decided he would scare the dog off by shootin' the rifle. Well, apparently the dog has never been shot at cause the husband shot three times into the ground and it just sat there staring at him. He finally gave up and went to work.
He accused me of putting up flyers saying to drop unwanted dogs off at our place. I assured him I didn't have anything to do with it. He just couldn't believe another dog showed up. But we both agreed this dog has to belong to someone just by the way it acted. Nothing like Lucky Dog. I told him that the word must be spreading that we have the coolest dogs and others want to come hang out. He said but they don't ever leave! I replied cause they find out that the owners are way cool too!
Then I reminded him that we were about to catch Mikey if this keeps up. He just laughed. Then said, if the dog's hungry this evening, feed it. Awww, welcome to my canine lovin' world hubby! I giggled and told him he was turnin' into a crazy dog man. He said only because he lives with the crazy dog lady. Whatever!
So I got home this evening expecting to deal with the new doggie but it was nowhere to be seen. I guess it went home or moved on. Maybe it did just want to hang out with my cool kids. Now the husband might be a little happier about having JUST five dogs.
Whats another dog gonna hurt? You must have some real cool and popular kids :-)
I bet he finds his way back.
We have the same problem. Ours is with cats.
Too funny! My hubby would be crabby too! Another dog - but a full house is a happy house! We have three dogs but five when you count the inlaws two -- and I'm always willing to have more!
Oh by the way - I love the picture starting this entry - Calm and relaxing!
How is Lucky Dog? I'm sure he's getting fat and sleek on your program, and hope he fits in well with the other dogs.
Cute story! :-) Maybe that dog was just visiting the "cool kids" in the neighborhood- your wolf pack. Either that, or you guys are the "dog whisperers!"
Too funny ! Yup must have just heard about the cool kids and come for a visit. Anyway what's just one more?
I am like Scrappy Doo, Cats migrate here to my place
Too funny! Your husbands comments cracked me up!! At least this one must have gone home, but what if it comes back tomorrow?
BAHAHA LOL!!! OMGosh!! Only you would that happen to!! I'm glad it went home or somewhere LOL!! I'm sure it will come pay you another visit sometime :)
LOL!! Funny how spouses rub off on each other;)
Your husband sounds a lot like mine...a big GRRRRRRRRRRRR, fuss and complain about our dogs much less someone else. I have heard take it to the shelter, drop it off a mountain and all kinds of solutions to a stray. Next thing you know he is the one out back feeding the mongrel!
I love the photo you used for this entry as well. Subdued and calm look. I hope the dog went home and not just wandering around the countryside. Not every home he approaches will be as canine friendly as yours. Now I'll be thinking about him all day.
My Man would be over the edge too! Lucky Dog needed a good home; totally different than this situation, so I hope this dog went back to his own home.
LOL retirement you could open a doggie daycare.
Laughing so hard. I'm glad for your husband's sanity that the dog left. But how sweet that you & him have the cool kids house.
Oh my goodness, I laughed SO hard at this post. I had to get up and go to the kitchen, still giggling my ass off. Your poor hubby! Tell him yes, there are pills for this problem, and I'm popping em like Skittles.
I think the dogs did a hobo sign on your place, "This is it! They feed good here!" or something... cause you're well on your way to being the crazy dog people.
Too bad I don't live closer, I swear I'd drop one off just to set your hubby off, lmao..
Too funny! I bet the dog comes back :)
Now I'm off to beat my puppy with a roll of paper towels again, for trying to eat my computer wires. GAH!!
Sounds like you finally got hubby trained! Our new puppy is very cute and cuddly and very good for the most part but I caught my other half grumbling about taking her out in the rain yet again. They certainly add to your life - sometimes they add insanity.
LOL! ..Yep.. hubby's all bark and no bite!! You don't need any poster..girl..your good dog energy is just-a-beaming off across the country. Poor Hubby..tell him..it's futile! I look so forward to hearing about life on the Crazy M!!
That's hillarious!! Poor Hubby is going to have a dang stroke over some doggies.
I think it is already too late. He is a crazy dog man! :)
HA HA pretty soon you will have more pups than those infamous cattle. I swear people must think whoever lives in the country has all the room money and time for dogs & cats? Poor animals, but really people need to think before they drop off...You are too kind hearted, as am I.
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