After lunch, we took the kids to the tank. They all like to play in the water. Diesel was going to get his first tank experience. I didn't know if he had gotten to play in water before he came to us. He has lots of energy and we thought it would be a good chance for him to burn some off.
He didn't know what to think about it at first. But it didn't take long for him to try it out. Guess he figured he would try out the front half.
Within seconds, he was bouncin' thru the water. He LOVED it. Next on the agenda, torment Zena...

And give Pepper some grief. I love the expression on her face! She is so done with the new pup.

Zena didn't look to happy with me either.

Then he decided to calm down and swim with Zena. He swam and swam. None of our dogs have ever swam as much as he did. I was worried he was gonna get tired and I'd have to go in after him, but he came in.

Then the smarty pants did figure eights between my legs wiping himself off!
On our way back to the house, the heifers and cows were up. It was the first time Diesel was in direct contact with the cattle. Trixie initiated him.
He went right up to her. She so kindly advised him that dogs are not welcomed in her pack. She rolled him with her nose/horn. I ran up and got between them and he was fine. Hopefully, he learned a quick lesson that cows are not his friend.
But all ended well when he found a dried cow patty to take home.
Ahh, life is good.
love the look on peppers face!!!!
every dog needs a cow patty!!!!!
LOL puppies are so fun, for us humans LOL The older dogs are just tolerent.
I get our new Guide Dog puppy to raise next Thurs. Cant wait, he will torture the older dogs too LOL
Ahh! I love the photos, and Diesel is so cute! It is so fun to have a puppy, but so much work too! Look forward to many more stories. Looks like he survived his trip pretty well. I bet he made a ton of friends along the way!
Omigosh! Isn't he a gorgeous little guy!
I love the pics - and especially the "barely tolerant" looks on Zena and Peppers faces!
Dried cow pattys are fun to play with, but not so good for the kisses that follow! LOL!
Our old Dalmation loved to collect (and guard) cow pattys, but her biggest love was collecting road kill skunk!
Oooooowheeeeeeee! No kisses after those babies, I'm tellin' you!
lol I love peppers face
He must be in doggy heaven!! Every puppy should be able to have all the room to play and run! What fun! It's great that he loves water so much!! And I bet he smelled great when he got home!! LOL! Well, at least his breath!!
Oh Pepper you MUST lay down the SMACK!
P.S. Charlotte had absolutely zero tolerance for Diesel.
Nothing like a good swim and a cow patty to make life good! So glad you are happy with your new addition!
Love the figure 8 photo. Better enjoy while you can cause soon he's gona be big enough to burn deisel fuel, and if he tries that, you'll be bowled over!
Guess the old adage isn't quite true, cause I can see "sombody loves a wet dog!"
Diesel has the cutest tail!
I love him carrying that dried cow pie around! Now that is hilarious!
How funny! You have quite a family there!
He is quite the character!!!! That's great that he loves the water!!!
I hope he learns in an easy way to steer away from the cattle!! The cow patty LOL!!!!!!
Looks to me like this trip is going to have to be repeated. Sweet pups!
Hmmmm looks more like a water hound that a mastiff, LOL!! Great shots..:-)
OMG!! What a cutie pie. I'll be following him for sure. :):)
He looks like he's going to fit in just fine.
I think that Diesel is thinking, "Pinch me, this HAS to be a dream, I must be in dog heaven!"
I agree with Cowgirl Goods I think Diesel has found DOG Heaven! You all make such a cute family there a Crazy M.
When we introduced our puppy Trixie to the goats that we had last summer one of the nannies rolled her. Trixie thought the nanny was playing and jumped up ready for some more. lol
I'm so glad Diesel found his way to your ranch!
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