Monday, September 7, 2009

The Playing Has Begun

Zena has decided that Diesel isn't so bad. She's always stand offish in the beginning with a new pup. She has to affirm her position as top dog before she can commence with the play. Yesterday, she must have decided he knew where he stood in the grand scheme of Crazy M pack and let loose.

The chase was on...

Zena lets him take her down ...

Then she runs him around the hay...

They have so much fun. Zena FINALLY ran some energy out of him. After they played and we went for a walk, he came back to the house all tuckered out. Of course, about two hours of rest, he was rarin' to go again. He recharges very quickly!


Unknown said...

Aww how cute =D

Jen said...

Isn't funny how they do that!!

RURAL said...

What I would give for some of that endless energy.


Sherry Sikstrom said...

What a good dog Zena is ! I always have 1 older dog and one younger .Nice to have someone around to "teach the pup the ropes"

Jocelyn said...

Too bad you couldnt bottle and sell some of that energy!

You be RICH !

Tami Weingartner said...

Zena grants him pack member status....and Pepper what does she think?

Pony Girl said...

Looks like some serious bonding is taking place! :) Great action shots!

Paula said...

He's going to be one big dude! Looks like they are best of friends!

Faithful said...

Good for Zena..You taught her well! I always say..teach your first child right and they will teach the rest! Diesel is so fortunate to have you and hubby as a mom and dad. PS.. never seen Prickly Pear without Prickly-s? Neat!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that he is doing great! Knew he would with the love he would get from your family. You just keep on treating him like that and he will keep getting better!

Jen's Farmily said...

Aww... I'm so glad everyone is getting along!! Congrats on Diesel!!

Heather said...

Oh my that is a mini horse in a dog's body! He's a cutie and I'm glad he's fitting in with you guys. Now when you travel to futurities and rodeos you are going to have a truck full! LOL That's assuming you take your kids with you!

lisa said...

Didn't take to long!!! Now they will be best buds!

City girl turned Country Girl said...

Awesome!!! I'm so glad she gave in LOL!!! They appear to be having a blast!!

gtyyup said...

What a cute lil' bugger! He really is fitting in found the perfect dog...congrats!

Robynn's Ravings said...

Glad they're havin' such a great time and it looks like you made a great selection there.

Hey, are you ever coming back by my place? I miss seeing you!

Maria said...

I so wish I had just 1/4 of their energy! They are too cute. Glad they are taking up with one another.

Reddirt Woman said...

Zena is teaching to boy well in her special way. What fun to watch them romp and play.

I think that Diesel is going to work out fine.


Reddirt Woman said...

I don't know where that 8 came from... lol


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see that you got him there! He is so cute, what a face!

Andrea said...

I love that last one of them going around the hay!!