Okay, I need y'alls help. It's very selfish of me but if anyone out there can help, I know y'all can. Y'all know I've been looking for a puppy right? Well, I finally found what I wanted....a mastiff! I have wanted a mastiff for years but haven't been able to afford the booger. I put out some feelers yesterday about it and was contacted by Tami at Pennsylvania Wild Woman. Her sister has a 16 week old mastiff puppy that's just not working out with their family currently. They love him so and hate to part with him but he needs a new home. Lucky for me, I want to provide a new home to him.
So meet Diesel. (Don't you just love that name.) I stole this pic off Tami's blog.

This is him yesterday. Picture courtesy of Tami's sister. He's growing fast!
How can you resist that face?! So here's my problem....PA to TX!

How do I get Diesel from Pennslyvania to Texas? I have looked into pet transportation and it is very expensive. Tami has suggested a puppy convoy which I think is an excellent idea. So do y'all know anyone that could help us out?
I have a trucker friend that brings his dogs along. Maybe he is doing some part of that route soon. You might also have readers that are willing to to short legs of the journey. I'm in GA so probably helpful.
I've been lurking here for some time. Love your blog BTW! I'm in NW South Carolina so if Diesel is coming this way I could do a Greenville, sc - Atlanta leg if needed.
I will be in SW Missouri the second weekend of next month. I could get him there, if someone is around the area, and bring him to the TX state line...
Another thought...could your readers, myself included, link to this post on our blogs and see if we can reach more people?
You bet Mrs. C, post it!
A Puppy Train. I love it..Minnesota doesn't help you out at all..but we make a great cheering section.. You know ED is a trucker..Sunday Stills:)
Great idea Far Side! I dropped him a line to see where he might be truckin'!
I'm in Louisiana, I'd do my best to help if he was coming through my way. Email me with your address, and I'll see how far you are from me.
PS - Mastiff's are great dogs. They are just giant PUGS! LOL
Good Luck !I am completely usless to this caouse (totally the wrong direction
I linked. Hopefully others might do the same. Bloggers are everywhere! If we get the word out...Cross fingers.
I'm in California so I know I won't do you any good but I bet this will make the BEST blog post about getting Diesel to you! And my girlfriend has a dog named Diesel!
Wish I could help you,girl, but I'm in Ca. too. I have family in Texas and I can see what if anything they can do. This is a great thing if it works out, My daughter has wanted a Mastiff for years when I tell her she should be willing to try to get someone to help if she can.!
im about 60 miles south of Dallas
Italy, Texas to be exact
Just found you through Mrs. C
Any help I can be just let me know
One way or the other.....he's comin' to TX....We'll find a way to make it work.
I could get him from Okla. City area to Ft. Worth or further into Texas. I've got family in Ft. Worth and I run down quite a bit. But I have read about rescue clubs that would line up folks and get dogs across country even if someone could only drive 4-6 hours. But seriously... if you need a leg driving him from OKC to Ft. Worth... no problem. I'll e-mail you my phone number, just in case. Diesel is a great name, btw.
I've done this! That's where Little Dude came from, was a Dog Rescue Railroad. Here's a page with multiple links, maybe one of these will work for you. We're so far west, our "railroad" won't work, but try these!
Wish I could drive a leg! He sure is a cutie!
I wished i Could drive a leg too, but I live in Oregon, and totally off the path.
I am about as far away from Penn. as you can get, but good luck getting Deisel home! He is a cute little pup!!
If I hadn't already taken my 2 weeks vacation, I would of picked him up and brought him to you, I live in NY! I have been to Texas and loved it!
I am in the heel of the boot, Louisiana, so I am not sure if he will come through here but if he does I will help out.
I know when we got our puppy, my husband flew up to Canada to get her and flew her back on the plane with him. But she was tiny then. She rode in cabin with her.
You could buy him a plane ticket and he could fly to you. But I think you can get some kind of train going. I wish I could help. I do have a lot of friends in Ohio. If you need some drivers in Ohio, let me know, I might be able to get one to drive him to Kentucky or Illinois. I grew up in Ohio and went to college there, so if you need a driver for the first leg, let me know and I will see what I can do!
I have a blog friend living in the Atlanta area and drives dogs back and forth to NY and the like quite frequently. I commented on his blog (http://johnjudyc.blogspot.com/) and asked him to read your post and see if he has any ideas.
Good luck!
(By the way, we'll be fairly close to you (I think) in our Rolling Mansion starting Sunday. We just might have to arrange a meet!
If you get him in my area (southern Illinois) I will help.
I love mastiffs--best dog I ever knew besides my own Danes was a Mastiff. He was outstanding. You will love this new boy, I am sure of it
Wow what we will do for a cute face! Love your idea and it will work! TrainWreck got Bella from us and we went half way to meet up you know. She has a Desiel too. If I were not laid up I could do Tulsa to south of Conroe but as you know I just had surgery! Sorry I can't help you out since you are good friends with my Kim! It would have been exciting!!! Hope it all works out for you quickly!
Cute pup! Hope the transport convoy works out for you. I can't help as I'm in Europe!
Just a thought here; have you checked out what air fare would be? If everyone who is willing to donate time (= $) and fuel $ to get this done, would instead; just donate the cash towards a plane ticket Diesel could get to TX a lot faster and with a lot less stress. I'm good for 15 bucks.
I honestly would not fly a dog to TX in the summer and would not do it without my butt on the same plane acting as an advocate on my dog's behalf. When I flew my greyhound from GA to CA for an agility invitational, I tipped just about everyone that handled his carrier. I gave the pilot a picture and note just to let him know that Travis was on the plane. Also seated myself where I could see Travis' carrier loaded. Of course, I am very anal :-).
I saw that someone could to a Greenville to Atlanta. I could do Atlanta to Birmingham.
Oh I never thought about the heat in TX and the chance of being stuck on the tarmac somewhere. Scrub that idea.
What a great idea! I don't know if I can help but if he does not work out my sister in Law raises mastiffs and has several litters a year. Let me know how it works out. We live in MD so if he comes through I might be able to help!
Cindydianne introduced me earlier. I live in the Alanta area and do animal transprots one or twice a month. I will be glad to meet someone or even come to PA and pick up the dog and deliver it to Texas. All I will need is expense money, gas, food one nigh motel. I can be reached at 404-861-7984 if you need me.
John Coffey
Sorry, I too am a west coaster. No help to you. Cute Puppy though. I think you may have out done your self this time on the big dog scale.
Oh I hope this works for you!!! I am in SE KS, probably won't come this way but if you do have a route heading this way hit me up and I sure will help!!!
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